Hong Kong


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Hong Kong Outlook

7-Day Weather Forecast

Hong Kong Weather News

Desperate travellers blamed poor arrangements by airlines for their confusion and delayed trips, as thousands were still stranded at Chek Lap Kok airport yesterday in the aftermath of Severe...

Passengers trapped for six hours on a Dragonair plane on the tarmac at Hong Kong airport at the height of Typhoon Vicente went through a grim ordeal as the aircraft was rocked by the blasting...

Some Hongkongers get annoyed waiting more than a couple of minutes for a train. So imagine having to wait all night.

International Weather News

New York City and much of the US Northeast yesterday dug out from a snowstorm that walloped a region still struggling to recover from superstorm Sandy.

Beijing issued its second-highest blizzard alert on Sunday after the Chinese capital was hit by an unusually early snowstorm four days before the start of a key political meeting.

    Non HK Forecasts Provided by World Meteorological Organisation


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