Newest Lists

a list of 9 people by mscmks created 10 minutes ago
a list of 13 titles by jomarorton created 13 minutes ago
a list of 3 titles by mscmks created 15 minutes ago
a list of 3 titles by shiyardiagariepy created 18 minutes ago
a list of 3 titles by mscmks created 21 minutes ago
a list of 7 titles by biel-medeiros-502-772837 created 24 minutes ago
a list of 5 titles by chiclaclet created 24 minutes ago
a list of 10 titles by airbourne47 created 33 minutes ago
The best documentaries and films based on bands and their music ever created
a list of 9 titles by diegoballar created 34 minutes ago
a list of 25 people by dziwnytenswiat created 35 minutes ago
From all films I've seen. Rules for the Ranking: my personal rating + the imdb rating x votes. All of them started in leading roles latest in the 1950ies.
a list of 12 people by mscmks created 35 minutes ago
a list of 157 titles by A D created 35 minutes ago
a list of 2 titles by wibi_iii created 40 minutes ago
a list of 2 titles by tinkeray created 42 minutes ago
a list of 17 people by flipflopfly87 created 45 minutes ago
All the young actresses now aint got nothin' on these women because these women got it going on!
a list of 94 titles by jomarorton created 45 minutes ago
a list of 20 titles by airbourne47 created 45 minutes ago
This list is made up of different films to watch out for that have a release date of 2013 in the UK. More films will be added when they are announced
a list of 15 titles by dano-c-333-351992 created 49 minutes ago
a list of 5 titles by alexzangari created 51 minutes ago
a list of 12 titles by RevelYell created 53 minutes ago
a list of 25 people by dziwnytenswiat created 54 minutes ago
From all films I've seen. Rules for the Ranking: my personal rating + the imdb rating x votes. All of them started in leading roles latest in the 1950ies.
a list of 10 titles by airbourne47 created 54 minutes ago
These are my personal favourite movie and television releases on DVD in the UK during 2012 in no particular order
a list of 11 titles by scrapbook_gal75 created 55 minutes ago
In order of expected release date from January to December
a list of 4 people by jordangepana created 56 minutes ago
still on-going :))))
suggestions accepted :))))
a list of 31 titles by Lilwayne347 created 59 minutes ago
All the movies I have watched.
a list of 7 titles by Marcel-17 created 1 hour ago
a list of 3 titles by moon_lit created 1 hour ago
a list of 13 titles by stevie-rae created 1 hour ago
a list of 13 titles by alexzangari created 1 hour ago
a list of 6 people by rjul75 created 1 hour ago
a list of 18 titles by marianaaraujo129 created 1 hour ago
a list of 3 titles by xEdgaras created 1 hour ago
a list of 16 titles by bluesilvr created 1 hour ago
a list of 18 people by vincentgarcia12 created 1 hour ago
If they decline or dropped out, I have other choice
a list of 27 titles by semicolin1 created 1 hour ago
a list of 43 people by tamara_star created 1 hour ago
a list of 10 titles by xEdgaras created 1 hour ago
a list of 3 titles by jj-482-383561 created 1 hour ago
a list of 16 titles by artsymusings created 1 hour ago
Sequels of movies that rocked.
a list of 100 people by Rockford-Files created 1 hour ago
a list of 10 titles by kennethcmuller created 1 hour ago
a list of 35 titles by joshuarjustice created 2 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by mishra-anu21 created 2 hours ago
a list of 8 people by j-a-john-andersson created 2 hours ago
a list of 10 people by kennethcmuller created 2 hours ago
a list of 2 titles by jpmaree3 created 2 hours ago
Video Shop.
a list of 7 titles by nlomeli created 2 hours ago
One wasn't enough, these movies should have produced a sequel...
a list of 8 characters by love_helena created 2 hours ago
a list of 34 people by mfc2496 created 2 hours ago
This is purely my opinion. In no particular order of hotness =)
a list of 201 titles by amanda-wilson20 created 2 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by jmclaughlin90 created 2 hours ago
a list of 9 titles by bluesilvr created 2 hours ago
a list of 13 titles by shaima_d created 2 hours ago
a list of 5 characters by nlomeli created 2 hours ago
I cheered when these characters meet their end...
a list of 13 titles by campdotson created 2 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by joaniecaron created 2 hours ago
a list of 126 titles by OzymandiasKillingJoke created 2 hours ago
I've included essays and reviews that I have written on select items. If you haven't seen these films, you better run out and do so immediately. I am no movie snob, I have a very honest taste. I am not just including safe titles.

This list is not in any sort of order. Just a checklist of sorts for beginners.
a list of 10 titles by dkurniawan created 2 hours ago
Here is my 10 Best of least until 2011..
a list of 10 titles by jeremovbuff created 2 hours ago
a list of 3 titles by dgratton1976 created 2 hours ago
a list of 9 titles by jeremovbuff created 2 hours ago
a list of 13 titles by johanneslarsson78 created 2 hours ago
a list of 8 titles by jeremovbuff created 2 hours ago
a list of 14 titles by PhilippeCaufriez created 2 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by mttwbeebe created 3 hours ago
I am referring to both seasons of code geass and all movies of Kara no Kyoukai at their respective spots, and just season 1 for darker than black.
a list of 2 titles by whybrr created 3 hours ago
Best films in the year 2012.
a list of 258 titles by singhavirojk created 3 hours ago
a list of 11 titles by jean-tam created 3 hours ago
a list of 21 titles by mandyb2012 created 3 hours ago
movies for the dorm
a list of 8 titles by sarahprechtl created 3 hours ago
a list of 63 titles by jean-tam created 3 hours ago
a list of 10 characters by nlomeli created 3 hours ago
Some deaths I really wish didn't happen, to some of my favorite TV characters.
a list of 3 titles by rachaelt22 created 3 hours ago
a list of 20 titles by kaiyuhcolin created 3 hours ago
20 movies that are simply beautiful!
a list of 20 titles by seltonejock2 created 3 hours ago
a list of 60 characters by rkthemajestic0706-34-341258 created 3 hours ago
a list of 68 titles by jean-tam created 3 hours ago
a list of 15 titles by tlev92 created 3 hours ago
a list of 20 titles by nlomeli created 3 hours ago
I can watch these shows forever...
a list of 22 titles by rtgolimlim723 created 3 hours ago
Movie list of UIP
a list of 430 titles by ian_gillette created 3 hours ago
Any movies I've watched...past and present
a list of 2 titles by der9red9 created 3 hours ago
a list of 41 titles by tybrands-1 created 3 hours ago
a list of 50 titles by diggswu created 3 hours ago
a list of 2 people by pollitz94 created 3 hours ago
People I think gave notable performances in certain roles
a list of 65 titles by pollitz94 created 3 hours ago
A compilation of some foreign films I've watched over the years (mostly from Japan and other parts of Asia)
a list of 117 titles by camilatnakamura created 3 hours ago
a list of 6 people by pedus5718 created 3 hours ago
a list of 7 people by pedus5718 created 4 hours ago
a list of 100 titles by destimoo15 created 4 hours ago
or films with an cast filled with ton of characters star-packed and this is a list with good and bad films but which ones are the bad ones well this is my list and this is only to me ok
i also want to put Great so Great: Great
for Good films: Good
Medium: Medium
Bad: Bad
and there are some films that i haven't seen so i will right that
alright those are my ratings for these films and i will keep it in chronological order because well i like to keep it like that and yes some people are doing it but i like the idea and if you have any other films that should be on here or shouldn't be on here or even don't understand why they are on this list leave a comment well if you have a facebook because i don't
a list of 4 titles by nadal911 created 4 hours ago
a list of 13 titles by ugotit-1 created 4 hours ago
a list of 14 titles by lucymaypotter created 4 hours ago
These are my favourite tv shows. I love tv shows because they are like movies that last forever :)
a list of 6 titles by ugotit-1 created 4 hours ago
a list of 31 titles by oli_bus99 created 4 hours ago
a list of 13 people by moviesrme10 created 4 hours ago
Rated PG - 13 for death sequences , and scary images
a list of 26 titles by thefairlanesideoflife created 4 hours ago
a list of 40 titles by ongmonky-995-9183 created 4 hours ago
a list of 13 titles by ugotit-1 created 4 hours ago
a list of 15 titles by jeslin_kok created 4 hours ago
a list of 22 titles by crisso created 4 hours ago
a list of 2 titles by mikkixx_erikson created 4 hours ago
a list of 14 titles by oli_bus99 created 4 hours ago
a list of 11 titles by jurassickid97-172-310845 created 4 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by jeremyelmkies created 4 hours ago
a list of 21 people by delenn7 created 4 hours ago
a list of 37 titles by dmcampbell123 created 4 hours ago
a list of 12 titles by jurassickid97-172-310845 created 5 hours ago
a list of 6 titles by stvchu created 5 hours ago
a list of 110 titles by surender_kumar1987-531-495799 created 5 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by jurassickid97-172-310845 created 5 hours ago
a list of 14 titles by monoturtle created 5 hours ago
In no particular order.
a list of 12 titles by camwhitney created 5 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by leegalea created 5 hours ago
a list of 13 titles by Anne-menon created 5 hours ago
a list of 9 titles by nicoleb1234 created 5 hours ago
a list of 2 titles by alnaiiiif created 5 hours ago
a list of 7 titles by catphilly created 5 hours ago
a list of 110 titles by indy18 created 5 hours ago
a list of 17 titles by la_tochy04 created 5 hours ago
a list of 18 titles by mrandrewssa created 5 hours ago
my favourite movies
a list of 3 titles by kyrunter3 created 5 hours ago
Titles i have already seen.
a list of 2 titles by guanchun created 5 hours ago
top movies
a list of 91 titles by surender_kumar1987-531-495799 created 5 hours ago
a list of 151 titles by nzeffer created 5 hours ago
a list of 7 people by sindustries_ltd created 5 hours ago
Who I think would fit the roles of this film if it were remade.
a list of 5 titles by expired-love1 created 5 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by tlev92 created 5 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by omeracar created 6 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by rpasu007 created 6 hours ago
a list of 42 titles by deppscorsese29-269-956750 created 6 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by destimoo15 created 6 hours ago
Naomi Watts is really one of favorite actresses and over all just an actress that really can hold her own films why isn't she in more films, but it is true she doesn't have a lot of films more t.v. than films but the ones that she she stars in and really shows off her talent it is really ware to she her in a bad film she really is one of favorite and i do support her by seeing as much of her films in threaters as i can
a list of 24 titles by lanceturbo created 6 hours ago
a list of 20 titles by salvh created 6 hours ago
a list of 11 titles by jabba-675-479397 created 6 hours ago
a list of 189 titles by Irqumia created 6 hours ago
a list of 7 images by johanmdiaz created 6 hours ago
a list of 11 titles by davoodmarandi-531-172839 created 6 hours ago
a list of 4 titles by beamanjm created 6 hours ago
a list of 294 titles by adiannet-531-885522 created 6 hours ago
a list of 13 people by dolphinsrock81 created 6 hours ago
*Not including Seth Meyers because he doesn't perform in skits...but don't think that is a knock on him. I love Seth.
a list of 30 people by hokky92 created 6 hours ago
a list of 17 titles by stitchesaresore created 6 hours ago
a list of 100 titles by brejdenke created 6 hours ago
a list of 20 titles by edsgt created 6 hours ago
a list of 8 titles by enchanted_rose4998 created 6 hours ago
a list of 151 titles by surender_kumar1987-531-495799 created 6 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by Nuschler created 6 hours ago
a list of 3 titles by Nuschler created 6 hours ago
a list of 7 titles by Nuschler created 6 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by jabba-675-479397 created 6 hours ago
a list of 8 titles by Nuschler created 6 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by Nuschler created 6 hours ago
a list of 4 titles by Nuschler created 6 hours ago
a list of 6 titles by Nuschler created 6 hours ago
a list of 4 titles by eric-blank1 created 6 hours ago
a list of 179 titles by prankard-brown created 6 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by Nuschler created 6 hours ago
a list of 70 titles by tashlovglit created 6 hours ago
A list of shows that I have enjoyed throughtout the years in chronological order from when they first aired.
a list of 113 titles by tashlovglit created 6 hours ago
A list of shows that I have enjoyed throughtout the years in chronological order from when they first aired.
a list of 100 people by ptracy97 created 6 hours ago
a list of 2 titles by cwdauterive created 6 hours ago
a list of 11 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by paavananakinjassi created 7 hours ago
The ten comic book film series or franchises which made the most money, no.1 being the one that made the most money. So films which have been adapted from comic books.
a list of 5 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 3 titles by stitchesaresore created 7 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by jasonsuanes created 7 hours ago
a list of 26 titles by jesselax93 created 7 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by jesselax93 created 7 hours ago
a list of 11 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 12 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 84 titles by pinch_of_hope created 7 hours ago
Early gothic horror and monsters, pulp crime, technicolor exotica & action/adventures serials.
a list of 7 titles by halivero16 created 7 hours ago
a list of 19 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 19 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 21 titles by nickraeven created 7 hours ago
a list of 157 titles by yony_oo7 created 7 hours ago
a list of 8 titles by sidisto created 7 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by Ipokebadgers created 7 hours ago
a list of 10 people by GoddessCeCe created 7 hours ago
The eyes have it. These gentlemen have the most beautiful, hypnotic eyes in all of Hollywood.
a list of 24 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 9 titles by luxule created 7 hours ago
My suggestion of some great fameless films I've watched.
a list of 10 titles by Draagyn created 7 hours ago
a list of 10 characters by ejacobs23 created 7 hours ago
a list of 6 titles by happybivouac-1 created 7 hours ago
a list of 10 titles by luke-346 created 7 hours ago
Loads of omissions I know. So I've only listed 10 war films that strike a chord... on a subjective level... of course :)
a list of 29 titles by Nuschler created 7 hours ago
a list of 4 titles by stenspade created 7 hours ago
a list of 5 titles by robledo84-36-804586 created 7 hours ago
a list of 16 titles by cine_maniac created 7 hours ago
Showing lists 1 to 250 of 457558 total.
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