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9.1 Superb
Avg Score: 8.96    Total Ratings: 8901    Total Reviews: 419
When I saw the first prviews of Alias I knew that it would be a show worth watching. I was really bummed when I missen the firts episode but luckily I caught on from the second episode which was something I had never seen before. The show was so different and new and exciting. Sidney wasnīt just a double agent but she was also trying to live a normal life with friends and school. What was also great about the show was that Sidney was just a human with flaws and vulnerability but she could also really kick butt when she needed to.

The first season might have been my favourite because it was all about Sidney being a double agent. You never really knew what she would look like next and what kind of scenarios she would have to talk or fight herself out of. The fact that only few people in Sidneya life knew what she was really about made the show really intence.

The second season obviously started with Sidneys mom coming back and her dealing with that. Also Will knew Sidneys secret now and she had one more person to confide in. I was really nervous about what would happen to the show after SD-6 was gone but I think they handeled it very well. I also loved the fact that Sidney and Vaughn didnīt have to hide their feelings for each other anymore. The last episode of second season was albsolutely chilling. I couldnīt sleep at all the following night which brings us to the completely confusing beginning of the third season.

Season three had a brilliant beginning except for the fact that Vaughn was married. I just couldn`t wait to find out what actually had happened to Sidney in the past two years. When that was finally revealed I think I was a little bit dissapointed. I just had expected so much and what had happened was almost satisfying but not quite. Iīm not even sure why is that. I also think that from the very beginning of the season it was obvious that Lauren was bad because otherwise the Sidney-Vaughn-relationship would have had a very bad...ending. The fourt season brought us back to the beginning of the show a little because they were secret agents again. It was good to see more Weiss and also it was nice to see that after losing everything after season two, Sidney now got a sister and she was also starting to have her life back to "normal" (after losing those two years of her life).

I have to say that the fifth season was for me the most complicated one. Iīm not even sure if I understood all of it. I mean, the and was pretty clear but the stuff with Vaughn and his dadīs top secret stuff...I was lost sometimes about who was who and who did they work for and why. Very strange and too complicated. Or maybe Iīm just remembering it wrong. The ending was wonderful though, just the way I wanted it to end wiht sad and happy thoughts.

Anyway, I think that Alias was a great and original show and I will always love it, at leats the first couble seasons.
Report Abuse Posted May 7, 2008
10.0 Perfect
Avg Score: 9.26    Total Ratings: 13815    Total Reviews: 990
Users who disagree: 1
I didnīt start to watch this show from the first episode. I have no idea what episode I even saw first but I do know that I liked it from that moment on. I was still watching Friends whenever I happened to be infront of a TV at the right time and only when the show was coming to an end I realised how special it really was. After seeing the last episode of Friends I had to start it again from the beginning. What makes this show so special is that you can really relate to all those funny happenings that the characters get into. Obviously they have more embarrasing moments in a half an hour than I hope to have in a lifetime but thatīs the great thing about it. Friends shows that it is okay to laugh at youself sometimes.

Other really great thing about this show is that it doesnīt matter how many times you have seen all the episodes because they can still make you laugh. There are some episodes that I have watched over and over and over and over again and I still keep laughing at the same jokes. I think that is extremely amazing.

Monica and Chandler are funny individuals and a hilarious couple. I always loved their relationship in the show. Joey and Phoebe just keep on suprising me even after all these years and Ross and Rachel.. Iīm happy that they finally found the right time and place in the end.

The great chemistry between the cast is totally transfered on screen and that makes Friends beliveable. They are not just pretending to like each other but they really do like each other and that makes it really fun to watch. You can really enjoy watching the show when you know that those people really enjoy making it.

For me Friends is one of all time greats because it will always make you feel good. It is also great that even though the show is funny it deals with some serious things here and there. Oh.. And the quest stars werenīt too bad either.. Bruce Willis, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Frank Azaria for examble..(there were many other great actors ofcourse).

All you need is Friends!
Report Abuse Posted May 6, 2008
10.0 Perfect
Heath Ledger
Avg Score: 9.31    Total Ratings: 175    Total Reviews: 18
Users who agree: 2   
I canīt believe his gone. Ever since I first watched Ten things I hate about you, I thought Heath was the best. Iīve only seen four os his movies but I loved him in every one of them. He is so good looking and talented and that smile of his is simply adorable.

I just want to say that he really is one the greatest actors for me and I hope that people will remember him for a long time becase I sure will. Iīll remember Heath as a black-haired "bad boy", a knight and a cowboy at least.

Rest in Peace Heath.
Report Abuse Posted Mar 4, 2008
9.5 Superb
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Avg Score: 9.18    Total Ratings: 11692    Total Reviews: 826
First time I ever heard of a series called Buffy the vampire Slayer I was too young to watch it. I was too young because it came so late I couldnīt really watch it on school nights. One of my friends was always talking about it though so I tried to record one episode and it dinīt work for some reason and I just forgot about the whole thing.
Years later my other friend had started to watch Buffy and Angel and she recomended them to me. Since they both now came at a time I could actually watch them I got started. Ofcourse it was the end of season six on Buffy and on Angel it was the end of third so I dinīt quite understand what was going on sometimes. I still got hooked and not only because I thought David Boreanaz was unbeliveably gorgeous. However I had a new consern: How will I be able to watch every single episode of each season, both series? At that time they didnīt do much reruns where I lived and I knew I couldnīt wait for them to come on tv so I bought my first Buffy DVD. For some reason I had bought the fifth season even though I hadnīt yet seen the previous ones but it seemed such a great idea at the time. And it really was because now I knew I had to get the rest of the season too.
Next seasons I bought were first and second and then I bought the fourth. For me the order in which I watched the episodes dinīt really matter much because I had started the series from the end part and I kinda already knew what kind of things were about to happen with the major story line. (Riley was the only thing I can think of, that I dinīt understand for a long time) Anyway, whatever season I was watching, I absolutely loved it. I laughed and cried and loved and lost. Still it took me a long time to get all of the DVDīs but now Iīm so happy that I have them. Everything about Buffy the vampire Slayer is simply genious. I can only thank Joss Wheadon for bringing something this great to our lives. In every season there are so many wonderful moments that you just have to watch over and over again until your DVD player gets really tired.
I have also found some similarities to another series I adore. In both series there is one with the joking and lovable dorkiness, one is very powerful in the world of academics as well as in the real world and then one is the hero who always saves the day in the end no matter how hard it might be sometimes to do the right thing. Both heroes are human, they can make mistakes and be weak sometimes. They are the ones that have to make the hard desisions and nobody else really understands that. They sacrifice their lives and happiness for other people and thatīs the beauty of those series. You just cant get enough of the world of magic and demons and heroes who truly put others before themselves. Buffy and Angelīs realationship is...I donīt even know how to descripe it...itīs powerful! I also like Buffy and Spike in season seven (not in six so much) but the moment that Angel came back just to chat...Aah! I have to believe that what ever happened on the series wasnīt the end for them. They will always love each other and I love that!
For me this series is just everything I ever needed it to be. Buffy forever!!
Report Abuse Posted Mar 4, 2008
10.0 Perfect
The One Where Everybody Finds Out
Avg Score: 9.60    Total Ratings: 361    Total Reviews: 48
I have watched this episode many many times and I don`t understand how it can still make me laugh so hard. Again and again. Just about everything in it is so damn hilarious. Best parts being: When Phoebe first finds out. "Aaaa!!Aaaaaa! Aaaa!!! Aaa!! My Eyes!! My Eyes!!!" And Ross coming in on that and they all just jump around screaming!! (I`m giggling inside to that image) Funny thing is (what isnīt) that all of the friends have first reacted a little loudly to the news.. Weird.. Anyway.. What a better way to deal with finding out that two of your best friends are together than to mess with them..Obviously. And even now Joey is the one getting stuck in the middle of their "war" and thatīs always very funny to watch.
Phoebe and Chandlerīs "date" is, out of all the episodes, the thing that I can come back to and feel better about life because it gets me in a better mood. The dancing and flirting and kissing all of which are the most uncomfortable moments ever, ofcourse in a funny way.
And Ross, trying to get Ugly naked guyīs appartment.. If you wanna bond with ugly naked guy, donīt buy him a basket of mini muffins...get naked yourself!! Another classic moment of this episode, for sure..
Like all this wouldnīt be enough to make this episode perfect but Monica and Chandler finally REALLY tell each other that they love each other. Wonderful.
This episode also ends perfectly with Ross seeing from the window of his new appartment Monica and Chandler getting pusy..Funny!!! "What Are You Doing!! Get Off My Sister!!

So if I havenīt said it already, I truly loved this episode. Also you donīt see much of any secondary characters in this which is great because these are the people you really care about and want to see.
Report Abuse Posted Mar 3, 2008


Last online May 8, 2008 4:39 am PT
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