
Mixed or average reviews - based on 35 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally unfavorable- based on 92 Ratings

  • Summary: Written in conjunction with author George R. R. Martin, the famed "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe opens even further to reveal an additional chapter of the story. Play as 2 former soldiers of Robert’s Rebellion who, despite their different paths, need to reunite to face a new and deadly threat to the Seven Kingdoms. Travel a parallel course with the original series, interacting with familiar faces on the journey, including Cersei Lannister, Lord Commander Mormont, and Varys the Spider. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 35
  2. Negative: 10 out of 35
  1. May 15, 2012
    I would love to say that Game of Thrones is a great introduction to George R. R. Martin's world, but that simply isn't the truth. There are quite a few references to A Song of Ice and Fire and only those who are already fans of the series will get a significant amount of joy out of this title. Solid combat and interesting gameplay systems prevent it from being a licensed throwaway, but don't expect a gaming masterpiece if you're not already rooting for one of the lords of the Seven Kingdoms.
  2. May 16, 2012
    Game of Thrones pushes its story to the forefront, creating a flawed though memorable addition to the Song of Ice and Fire universe.
  3. May 23, 2012
    Game of Thrones is not the game Westeros deserved. It's a bad game in every possible aspect, it's not fun and it's not interesting. It's best to forget about it and spend our time with much better RPGs that have been released lately.

See all 35 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 16 out of 25
  2. Negative: 8 out of 25
  1. now when i watched the gameplay trailer for it i was sketchy because when you fall in love with a tv series or a movie franchise the games never live up to your expectations but so far i am loving this game if you are at home right now turn off your computer get as much money as you can a buy this god damn game im getting it on x box 360 but i dont care pc , ps3 or xbox buy this game............willy out :) peace Expand
  2. 5
    This game feels like it is one that is mostly for the fans. The fighting controls are a bit clunky and the story (although true to the source material) is a little slow and plodding. The graphics are decent but nothing that will win any awards. Character creation feels limited but has some interesting innovations such as forcing the player to balance character strengths and weaknesses. One of the better game adaptations but, Like most licensed games, it falls into the category of mediocre and only something for those passionate about the source material. Expand
  3. I can forgive the incredibly outdated graphics. I can forgive the constant glitches and horrible dialogue. I can even forgive the slow loading times. What I can't forgive is the awful AWFUL battle system. So much so that I'm on chapter 9 and contemplating just quitting (which doesn't happen often) It is literally the worst battle system I have ever encountered in years of playing RPG's. You can't really dodge attacks. Even if the enemy's sword swings on the other side of the screen, you'll still receive damage. You can't really control anything. In essence, all you do in line up some attacks and wait for your character to do them, or wait for your energy to meter to slowly build up while you run in circles around the enemy. More often than not he'll attack the wrong target, and more often than not you'll scream at your television. This game is nothing but a chore. Definitely one of the worst RPG's I've ever played. I love the books, I love the television show, but I can't stand this awfully repetitive game. Do yourself a favour and give it a miss, for your own sanity. Expand

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