Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Video Review

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  • Nov 13, 2012
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Chris Watters finds out what happens when a civilian casualty wants revenge.


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CheekSqueaker 5 pts

I'm loving this game !!! Only play Multi player and liking it very much, much better so far than MW3 !! Keep your zombies and campaign, i'll take the online play !!!!!!!!!!

ManUtd4life096 5 pts

How dare people play and enjoy a game! Aren't you listening?!? I said HOW DARE you enjoy a crappy game!! Someone listen to me!!! WHY AREN'T YOU PEOPLE LISTENING? It's a crappy game!!!!!!!!! Stop enjoying what I don't enjoy! Arghhghgh TEENAGE ANGST araghghaghgh.

hollywood1 18 pts

Most of you sound like a bunch of whiney bitches. WHO CARES if it's better or worse then Halo, WHO CARES if it's similar as last year, WHO CARES really. Ssshheesshh grow up people. Play it or don't play. Nobody is forcing you to buy this or play it if you don't want to. So STFU and move on with your life. :)

Shoinko 18 pts


I care if its the same as last year. The problem with these identikit yearly sequels is that they are stifling creativity and variety within the games industry. I am bored to death of yearly sequels to cod. People are not 'whiney bitches' for stating how they feel about that and if you think so YOU are a dumb ingoramous. (look it up thicko)

hollywood1 18 pts

actually numbnuts, if you take the time to read my comment correctly I said, who cares if it's SIMILAR as last year, NOT the same as last year. BIG difference. You're one of the whiney bitches I'm talking about, if you're "bored to death" simple, DON'T BUY IT! and it's spelt 'Ignoramus' dipshit, look that up IN A DICTIONARY.

Shoinko 18 pts


 Dont buy it? Thanks for the advice Einstein. If you don't like people posting comments about what they think of a game then you really ought to stay away from the comments section. Take a deep breath, count to ten and calm down. Now go and play your COD 10 or whatever.

CRAPCOM1926 95 pts

 hollywood1 Look Asshole the problem is that these games get more and more generic,  producer dont event try hard these day to create a good game, they just recycle games and make secuels and secuels every year of the same game, same gameplay, in the past these wasnt so bad but now in these modern days they just dont give a fuck, but right you wont undenstand it because u are some lame ass shit  novice who just start to play videogames 5 years ago.


Seriusly these is killing the industry and nobody cares. Thats sad.

hollywood1 18 pts

I honestly don't get why all the hate. Okay, so it has the same feel as previous COD games but that's why you like them?? Right?? There is a lot of new stuff in Black Ops 2. Just watch the review and he'll show ya.

Zatto-1 35 pts

3:22 It seems somebody didn't really understood the word "sammich".

Kazmo-Khan 19 pts

As someone who has played only Modern Warfare 1 and 2, I'm really enjoying this so far. I can only speak for Multiplayer though, at the moment that's all I have done.

MikeManiac61 16 pts

I just came here to see hate. Don't judge

Dredcrumb9 67 pts

Is there a code to turn off the hitmarkers during the? campaign? As a FPS gamer I find it makes the campaign feel unrealistic and arcade like. I find? it insulting to my intelligence that an x needs to show up whenever i make a hit. I played on Veteran and the hitmarkers are still there. Anyone know how to turn off hitmarkers?

jay_rock_ 25 pts

@Keitha313 Man you sound like a crying 5 year old lmao!

pm6guy 5 pts

I feel like for once since the beginning, this one may actually deserve the score it got. It's doubtful I'll buy it, but it's so nice to finally see some innovation at work

GetafixOz 103 pts

I doubt I will be bothering with this for the first time in the franchise history. Best way I could describe BO1 would be "weak". Weak story, weak AI, weak feeling guns with weak sounds. Considering how many games I am waiting to fall into the bargain bin already, I doubt I will ever get around to buying this one. How sad that you can turn a fan who pre-ordered every title up to BO1 into someone who no longer cares about the franchise at all. Nice job.

3qU1L1Br1Um 17 pts

Why do I get no sound on this video, too many people watching? :o

Dr-Ayyub 6 pts

thanks activision for this awesome game

Keitha313 52 pts

This game only gets a 8.0 whilst MW3 gets a 8.5, oooh my god!

What a load of bullshit how do you rate a game lower than MW3 when it is clearly better, adds more variety to the game and actually wants to try and make the game a little bit more competitive.

Is it anything to do with the fact Halo 4 has recently came out which is the worst one to date!

Well done G$... Once again proving why you and M$ are bro buddies.

Ink129 52 pts


This one for Feedbackula! And the comment about Halo 4 makes no sense by the way.

Keitha313 52 pts

 Ink129 It does make sense, they moved more away from the roots of Halo adding increase damage output for the weapons, drop in perks and drop in weapons...

Ink129 52 pts

 Keitha313 And? What does this have to do with Black Ops' score?

Wolfewood 5 pts

I may get this game to check out the campaign mode...COD games are always entertaining...but I am staying faaar away from the MP. I am too busy playing Halo 4 or BF3. The way I see it...if you aren't good enough to play Halo or BF3 online you play COD.

Stesilaus 58 pts

I can't imagine why I would need this game.  I'm sure there'll be Black cops in GTA V.  :P


PHOENIX1617 5 pts

I bought every CoD since now, black ops 2 is a shame

The only "good" thing is the campaign, the multiplayer is always the same since Call of Duty 4, zombie really sucks..

When they will do important changes like a new game engine i might think to buy a new CoD ..

skipping this one for sure

luis4800 41 pts

 PHOENIX1617 I was talking about multiplayer I haven't touched the Campaign yet, If you purchased you'll know.

luis4800 41 pts

People were complaining that all the COD are the same, they changed it up with this one and ppl are still complaining.

hollywood1 18 pts

 Xavmaster12 ... is over rated :)

luis4800 41 pts

Now that's what I call a Treyarch sequel. The future is Black.

metal_core 15 pts

ohh ohoh man, I'm smelling a feedbackula feast here, fuck yes! :)

xan114 24 pts

score too high imo. should be a 7. call of duty is getting stale. 

twentymooseman 11 pts

Wow, this looks like the first COD I'd consider buying in a long time.

the-medz 5 pts

this is the best FPS ever imo!

CloWnCircus 71 pts

From here thou shall feast, oh great Lord Feedbackula.

Ravenlock_2112 102 pts

Well, if noobtubers, quickscoping and akimbo noobs aren't fixed and cheaters still cant be kicked I dont see why I should get it. These things always been a pest in this game and are the reason I stopped buying it after MW2. 

Venom951 11 pts

Pretty much people are mad it got a 8 because Halo got a 9 . Pretty sad you guys really care get off the net and go play video games. :)

megaspiderweb09 30 pts

I am not much of a multiplayer person, Zombies was fun and seem expanded, however the campaign is where i think treyach deserves alot of praise for, i salute them for having the balls to try alot for the campaign, even tho they didnt reach incredible heights, atleast its a stepping stone in the right direction for a recycled franchise

DS-man 6 pts

8/10 is a good score, Considering GS has been rating shooters low (and other games at that matter) but i dont understand why it got lower than MW3 when its an improvement over MW3 O_o, That i dont understand

Biggs613 195 pts

I think it's a fair score. I do see some of the changes that Treyarch has brought to the game to breath some life into an old formula, some of them work, and some of them don't, at least for me. The strikeforce missions are a perfect example. Swapping between units and ordering soldiers around is fine for some games, and it probably could have worked, but it just doesn't feel like it was done right. These are missions that could have fit into the game perfectly fine as regular missions. But then I guess nothing would have changed, and blah blah blah, the debate continues. If you love it, great. If you hate it, great. Either way, I think it's a fair review.

mackinator13 5 pts

Why is there an image of a boy showing up faintly and then fading out at 1:14?  Is that part of the game?  It was weird.

Biggs613 195 pts

 mackinator13 Yes, it's part of the game. A flashback squence into one of the characters to provide some back story.

zoeyleft 175 pts

6:16 also, glad to hear that the future clubs of 2025 still uses dubstep.... right.

zoeyleft 175 pts

does the companies advertising on gamespot's videos know that gamespot is FORCING AN AD CLICK WHEN YOU JUST WANT TO ENLARGE THE VIDEO?!if they don't know this, then gamespot is doing something foul here.


killer_tarugo 7 pts

next year modern warfare 4 then black ops 3 the following year...this is just the same cycle over and over again...and guess what fanboy kids still wastes their $$$ on this

Raiden8 8 pts

I only heard good things in this review, so why 8? I really don't understand that part.

ffspyda 29 pts

 Raiden8 that's exactly the point my friend, 8 means good or great...not superb!

Derugs 37 pts

Who CARES about the plot!  

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