
E-Mail Address:spammers suck
Contribution Rating:829 (ranked 354th; 23 in last year)
Member SinceNov 03, 2004
# Messages Posted:5
Location:Switzerland Switzerland flag
About myself:Hi, I'm Bregalad, etc... I like video games in general and find this is an underrated form of art. The games I play most are japaneese games, especially old 2D action games, and RPGs (both old and new). The main reason for that is that I find useless to spend countless money to keep buying up recent hardware and software when the old cheap used stuff entertains just as well, and I just fell in love with the Japanese RPG genre. I'm especially fan of the Final Fantasy series, Chrono Trigger and other Squaresoft games, as well as most games from the Mega Man series. I also love Fire Emblem series, and Castlevania series, but got the opportunity to play only a few of those compared to all those that came out.

I'm from Switzerland, I'm currently a student in electronics at EPF Lausanne, and I basically speak french, but I'm learing english on the net, and since videogames sites in french has a lower quality than those in english...... so please forgive my misspellings. I'm doing constant practice, so it can only grow better and better.

I like the international mentatily of Moby Games (after all it's what is so good with the internet, you can talk to people over the whole world). I also like the search engines (very practical) and the fact old games are considered equal with new games.

I also do some little game developpement for the NES right now, I start with my first few projects. My greatest ambition would be to get friends and eventually build up a team of spare-time game developpers. My webpage about this is there :


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