Death's Greatest Hits: The 10 Funniest Death Scenes

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This article is sponsored in part by Darksiders II, in stores August 14th.

There are bold heroes from literature and film who look death in the eye and laugh. This is not that list. We are celebrating movie characters who looked death in the eye and made us laugh. Whether they die because of their own stupidity or clumsiness, the creativity of a savvy director or the ingenuity of their opponent, these characters all kept us laughing through their end.

Sure, it's summer out and we should be playing ball outside rather than Googling our favorite death scenes by the sickening glow of our laptops. However, Horseman Death, the main character in the upcoming Darksiders II video game, has gotten us preoccupied with our favorite death scenes on film. How could we not get to the funniest ones? So, after much research and chuckling, we have narrowed down the 10 most hilarious death scenes ever committed to celluloid.

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By Ryan McKee Ryan McKee
Ryan McKee is a writer and comedian in New York City. He's been featured on Last Comic Standing, wrote for Trivial Pursuit, and contributes regularly to a variety of men's sites. Fear his somersaults; they're both dangerous and impressive, even when he's intoxicated.
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