Final Fantasy III

Released Date: March 24, 2011


  • Final Fantasy III iPhone Review

    March 25, 2011 - Once known as the Final Fantasy that never came to America, the DS remake of Final Fantasy III is now available on the App Store.

  • Would You Pay Big (iPhone) Bucks for Final Fantasy III?

    March 24, 2011 - Final Fantasy III for iPhone is now for sale in the App Store. However, it is decidedly not "on sale."

  • Final Fantasy III Now Available On iPhone/iPod Touch

    March 24, 2011 - Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX interactive entertainment products in North America, announced today that FINAL FANTASY III, which has received global acclaim on several platforms, is now available as part of a worldwide simultaneous release for the iPhone and iPod touch.

  • Final Fantasy III for iPhone in Action

    February 25, 2011 - Final Fantasy III for iOS is a remake of the DS remake. Check out first screens and video of the classic RPG.

  • Final Fantasy III iOS-Bound

    February 22, 2011 - Which version will the iPhone get? The Nintendo DS remake or a port of the NES original?

  • Is Final Fantasy VII Overrated?

    March 3, 2009 - Videogames are occasionally overrated, but some titles just take on a rhapsodic life of their own. They achieve a mythical status that makes them practically impervious to anything but the most glowing analysis. A passionate fanbase digs a moat around a game to defend it against criticism of any sort; even benign curiosity about an aspect of the game that might be improved is treated with open hostility. But as videogames mature, it's important to cast a critical eye back at the so-called sacred cows of videogames. How else can game design improve if we do not seriously consider the possible demerits of even the most vaunted games? With that as a mission statement of sorts, IGN Retro is taking a look at videogames that are possibly overrated. First, we took a critical look at the enshrined Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Now, Square's magnum opus, Final Fantasy VII, gets the same treatment.

  • IGN Presents: The History of Final Fantasy VII

    April 30, 2008 - In 1987, Hironobu Sakaguchi was planning his retirement from the gaming industry. Square, the four-year-old company he co-founded, faced imminent bankruptcy after a string of disappointing Famicom releases, while competitor Enix surged ahead with a new game called Dragon Quest. Sakaguchi knew he could do better than Dragon Quest, and boldly decided to prove it with one final fantasy-adventure RPG people would remember long after Square faded into history. He named it accordingly. Five sequels later, Final Fantasy proved anything but a finale. By the end of 1994, Square was a developer with some weight behind the name, and Sakaguchi was their executive wunderkind. They'd branched out with other successful titles like Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger, earned a place as one of Nintendo's top third-party developers, and slowly moved into the prized American market. With Final Fantasy VI in the can, Sakaguchi and his team had choices to make on where to take their venerable series next, and their decisions not only changed their company forever, but the entire gaming industry. Seven was about to become everyone's lucky number.

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