Dating Very Attractive Women

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Let's be honest: Good-looking women in the 21st century have the world -- literally -- by the balls. That's because for very attractive women men are panting puppets, sex is available on demand and money flows from male wallets in a never-ending stream of avarice.

Without lifting a finger, very attractive women enjoy lives that most people can only fantasize about.

For men, the lure of dating very attractive women is obvious as they are arm candy, boost self-esteem, increase social status among men, multiply a guy's sexual desirability, and hot women are just damn good to look at. While all of this is well and good, very attractive women have their dark side and can be shallow, self-centered and self-absorbed, not to mention that many of them are selfish, think that their vaginas are gold-plated, and are manipulators, among many other negative qualities.

Despite these drawbacks, very attractive women are what most guys look for. Since these women are constantly bombarded with male attention, they can afford to be highly selective about the men they date, which usually lands them some dude with money first and good looks second.

Is there any hope for you if you don't have extremely good looks or lots of cash? Well, you just might be able give yourself a decent shot if you're willing to make a couple of shifts in your dating strategy and take our advice on dating very attractive women.

The key to success with dating very attractive women is to be different. Beautiful women have heard it all, so if you want a chance at very attractive women, you're going to have to do something different.

Here are a few examples of what it takes when dating very attractive women:

Treat her like she's nothing special

Talk to her like you would any other person. Don't act awestruck by her looks, don't gush out compliments and never stare at her with lust. Reduce the intimidation factor, be debonair and seem aloof, as if you don't care about her looks. Whatever you do, don't assume she doesn't want to talk to you. Dating very attractive women requires you to almost seem indifferent.

Don't hit on her

This is what she expects from the typical guy, so just make like you're ignoring her. This is a great technique to use if you run into very attractive women on a routine basis at work, a coffee shop or a health club. If you don't give her any attention -- while openly paying attention to other women -- she won't be able to stand it because you'll be the only guy within a hundred miles who isn't drooling over her. With luck, she'll be intrigued. Avoid pickup lines at all costs.

Tease her

Very attractive women can sense fear and insecurity the way a moth smells pheromones, so be light, fun and entertaining. Boyish charm can take you a long way with these women -- many of the great-looking guys they date can be seriously personality-challenged.

Dating very attractive women requires a seemingly big ego... Next Page >>

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Matthew Fitzgerald is the author of Sex-Ploytation. He has appeared on radio shows from coast-to-coast in the United States and in Canada, and has been featured on The Montel Williams Show and The Other Half.
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