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Primal Carnage

The Ranking

70.00% Overall Rank: n/a
PC Rank: n/a
2012 Games Rank: n/a
2012 PC Rank: n/a
Score based on 1 review


Primal Carnage is an asymmetrical online-multiplayer class-based game of humans versus dinosaurs. Choose to play as either side and prepare to engage in a heart-pounding, fun, and visceral experience of combat, stealth, strategy, and survival. Hunt and be hunted!
Release Date: October 29, 2012

Latest Articles

Cheat Code Central 11/02/12 Review 3.5 out of 5
GameSpot 04/02/12 Screenshots n/a
GameSpot 05/08/12 Movie n/a

Primal Carnage Resources


Visit GameFAQs for more Primal Carnage, including 76 cheats and 1 box shot .


Visit GameSpot for more Primal Carnage, including 8 screenshots and 4 gameplay movies .