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Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller

Nick Chester, Former Editor-in-Chief (2011)
1:40 PM on 03.23.2011
Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller photo

I picked up my first guitar when I was in elementary school, and I asked my father -- an amateur guitarist who strummed along along to David Bowie vinyl records for fun -- to teach me a basic chord. It wasn’t 15 minutes before my whining began: my fingers were too small, the strings were too tough... the human hand doesn’t stretch like that, I complained.

Long story short: I decided I was fine listening to Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid” while playing Metroid; I didn’t need to be playing Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid” while listening to Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid.”

A few years later, I picked up the six-string again on my own. What followed was years of me finding my own way, listening to music carefully and figuring out what I was doing on my own. With an experienced teacher at your side, learning an instrument can be a frustrating, even dull process. You can imagine what it's like going in blind, learning the language of the instrument on your own.

Last year, Harmonix launched Rock Band 3 with its revolutionary new Pro Guitar modes. Marrying the reward-based gameplay of the Rock Band franchise with play that mirrored playing a real six-string guitar, the developer managed to create a teaching tool that also happened to be a fun videogame. This year, Fender released a six-string Squier designed specifically for use with for Rock Band 3 -- an amalgamation of a real guitar and a videogame controller.

A few weeks back, Harmonix sent me the guitar to try out. While it’s not the only way to learn to play and maybe not even the best, it’s certainly the most fun, and the most authentic guitar experience on any console to date.

The first thing you notice about the Fender Squier Guitar and Controller out of the box is that, yes, it’s both a guitar and a controller. The thing is bigger and has more weight than any guitar peripheral that has come before it. Detractors of the peripheral-based music games have always called the plastic instruments “toys,” and in comparison to a real guitar, that’s not entirely unfair. While the standard guitar controller did a great job of getting folks accustomed to how to hold a guitar and the association between pressing a fret and strumming, there’s really nothing like the real thing. That’s exactly what the Squier is: the real thing.

This is a full-size guitar with six real guitar strings, based off of Fender’s Squier series of guitars. It can be played as a real guitar through a standard guitar amplifier, used to play Rock Band 3 Pro Modes using the MIDI adapter (sold separately), and even used as a MIDI instrument if you have the appropriate equipment.

As an all-in-one package, it’s an absolutely spectacular piece of hardware, and how it interfaces with the Rock Band game is just as impressive. As a standalone guitar, you should know what you’re getting, and that’s an introductory-level guitar. It’s based off of Fender’s Squier Stratocaster series, one of the cheapest available in the company’s broad line of six-string instruments. What that means is that this is not the guitar you’re going to want to take on the road with you when you land that first big (or small, more likely) gig.

Even with that in mind, as a beginner’s instrument -- and that’s what you’re paying for, to be clear -- it’s perfect. The guitar itself only features one pickup and no real way to alter its tone, so your sound options are limited. I also found that keeping the instrument in tune was a bit of a struggle; I seemingly had to readjust the tuning every time I picked it up. As an inexpensive starter instrument, the Squier guitar controller is ideal; for the price, you'd likely be dealing with similar issues on a standard guitar anyhow.

Where the instrument really shines is as a learning tool when matched with the Rock Band software. Alone, the Squier has no way to talk to your game console, so you’re going to need the Mad Catz MIDI Pro Adapter, sold separately. It’s a bit disappointing that after spending nearly $300 on the Squier, you’ll have to shell out another $40 just to use it with the Rock Band game, but what are you going to do?

The setup is fairly straightforward, but certainly more complicated than pressing a single button and linking it to your console. The Squier gets connected to the MIDI adapter, and then the MIDI adapter gets connected to your console of choice (in my case, the Xbox 360). It’s not a huge hassle, but the extra cords lying around your living room aren’t the prettiest sight, and your cat might get tangled up in it and choke or something.

The controller also features a full set of buttons, along with a D-pad for menu navigation. However, when using the instrument with an Xbox 360, those buttons are just for show -- you’ll need to use the MIDI adapter to navigate all menus. (This has something to with Microsoft’s wild and crazy Xbox 360 controller standards; Harmonix’s and Fender’s hands were tied on this one, I’d imagine.) While it’s possible to use your toes if you have foot dexterity and want to play standing up, I found it more comfortable to the MIDI controller on my lap within arm's reach. This is particularly helpful when you’re using the guitar to play through the extensive tutorials, as that requires frequent navigation.

Those gripes aside, the Squier guitar controller is absolutely the best way to play along with Rock Band 3’s Pro Modes. While the Fender Mustang PRO controller does a reasonably good job of mimicking a real instrument, with its 102 buttons and “real strings” for strumming, there’s nothing quite like the real thing. The feeling of actual strings beneath your fingers as you form chords and hit notes is absolutely essential, as are the resulting calluses that a beginner (or someone who isn’t in playing shape, like myself) is sure to get.

I found that in both strumming and fretting, the guitar and game were able to communicate quickly enough with one another that I never felt as if I were being “cheated” out of notes. On the contrary, playing along with the game’s songs made me realize how sloppy of a player I actually am. Rock Band 3 and the Squier demand perfection; the instrument should come with a ruler so you can whack yourself on the knuckles when you miss notes.

The game simply is not kidding around -- it requires perfect fret placement on every note and exact strumming for every rhythm. Learning on your own or even with an instructor at your side, you’d find that you’d be able to hit “imperfectly placed” notes that would still ring and sound just fine. Rock Band 3 and the Squier don’t want to hear any of that noise; they want to make you a perfect guitar-playing machine.

The guitar has two “modes” -- one for when you’re playing through an amp, and one for playing with the game. It’s as simple as pushing in or raising the small pop-up string mute that dampens the the strings when playing the game. This allows for the game to more accurately detect notes that are being strummed; without it, the sounds ring out and the game tends to get confused, causing you to “miss” notes.

With the mute on, strumming along lets out a pretty loud and somewhat unpleasant chugging noise. I personally found it distracting, and would recommend playing along with a pair of headphones. It is possible to play along with the game with the mute off; I found this easier to do, as I generally play along by ear, and was able to correct wrong fingering more quickly. However, don’t expect to get in-game high scores -- without the mute on, you’re destined to have the game dock you for missing notes, even if you’re Joe Satriani or that one guy who plays nine guitars at once.

Musicians know that playing an instrument can be a rush like no other, but it’s all of that learning between them and the live performance that gets in the way. The general rule, whether it applies to everyone and everything or not, is that learning isn’t very much fun. It’s about tedium, rules, patience, and hours of practice. What’s absolutely most impressive about the Rock Band 3/Squier combination is that it turns this idea on its head. Harmonix has done an absolutely brilliant job of bridging the gap between gameplay and learning with its Pro Modes.

I had the opportunity to see the potential of the guitar in action when I gently nudged my wife -- someone who had never played a guitar in her life -- to give it a shot. I watched as she bit her lip in frustration trying to form chords and nail scales for a few hours. But when it clicked, it really clicked -- she was playing basic chords within a few days of playing. It really dawned on me how powerful of a tool it could be when I walked into our bedroom to find her playing a Bruce Springsteen song (which she managed to learn on her own, unprompted) on our acoustic guitar. This was only one week after I had first put a Pro guitar in her hand, mind you.

The software and hardware have their limits; the game doesn’t account for many intricacies of playing you’ll have to pick up on your own. It’s not a substitute for professional lessons by any stretch. But if they made tricycles with 20-inch rims that looked like they were straight out of a Lil’ Wayne video, the Squier/Rock Band 3 combo would be their musical equivalent.

If you’re at all interested in learning guitar but haven’t known where to start, I can’t recommend Rock Band 3’s Pro Mode enough. It’s the perfect jumping off point for beginners, using a basic gaming language you likely already understand. Of course, the big consideration is price -- the 102-button Fender Mustang controller is going to run you a little over $100; the Squier plus the required MIDI adapter means over $300 out of pocket.

If you’re serious about embracing what the Pro Mode has to offer, despite its cost, the Squier is your better bet of the two options. The Mustang is a good approximation, but it’s still a controller at the end of the day. Getting your fingers on authentic strings is essential to the playing experience, calluses and all. There’s also something to be said about being able to immediately start strumming out a song “for real” by simply un-muting the strings as you sit in front of the game. That almost immediate sense of accomplishment, and seeing true progress, will definitely go a long way in pushing beginner musicians through early frustrations.

Taking that first leap into learning an instrument can be expensive, scary, and sometimes discouraging. Admittedly, that also describes the price tag of the Squier, plus all of the additional equipment (a console, MIDI adapters, the game) you’ll need to get started. But when you compare it to the price of professional lessons and the purchase of a standalone instrument, the value becomes that much clearer.

There are a lot of avenues for learning to play guitar, but there are few that are as enjoyable as this.

Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller photo
Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller photo
Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller photo
Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller photo
Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller photo
Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller photo
Review: Rock Band 3 Fender Squier guitar controller photo

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Wow $300 to learn how to play the guitar?

Second hand acoustic + internet "tabs" = under $100

I addressed that in my review, but you seemed to have missed the point.
Excellent review Nick! I enjoyed reading this. It was informative and well put. I currently do not own this but have considered the purchase, and you have definitely put things into perspective for me. I know people are going to bash the hell out of the product because they're guitar snobs or what have you. For everyone else who realizes what this is, I'm sure will appreciate this.

No, it's not the top of the line and as you said, has it's faults, and isn't meant for performing at bars or the like. It's a peripheral with limited potential in some areas and great potential in others.
@Nick Chester
Whoops, your totally right!

Once I saw the price point I couldn't finish reading the entire post I just jumped down to start typing, lol.

I also agree with you that this would be quiet the enjoyable way to learn how to play and the feeling afterwards of getting the song down pat and then ripping it out!
I personally have the mustang, and I really love it, I've learned many songs faster then I ever thought possible. Though I do miss the feel of real strings, would make finding the correct hand placement tons easier. I'd love to pick this up... But 340+ shipping and tax is wayyyyy to much for a college student like me :(.

Anyways, good review! You can't really explain to people how great the trainers in RB3 are, they just have to try it.
Looks great. I know it's for cost reasons, but the Squier part of it turns me off. On the other hand, it always felt like a toy, so it kind of ties into being a game controller.

It's meant for beginners though, so it's worth it for that audience. I'm sure a few people will lust after it how I lusted after the drum peripherals.
What's with the weird front-bolt-on?

Also, any word on how it sounds played through an amp?
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pick this up. I was late getting into guitar, and I never really had a chance to advance much past a beginner playing level before I sold my guitar about 7 years ago after moving into a condo. Since getting into my house I've been interested in getting back on the horse, and this could be a fun way to start out again.
Mannn, I do want this! Been waiting forever! Ugh, still going to have to wait for a sale, though..

Thanks SO MUCH for the review, Nick!
As someone who has been procrastinating on learning the guitar, this would be perfect. I even already have a midi-adapter for my keyboard, but the $300 price tag is still a huge barrier to overcome. I make decent money, but it's still hard to come up with that kind of 'disposable' cash.

I waited till the ION drum kit dropped to $200 before I picked it up and I still feel like I kinda let myself get ripped off.
ive been wanting to learn how to play guitar for a while but $300 is a lot.thats about 240.thanks for the review i will seriously consider buying it
How do Pro Mode in Rock Band 3 account for string bending? Instead of bending a note a whole step up, you would have to fret the string at that note?
I'll chime in and say its definitely interesting. Having had no real guitar experience, its awesome to pick up the guitar and play a few notes. A few things that weren't mentioned in the review: mine didn't come with a pick, also if you plan to play it outside the game, you'll need to get your hands on a tuner. Like it was mentioned, it required near constant tuning, but that might be because of the stiff strings which will stretch over time. Lastly, you can only use certain strings to maintain the MIDI/game functionality. Plus, since the fretboard is plastic, it will sound a bit different.
I was really tempted to buy this, but Best Buy are being total dicks about it, continually backlogging the guitar, and now Ubisoft has a game where I can use my own, nicer instruments. I don't know what I'd do if Ubi puts out a shitty game, however, and I missed the boat on this.

Is it easy to learn a song on tabs and then play along with this? Coming from an average guitar player, will I be consistently annoyed by the flaw you mention with being precise with every note?

I guess what I'm asking is, is it FUN for people who already know how to do most of the stuff this game presents, or am I better of leaving this be?
@greylocke no bending. Each fret is divided into 6 parts, one for each string. There's a gap between each segment, so any bending can potentially push the string into the gap. The segments on the fret is how the game determines where you're holding down on the strings. When the string touches the fret, it completes the circuit. That's why this guitar requires a certain material string.
@rockefellow. My biggest gripe with pro mode guitar is that chord notation is not easy to sightread. Watch some videos to get a feel for it and ask yourself if it makes sense. Its different enough from tabs as to be challenging to learn, IMO.
How does Rock Band 3 map out songs that have string bends in them?
I think this is going to promote sloppy guitar playing more than anything. The lack of dynamics like vibrato, string bending, string muting etc.. will probably fool people into thinking they sound good because of what comes out of the speaker on the tv in relation to what is actually being played on the guitar.
Would you recommend this for someone who's already an experienced guitarist? I'm interested to know how challenging the expert mode is.
@greylocke it doesn't.

@space moose IMO, its the exact opposite. If you play with the string mute off, you get immediate aural feedback. You can tell that what you're playing is different sounding than what's in the game. Anyone who is seriously trying to learn will wonder what's going on. That argument makes more sense against the mustang.
Er..to be more precise I don't know, I assume fretting.
Do want!
I just picked mine up last Friday. I do love the fact that I have an excuse to pick up a guitar again, and my roommate is wowed by the fact that I can go through a "Learn This Song" mode, and then jump back into the song and 4 or 5 star it. My only beef is, as Nick said, the game DEMANDS perfection when nailing your chords. I.E. if you're making your barre chord and your pinky is a quarter of a centimeter too low (bending the string down just a tiny bit, for example), you miss the whole chord.

Other than that, it's fantastic, and my fingertips missed those callouses like crazy!!!
Can't wait for these in Canananananada, been looking forward to this since E3. Thanks Chesty!
You call this a review? Where's the score?!?! 0/11

Nice write up anyway. Wish they'd bring the price down a little bit, I'd love to pick one of these up but $300 is just a bit too pricey.

One question that you didn't touch on though, is the same guitar usable with both the Xbox and PS3 MIDI controllers? Seems like that wouldn't be a terrible reason to have those parts sold separately.
I'm sure it's awesome but i'll stick with my madcatz mustanng because it does the job just as well and i already own 2 other guitars
Personally I wouldn't recommend that anyone who is genuinely interested in learning guitar spend less than $300. Spend less and you're likely going to end up with a piece of shit that you will hate playing. Obviously there are deals to be had on used instruments below that price point, but spotting them would be infinitely more difficult for someone who doesn't already know how to play.
Really, if you enjoy pro mode enough (I won't, I suck at real guitar), it would be easy enough to upgrade that guitar so that it no longer sucks. Locking tuners, a better pickup, whatever else you wanted. As long as the MIDI port still works, it'll work in game.
Bleh. I played the prototype of this controller a while back and by god it was the worst excuse for a "guitar" I have ever seen. I'm willing to believe that the final, finished product is a little better but you're still paying extra for the RB and MIDI functionality; if someone actually did just want to learn how to play guitar, this wouldn't be the way to go. $300 can get you a better starter rig than this and Rock Band most certainly is not the best way to learn guitar - hell it's at best rolling tabs, and those are free online (and still a really shitty way of learning to play).

I get that as an advancement for the rhythm game genre, this is decent start and that it might lead on to other, genuinely good things. As it is now though it seems like a wobbly first step at best and a downright waste of money at worse.
Actually for someone who has been playing guitar for 10 years I agree with Nick. This actually is quite a deal to learn to play Guitar. If you go to a music store, a decent starting guitar will cost you around 300$ itself. You do not have the amp yet, or the cord, or the tuner, or the pics. To pick up a full set you will eventually end up with a 600-700$ purchase. What are the odds that you bought a piece of shit guitar that you can't make a full chord without ripping off your fingers because the guitar was cheap.

Seeing now that the possibilities to play actual real song with real notes makes Rock Band 3 a LOT more interesting than any other types of music games. I would recommend this to any friend i have who wants to start playing guitar and see if they want to invest in it.
^^ Just FYI, a "real" Squier Stratocaster costs under $200. You can buy a decent enough starter amp like a Peavey Vypyr or Roland Cube for under $100. Picks cost spare change and a tuner is what, $10? And that'll stay in tune better (not syaing it's great; just better), be made of (slightly) better wood, undoubtably be in better playing condition, etc. And that's if you're looking at a big brand name. Vintage, Agile and so on will be even cheaper for the same thing (or arguably more).

Again, I get this as an advancement of Rock Band. But as a beginner's platform into guitar, it's pointless.
I bought and was delivered te Squer but NO ONE seems to have the Midi Adapter in stock for x360! I am itching to get started!

Teaching yourself will never get you anywhere, unless you're Van Halen.
I have the Mustang and Pro mode is a decent way to learn to play guitar. So long as you get used to the way the game charts it. If I had the money, I'd get this instead, but the Mustang is only $150 and doesn't require an adapter.
Power Gig - Rise of the Six String, now $69 in Gamestop because it's trying to get rid of the stock, I payed $99 for the whole band kit which includes air drums and mic with the game... http://www.gamestop.com/xbox-360/games/power-gig-rise-of-the-six-string-band-kit/78050
Doubt it's as good as Rock Band 3's game and guitar but the point is you can pay for the game seperate and not pay $300 for that one.
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This is a cool guitar. I want to have it .. good post ..
nice this music, ilike that
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Hi Nick - I know this is an old post now but I was kind of wondering if you still feel this is a good way to learn guitar? Often when I buy something like this I'm enamored for a few months but after some time and hindsight, I sometimes have a sort of reversal of my original opinion. Anyway, just wondering if you stuck with it or if you found other solutions like maybe Garageband + a real guitar to be as good or maybe even better (that's what I've been using). Anyway, I've seen these going for >300 on ebay and I've been toying with picking one up but wondered if the charm wore off after a while.

Hi Nick - I know this is an old post now but I was kind of wondering if you still feel this is a good way to learn guitar? Often when I buy something like this I'm enamored for a few months but after some time and hindsight, I sometimes have a sort of reversal of my original opinion. Anyway, just wondering if you stuck with it or if you found other solutions like maybe Garageband + a real guitar to be as good or maybe even better (that's what I've been using). Anyway, I've seen these going for >300 on ebay and I've been toying with picking one up but wondered if the charm wore off after a while.

Actually meant to say less than 300 on ebay... my bad (sorry didn't see a way to edit my original post).
Really, if you love fashion pro enough , it would be quite easy to upgrade this guitar so it no longer sucks. Locking tuners, better care, whatever you want.

<a href="http://kadalmesir.blogspot.com/2012/08/sepeda-motor-bebek-injeksi-kencang-dan.html">Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1</a> hhtp://tinyurl.com/8e5h39y
Really, if you love fashion pro enough , it would be quite easy to upgrade this guitar so it no longer sucks. Locking tuners, better care, whatever you want.
<a href="http://kadalmesir.blogspot.com/2012/08/sepeda-motor-bebek-injeksi-kencang-dan.html">Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1</a> hhtp://tinyurl.com/8e5h39y
let get rock with this Squier guitarzz controller,
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