Why Halo 5 needs to revisit Halo 4's Requiem

Ed argues for keeping the setting - beware plot spoilers

I'm enjoying the heck out of Halo 4's multiplayer. The hell, even. Partly that's because of how adroitly 343 has woven certain recent shooter trends - streaks, passive abilities, different types of assist - into the old Halo matrix. You get points for distracting people nowadays, a significant departure from the multiplayer blaster I used to play as a lad, back when Activision still made shooters that aren't Call of Duty and DLC meant "dual-listed company". Given the scale of the revising, which encompasses eight multiplayer mini-classes, 50 ranks and an X-ray vision mode, it's remarkable that such timeless tricks as bunny-hopping with a Magnum have made it through intact.

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But I'm also enjoying it - and to a lesser degree, the downloadable Spartan Ops campaign - because it's a chance to return to the world of Requiem, tossed aside like a soiled tissue a few hours into the whisper-thin Halo 4 campaign. As Jonty notes in our review, capturing something of Combat Evolved's mystique was a key priority during development, and Requiem has more mystique than a bucketful of enigmas, lugged from the depths of Dark Souls. It's in the tangled jungles knotted around the belly of the downfallen UNSC Infinity. It's in the chrome pillars that sprout from the world's inner lining. It's in the way hostile fauna coalesce into existence from neon butterfly wings and puffs of static electricity - only to crisp away to nothing again when you paste them with one of their delicious crystalline weapons.

Though entertaining enough, Halo 4's campaign is a long way from the series best. As CVG's Mike Gapper observes at length, the environments are prettier but more restrictive than those of prior games, with far less potential for extravaganzas of vehicular mayhem. As esoteric as they appear, the new weapons don't throw your expectations out the airlock like Halo 3's Bubble Shield - a masterfully fecund mechanism that's only equalled in terms of the possibilities it breeds by Half-Life 2's Gravity Gun. The odd unwillingness to capitalise on what's quite clearly an excellent, memorable setting eclipses all other disappointments, however. Sure, we find out roughly who built Requiem and why, but we're never allowed to get to grips with the detail. We're never allowed to linger, as we were over the worlds of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Mass Effect, Dead Space and Dishonored.

Obviously, those are radically different kinds of games. An FPS is the wrong place for in-depth environmental storytelling, you could argue - anything which doesn't turn your crosshair red should be dispensable. Fair enough, but Halo is a series named for a setting, and Halo 4 is a game that's the core of an attempt to establish a new narrative universe (or if you prefer, expand an old one) across multiple games and media. In the circumstances, a little more attention to the intricacies of those enormously expensive art assets doesn't seem much to ask. It's not the only casualty of the scattergun narrative. After leaving Requiem, you're treated to a fleeting glimpse of another Halo installation before the bad guy's machinations whisk you off to a collision course with cliché.

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Which is why Halo 5 needs to go back, back to the bowels of the Legendary Planet, in search of additional enemies and backstory. I want to hear more about how the Prometheans were created. I want a chance to properly explore one of those floating citadels, rather than drifting through the mid-section aboard a glorified airport walkway. I want to commandeer that Chthonic eyeball of an AA gun during the Mammoth mission. I want to see the inside of the Didact's sphere. I want I want I want. Given the on-going industry refusal to really change things up at the mechanical level, the places blockbuster videogames take us are arguably more important than what we do while we're there. Requiem has a lot to offer, given a campaign that's willing to actually stop and take an interest.


7 comments so far...

  1. You not seen the terminal videos yet Ed? I'm pretty sure it gives an explanation towards the Prometheans origins in one of those.

    I can't agree with returning to Requiem, I'd rather they explore new Forerunner "worlds". Right now I'd say it's a bit too early to start discussing where the next Halo should take place though.

    If there is one thing I'd like to see, it would have to be the crew from Halo Wars. Whether it be in the form of a book or an animated short, etc. Really enjoyed that game.

  2. Yeah, the Terminals are a nice touch, but it's not the same as exploring the idea in-game. I was kind of hoping the feel would be closer to something like Metroid Prime - bits of lite detective work between the shooty stuff. There's no precedent for that in Halo, of course, but the setting makes me yearn for it.

    Agreed about Halo Wars.

  3. Sorry Ed, I completely disagree… you must be disillusioned, perhaps even confused. Halo predominately centres on keeping the core mechanics the same I.e. (Feel, gun play and vehicular combat); Halo changes the environments of each successive Halo game. This environment change allows the players to explore whole new environments, and thus have new adventures.

    Your argument of why we need to go back is somewhat valid but you contradict yourself. “An FPS is the wrong place for in-depth environmental storytelling”, Fantastic I completely agree. However in-depth environmental storytelling is precisely what would need to happen if we were to visit Requiem again. If we were to go back 343 would need to sell an in-depth environmental story to keep the world interesting, and it’s this reason why Halo games have rarely ever gone back to the same “exact” location because “In depth” story telling is not Halo’s strong suit. Furthermore if 343 were to take your approach of selling Requiem again then the whole relationship and growth of both Chief and Cortana would have to be side-lined. (Please note that this whole new trilogy explores the human side and relationship between Chief, Cortana and humanity’s new direction and place in the Galaxy)

    Although you touched on the industry’s reluctance to change, I can’t help thinking your whole argument contradicts its self.
    For example you say that “Given the on-going industry refusal to really change things up”…In Halo 5 there likely going to give you a whole new area/world to explore, whole new characters, weapons, music and perhaps even enemy’s. Is that not in essence the much need “Change” you crave?. Surely going back to the “Trusted” world of Requiem and its “chrome pillars that sprout from the world's inner lining” is playing it safe, the one thing you’re arguing against?.

    Remember Progress is arguably made by forward motion not that of retreats or back-steps.

  4. I see where you're coming from, Zinzan, but what's the use of introducing a great setting if you're going to chuck it away a few hours into your campaign? If you're going to lavish this kind of care on your art assets why not take the opportunity to do something more ambitious with them via your campaign design? No, shooters of this sort don't tend to leverage the environment much for narrative detail-work, but as I wrote in the article, there's scope for change given 343 and Microsoft's avowed intent to expose this fiction to a new generation of players. And just, scope for change generally, in terms of both the play mechanics and the way the story is told. How would the "human side" of the trilogy be neglected by revisiting Requiem? Are you suggesting that there's no room in the evolution of character for a trip back to known territory?

    Halo 5 doesn't have to stay in Requiem, and the last thing I want is for it to visit the exact same areas. I'd just like to see a few of those loose ends properly explored. I like the place :)

    Welcome back to the forum, incidentally - these are your first posts in a while.

  5. In hindsight perhaps I should have read my comment it, seems as if I was attacking you, don't worry I wasn't. Sorry for being somewhat harsh... Anyways Yea now you have elaborated your point your original argument makes more sense. It is a waste in assets to bin a world that the 300+ production team worked on.

    Off topic one thing that really annoyed me (since it says spoilers on the title of said topic I presume it's safe) is that you don't get to meet Dr Halsey. She was in the introduction and was mentioned consistently through the campaign... Meh guess I will have to wait till Halo 5.

  6. No worries, you didn't sound like you were attacking me at all - apologies if I sounded over-defensive! Absolutely agreed about Halsey. I thought there was going to be a lot more stuff about the ethics of the Spartan programme, too.

  7. if Requiem is a planet, then why is it on the pillar of autumn and is marathon's symbol?