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Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2

Jim Sterling, Reviews Editor
4:00 PM on 05.09.2012
Review: Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2  photo

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 was considered a letdown by many longtime fans of the series, mostly due to the fact that its physics were not similar enough to the original Genesis titles. Part of the benefit of an episodic series is that developers can listen to concerns such as this and address them in future updates, something quite clearly evidenced in Episode 2

This time around, Sonic moves through stages with a sense of weight and momentum far more reminiscent of his earlier platforming adventures, which many will consider a boon. Unfortunately, however, it seems that Sonic Team and Dimps was so focused on fixing that one problem that it forgot to make sure everything else was up to snuff.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 (PC, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade [reviewed])
Developer: Sonic Team, Dimps
Publisher: SEGA
Released: May 15, 2012
MSRP: $14.99 / 1200 MS Points

As with Episode 1, this new chapter is split into four stages comprised of three main acts and a boss battle. Since Episode 1 took most of its inspiration from the very first Sonic the Hedgehog game, it is fitting that Episode 2 should draw heavily from Sonic the Hedgehog 2, with stages based on the Aquatic Ruin, Oil Ocean and Wing Fortress Zones, not to mention Metal Sonic as a recurring rival (and playable character for those with Episode 1 game data). More importantly, Miles "Tails" Prower has made his grand return, and his appearance proves quite crucial. 

Tails can be controlled by another player either locally or via Xbox Live, or he can act as an independent CPU character. In a nod to his Genesis debut, Tails may aid Sonic by grabbing his hands and propelling him through the air like a small orange helicopter, but interaction between the two is far more extensive than once it was. As well as flying, the furry pair can combine to form one giant ball that smashes through barriers and destroys larger opponents in a heartbeat -- at the cost of limited control and an inability to change directions. Both flying and combo rolls are integral to getting past certain obstacles, and are initiated or cancelled at any time with a simple contextual button press. 

Along with the weightier physics is an overall slower progression through levels. Though there are obviously moments of speed, Episode 2 comes closer to capturing the feel of the Genesis platformers than any other title to date. Sonic takes more time to reach top speed and slow down, and there are no more instances of him defying gravity while clinging to ceilings. Those players hung up on physics ought to be more than satiated by the way Sonic feels as he sprints across the landscape, but there's a price to pay for such nostalgic commodities. Sadly, the slower pace has not brought with it the superior level design of past titles, and this makes for a game that is, on the whole, relatively dull and quite forgettable indeed.

There are certainly moments that bring a little exhilaration to the table. One stage in particular, set on a roller coaster with constantly shifting tracks, is intricately designed and satisfyingly tricky to navigate. These moments are few and far between, however, with an alarming amount of sluggish underwater levels and repetitive, uninspired platforming gimmicks from yesteryear making up the majority of the challenge. From slippery platforms to weary "I'm being chased by a wall that will crush me" sequences, the majority of the action in Episode 2 feels too old fashioned and predictable to really offset Sonic's more methodical movements. 

The boss battles are similarly unremarkable, most of them dragging on for far too long and attempting sudden ambush attacks to falsify a sense of danger and difficulty. Outside of one nice little fight that has Sonic avoiding a series of falling crates and using them to reach Eggman, à la The Blocks Cometh, there's really nothing I'd consider playing more than once; a feeling that permeates the entire experience. I could still happily go back to Episode 1 and play several levels again, but I have absolutely no desire to return to Episode 2 anytime soon. 

The game isn't particularly bad, it's just not engaging on any level. It's solid, providing the occasional pleasant moment and dose of eye candy, but it's one of the more banal offerings of late, which is a real shame considering what a high point Sonic Generations was. With Episode 2, it seems Sonic Team addressed the main complaint from Sonic 4's first installment, and simply went through the motions when it came to making the rest of the game. A fairly inoffensive set of levels, to be fair, but no real heart to any of them. 

That said, the new interactions between Sonic and Tails add a fresh element to the standard platforming, and it can be quite fun bowling through a level as a giant sphere of death. The new bonus stages, based on the popular half-tube rush levels from Sonic 2, are a welcome sight and provide a few thrills that are missing from the rest of the adventure. Being able to play co-op may add an extra level of replayability for some, but I can't see too many platforming fans returning to this one time and time again. 

The true disappointment of Episode 2, however, is found not so much in the gameplay as in the soundtrack. The Sonic series has always had excellent music, which makes me wonder exactly who thought the obnoxious cacophony assaulting one's ears in this game was a good idea. Each "tune" is a mess of high-pitched techno squawking that takes a few seconds of attempted melody and repeats it to nauseating degrees. Not only is each bit of music repetitive, it's also quite short, looping over and over again during the course of any given Act.

The boss battle music is particularly distressing, consisting mostly of the same nine notes mercilessly churning out of the speakers like incorporeal circular saws headed straight for the brain. It got so bad that, at one point, I actually had to mute the music. I've never had to do that for any game, let alone part of a series that I usually praise for fantastic audio. I had to do it for Episode 2, however, because it was physically and mentally unbearable. 

As one of the few people who genuinely enjoyed Episode 1, I was looking forward to seeing if Sonic Team could keep up the momentum and knock it out of the park with a followup. Disappointingly, while it appears the studio really did try to get it right, and made some noble attempts to fix whatever may have been wrong in the past, the resulting game is unspectacular and, to be honest, fairly boring. Coupled with one of the most despicable soundtracks I have ever had forced into my ears, Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 is very difficult to recommend. It's not terrible, not by a long shot, but it barely seems worth the time -- and auditory agony -- to play.

A solid applause for the effort, but it would be a real shame if Sonic 4 ended on this note, because I want Sonic Team to try once more with feeling. 


5.0 /10
Mediocre: An exercise in apathy, neither Solid nor Liquid. Not exactly bad, but not very good either. Just a bit 'meh,' really. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)


Damn. Wonder if the common Sonic fans will love this.
Just... please stop. The Sonic train has derailed, barrel rolled and is crushing its way through suburbia. But it's not stopping. It keeps going, flipping over, smashing through a school of children and decapitating their head librarian, Mrs. Pummernickel.
Oh shit son! Jim gunna get given a 20 meter tall blow-up Sonic next week!
We need another Sonic Generations with Hydrocity Zone.

Then all will be well.
Somewhere within Sega, there is a man or woman who conducted the surveys that would go on to influence this game's design, and that man or woman doesn't get what the problem is. That person thinks the game came out great, Jim.
Ugh. That's a pity. Really craving for 2D platformers though, might still give this a look.
Sonic has never been that fun and bringing back the clunky ways of the past was never a good idea. I personally felt Ep 1 was better designed than the Genesis counterparts. But you know I feel no matter what any side scroller sonic will be met with bitchy people. But overall I've just never been a fan anywho.
You liked Winter Park Act 2? That level was terrible.

Also you keep saying Sonic Team. This game was created by Dimps, Sega's bitch Sonic developer for side projects. They don't do a good job with things. Over all though I thought Ep 2 was better then Ep 1, but the fact that they chose to stick with the god awful music direction of the first game, only to fix a few instruments, is really disappointing.

Sonic 4 is something that should simply end. It has an awful foundation of rehashing the older games in bad ways. If they want to do nostalgia, do it Generations style and do it right.
Oh dear :(
I didn't really have an issue with physics in Episode 1. I didn't like that Sonic would just stop, but the jumping felt great. I mainly just hated the level design. It wasn't fresh and lacked a lot of the spirit of the older games.

This review is disheartening, though. I'd like to demo this before I say fuck it, but seeing as how I wasn't that big on Episode 1, this doesn't bode well.

How is the Metal Sonic stuff, though?
Eww...ah fuck it i still buy it just because its 2D sonic,

Really strange about the music tid bit tho considering that i REALLY love sonic music.

Sonic Team for the love of god, make episode III!
Calling it now, Sega sends Jim the new Sonic style fleshlight with interchangeable holes of Sonic ranging from mouth to anus, all in nice Sonic blue. It also has a built in pedometer to measure your faps and pedophile rating, technology these days.
Ouch! I guess I won't be getting this one then. Thank's Jim!
Episode Metal is Metal Sonic running through all the act 1s of Ep 1 in reverse order, with some cutscenes thrown in there. As for the game itself, You fight metal Sonic 3/4 times. First boss fight is difficult-ish but fun, second is an annoyance, third is kind of a miniboss, and the fourth is a race, complete with Sonic 4 styled Stardust Speedway music.
sonic 4:episode 1's soundtrack was pretty boring and below average. It doesn't bode well for the soundtrack if it isn't better than that.
Oh man, that sucks. I was really looking forward to this. I'll probably still pick it up... but it's a shame they fixed what irked me about Episode 1, but broke everything else.

Super Bummer...
I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Sonic will never return to the greatness of his Genesis-days if the game designer for Sonic 1,2,3 and Knuckles doesn't return. Too bad for Sega that Nintendo snapped him up recently.
In all honesty, I really didn't see this series going anywhere from the get-go. The entire mentality of Sonic 4 has just been wrong. Sega claims that they've listened to fan feedback, but we STILL have repetitive meow soundtracks, the physics STILL aren't 100% correct (Who needs natural acceleration when we have BOOOOST PAAAADS!) and the level design, as you said, remain mostly uninspired. (Or overly inspired, depending how you look at it.) Where's the team that did Sonic Generations? Where's the awesome upbeat and "Classically modern" sounding tunes that permeated the sidescrolling levels? Songs that, while definitely modernized, still carried Sonic's flair and attitude.

In other words, why are we still getting this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGKM5UXSdA8
Instead of more of this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pn-AtNRcUQY&feature;=relmfu

Personally, I think they should just scrap the whole idea of Sonic 4 and start over. Sidescrolling Sonic still has a place in this world, but they'll never get it right if they keep looking to the past instead of heading towards the future. If anybody wants a real Sonic 4, go check out the Advance series of games.
I'm glad Sonic Generations still has the potential for a sequel.
"Jim reviews a Sonic game poorly. Will now buy."

Always my favorite comments. You might as well say that you'll shit in a hat and wear it for a week and call yourself Sir Shit of Hat, just to spite me.

Go for it, mate!
I remember when DIMPS made the better Sonic games, but Sonic Team got back on top of their game with Colors and Generations, so DIMPS is behind them now.
There are some reviews that are 100% true from Jim and some that while I think are bullshit are understandable

With sonic games Jim is 100% correct
fuck haters
Jim: Ignore Janklogs, he's an idiot.

...Really? The latest three Sonic games (Generations, Sonic 4-1, Colours) have been critically acclaimed and even Unleashed got pretty good response for a "modern Sonic game".

Why do people always forget the latest good ones whenever a new Sonic game comes out? GAAAAAAH!
Tobbii: because Colors was one of the worst platformsrs I've ever played, while Sonic 4-1 and Sonic Generations were just average?

The sonic franchise overall is terrible and I fail to see why someone would want to even waste there time with it.
Tobbii: because Colors was one of the worst platformsrs I've ever played, while Sonic 4-1 and Sonic Generations were just average?

The sonic franchise overall is terrible and I fail to see why someone would want to even waste their time with it.
I thought Generations was great. And the re-release of Sonic CD was sweet, as most of us had never gotten to play it before. I also thought Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing was a blast, really looking forward to Transformed. I'd have tried Colours, too, if it had been on PC.

So minus Sonic 4 they're doing okay with Sonic right now imo.
Poor Sonic. Maybe they should just make Generations 2.
Just... please stop. The Sonic train has derailed, barrel rolled and is crushing its way through suburbia. But it's not stopping. It keeps going, flipping over, smashing through a school of children and decapitating their head librarian, Mrs. Pummernickel.
I agree the music is not up to Sonic par, but c'mon Michael Jackson had his hand in creating the Sonic music.. at least in Sonic 3. Lower your standards, the man is dead.
Actually, after playing the beta, I think it's much better than Episode 1. And I liked Episode 1
Let's see folks, Mr. Sterling gave Mario Kart 7 a 5.0, Kid Icarus Uprising a 5.0, and Sonic Colors a 4.5. All of which I found great games albeit with minor flaws (and hopefully most of you will agree). And on top of that, many gamers who played the leaked beta also said the game was great. So I ask folks, why should I take this review seriously?
I really love sonic generations and Sonic CD 2011
This is the right way.
But sonic 4 EP2 really sux, horrible physics & horrible musics.
About physics here:
The right physics:
Sonic 4 Episode 2's co-op is actually pretty fun. Local and online co-op too!
"Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 was considered a letdown by many longtime fans of the series"

So sounds like Ep 2 is no different. That sucks.

I have a hard time seeing them be all that forthcoming with an episode 3 if this sentiment is true across more outlets.
Tobii, you're forgetting that the handhelds don't count because the Advance and Rush series never happened, Colors and Generations were flukes and Unleashed was as bad as 06.

Such is the logic of the anti-Sonic fanboy.
Now folks, If you do take Mr. Sterling's word like many of you are, I will laugh in your face and call you a doo-doo head.
Something I always wanted and wish someone would do is hire some of the OCRemix community to do the scores. Or really any musician of that genre. At least they generally understand what everyone loved of that era of video game music.

On another note: I just learnt what happens if you look at Sonic without focusing on his stupid green eyes. He has a freaking camel toe between them! WTF is up with that?!
Please stop making Sonic games....please.
I'll still get it anyway and just pray to God that it will let me play my own music over it. for the first one i got all the classic tracks and even some of my favorite remixes from people like Bak.R and metaljonus. i hope that will be enough to make it better, though i must say since i first played sonic 4 ep 1 i really never picked it up again. what i think really kills it is the whole save aspect of the game in a way. it is not long enough to warrent a save like sonic 3 and knucles did on the pc. if it was like number 2 where it was all on the line do or die i one sitting then maybe it would have alot more replay value
New Sonic game is bad. In other news, sand discovered in the desert.
@Agent9. Sonic games are always good when it comes to having the ability to replace music over the current track (Exception of Sonic CD, but that game was different). Now, most of the time you would have no reason to, but with this, ya go replace it.
God, if this episode II is that good...then can't wait for the reboot...
coming this fall!
Eh. I'll grab on a sale or something. I enjoyed episode 1.
Jim Sterling is a failure as a critic in general, really.

The job of a critic is to help inform me what games I will and won't like, and the fact that he was overtly negative towards games that I myself greatly enjoyed, such as the new Kid Icarus, proves that he's failed.

"The job of a critic is to help inform me what games I will and won't like..."

You're either totally successfully trolling my brains in, or you're not very bright. In either case, that sentence is brilliant.

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