Toys in the Attic Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critics What's this?

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  • Starring: Cary Elwes, Forest Whitaker, Joan Cusack, Marcelo Tubert, Vivian Schilling
  • Summary: When the lovely Buttercup is kidnapped and held prisoner by The Head, it is up to her friends – a teddy bear, a mechanical mouse and marionette puppet – to cross the international boundary and attempt their daring rescue. (Hannover House)
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Reviewed by: Alison Willmore
    Sep 5, 2012
    Toys In The Attic is its own dark creation, filled with imagery reminiscent of Tim Burton in his prime as well as the odd Cold War metaphor.
  2. Reviewed by: Farran Smith Nehme
    Sep 7, 2012
    The movie is passionately retro, but Barta shows his methods can create a world every bit as engrossing as the latest CGI.
  3. Reviewed by: Michael O'Sullivan
    Sep 6, 2012
    The question isn't whether Toys in the Attic is any good. The question is: good for whom?

See all 7 Critic Reviews


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