
Generally favorable reviews - based on 23 Critics What's this?

until movie release
  • Starring: Jack McBrayer, Jane Lynch, John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman
  • Summary: Ralph is tired of being overshadowed by Fix-It Felix, the "good guy" star of their game who always gets to save the day. But after decades doing the same thing and seeing all the glory go to Felix, Ralph decides he's tired of playing the role of a bad guy. He takes matters into his own massive hands and sets off on a game-hopping journey across the arcade through every generation of video games to prove he's got what it takes to be a hero. On his quest, he meets the tough-as-nails Sergeant Calhoun from the first-person action game Hero’s Duty. But it’s the feisty misfit Vanellope von Schweetz from the candy-coated cart racing game, Sugar Rush, whose world is threatened when Ralph accidentally unleashes a deadly enemy that threatens the entire arcade. Will Ralph realize his dream and save the day before it’s too late? (Walt Disney Pictures) Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 23
  2. Negative: 1 out of 23
  1. Reviewed by: A.O. Scott
    Nov 1, 2012
    Manages to be touching as well as silly, thrilling and just a bit exhausting. The secret to its success is a genuine enthusiasm for the creative potential of games, a willingness to take them seriously without descending into nerdy pomposity. I am delighted to surrender my cynicism, at least until I've used up today's supply of quarters.
  2. Reviewed by: Joe Morgenstern
    Nov 1, 2012
    It's a lovely pretext for dazzling visuals, yet the production is diminished by the clumsiness of an 8-bit script.
  3. Reviewed by: John Semley
    Oct 28, 2012
    Nothing but broad, pandering indexes tailored to appeal to the arcade wistfulness the film never even bothers to convincingly evoke.

See all 23 Critic Reviews
