
Mixed or average reviews - based on 34 Critics What's this?

User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 305 Ratings

  • Summary: Medal of Honor Warfighter is inspired by and has been developed in association with Tier 1 Operators. This personal story was written by Tier 1 Operators while deployed around the world. In it, players assume the roles of these warfighters and apply unique skill sets to track down a genuine global threat, in real international locations, sponsored by real enemies. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 34
  2. Negative: 8 out of 34
  1. Oct 26, 2012
    Warfighter is just one of many shooters on the market. It has no distinctive treats and no particular refinements that can differentiate it from the mediocrity of others.
  2. Oct 29, 2012
    The major fault of Medal of Honor: Warfighter is the missing unique characteristic. Except for the Fireteam there are no innovations and whilst the single player campaign is too short everything in it feels long-known and you simply can't escape the "been there done that feeling".
  3. Oct 25, 2012
    Medal of Honor Warfighter fails in almost every regard. Warfighter's campaign is a jumble of flashy parts that Danger Close unsuccessfully tries to glue together, and the solid foundation of its multiplayer is buried under a broken interface, small maps and poor interface design.

See all 34 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 110
  2. Negative: 35 out of 110
  1. I've honestly been very surprised with this game, despite some bugs during launch such as graphical errors, glitches, etc - they've mostly been patched. While many say that this game is very bland and like "every other FPS" , I'll have to disagree. This decision is due to a few things. One being the "warfighter system" they've put into multiplayer. Since when in either CoD or BF3 could you change the nationality of your characters? I found that to be very nice since it allowed me to not be "Team 1" but rather selecting one of twelve tier one operating groups ranging from the British SAS and Polish GROM to the South Korean ROKN. The second reason I enjoyed this game was the customization. With the twelve groups and six classes - That gives you 72 combo's (not counting weapons and weapon customization). The gun modeling is also superb and firing them in-game gives a nice feel and recoil that is noticeably absent in most shooters and it adds a nice touch by putting signature camo's and scopes into the game (One being a nice optical sniper scope that has built in iron sights attached to it). The classes are varied by far which I enjoy, despite not having the option to change your secondary weapon and a few weapons are a bit un-balanaced (however by changing the effective range of your weapons you can counter the issue by either having superior range or a better CQB loadout). Yet this game is not with it flaws. One game mode - Sector control (Domination) has some difficulties do to some maps that make spawn camping somewhat easy, as well as some bad spawns (I've had the occasion where I'm at our spawn and an enemy will spawn in front of me, although this has been very rare for the time I've played). Overall, I wish people gave this game a little bit more credit for what it's trying to do - It doesn't feel like the strongest of FPS's but it definitely has some unique factors and a nice graphically designed multiplayer that is very enjoyable. PS: If you are planning on getting this - it's very important you have someone to play it with. Expand
  2. Presentation - 3.5 - A complete U turn from the first game. Nonsensical timelines and UI. Its Hopeless with zero personalty. Design 5.5 - Overall clumsy, but a few neat touches such no swappable default weapons. Gameplay - 7.5 - Generic as they come. Vehicle sections deserve merit. Graphics - 9.0 - Frostbite sure is pretty. Audio - 8.5 - Good voice cast and sound effects but music is very underdeveloped. Lasting Appeal - 5.0 - The most generic modern war game since the mid 2000's. Multiplayer - 5.0 - Nothing to see here. Just stick with Battlefield 3 or wait for Black Ops 2. Overall - 6.0 - My main gripe with the campaign is that it is lifeless, apart from the odd set pieces here or there. But these set pieces never reach the intensity of Call of Duty games because they are not in game, they are scripted as over very quickly, usually just before the end of the level. Expand
  3. The 2010 reboot of Medal of Honor, was a little rough around the edges. But that, didn't mean the game was terrible. In the 2010 MOH, the game stood out with amazing scenery and had a solid Single Player, and Multi-Player. This time around, it seems that Warfighter was loosely pieced together to cash in for a quick buck. The Single Player can be described as inconsistent both story, and gameplay. The storyline will have you asking "why" is this here, and might possibly have you replaying missions over and over again due to faulty bugs that this game failed to patch and fix. The game itself is broken in many parts of both online and single player. It's frustrating at times to know that developers haven't fixed this "A" level bugs that need to be addressed. Secondly, this games multiplayer does the ol'e switcheroo with you on the graphics making the game look dated and feel obsolete. The multiplayer will grow on you, but its the overall way this game feels, flows, and was designed that makes the experience feel terrible. The game overall, is bland, dry, and un-finished it feels like at times. If you're looking to get this game, wait a few months to where it drops to bargain bin price at gamestop ($10) instead of paying $60. Expand

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