World of Warcraft Video Review

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  • Nov 29, 2004
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Greg Kasavin takes a break from adventuring in Azeroth to review World of Warcraft.


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kemdog 6 pts

why do people even care and complain when people want vanilla servers..i would be willing to pay monthly for it. i remember exactly how it was and that is exactly what i want. flying mounts killed world pvp and thats that.

Ressdude 6 pts

Half the people that comment 'we should have a separate vanilla server' would just cry after playing the game for a day.  No LFG, or LFR, No looms to boost you to level 60, not including the amount of time it would take to get there normally.  Trying to obtain gear from raiding would take as long as it did back then.  Questing with out the aid of the marked map would be a nightmare!  And even if these servers were to go live there would be barely as many players as there were back in vanilla.  Oh and I almost forgot,  Rogues would just gank everybody in and out of PvP.  People who complain have probably never even played vanilla and thus they assume that when the game was more difficult it was better, this is untrue.  What would you rather do, spend your time grinding, relentlessly, or spend more time doing the things you enjoy?  The game was amazing for the time, but over the years everybody has realized that playing the game can be dull and get easily uninteresting.  The only reason everybody thought vanilla was great was because it was the first of its kind, and still remains the king of all MMORPG's.  I guarantee after the rave over GW2 people will revert back to WoW.   

DaneGamer 108 pts

 Ressdude very true you know. Some of us are done with WoW for good though. While i don't miss the old vanilla that much, i sure don't care for the casual approach since post-Ulduar. You hit the nail on the head with that message, and i agree with all of it, except the last part, though i do believe most people will revert back to WoW as you say.

rusky4ever 9 pts

Vanilla WoW was the best. They should have a separate server that just runs that.

Erdboden 7 pts

 rusky4ever past should remain past. it wouldn't be a good idea to rerun vanilla

Carlos161 30 pts

I'd love to play this but my internet connection is awful

SgtSilock 12 pts

 Carlos161 It shouldn't be, its 2012. 

Warsilver 61 pts

Greg talks about this game as if it were 11/10 not 9.5

buccomatic 1649 pts

 Warsilverit was an 11/10

too bad they went and screwed it up beyond repair as it was by far the best game ever made, period.

Jato_81 24 pts

Was a fantastic game, That I enjoyed immensely since 2004. Love TBC as well. Just a shame the community has been going downhill as new (Younger) players have started playing. Sill, nothing but fond memories of this game & I look forward to the day the King abdicates its throne to a worthy successor.

mati2121 6 pts

wow that we know is over best expansion TBC

losi84 8 pts

being playing wow since 06' love the game...theres always something that brings u bak to it...cant wait for mist of panderia

ghaffir 23 pts

I have played wow since the beginning in 2004 and I still love it. It's a great game. My years in wow is something I will never forget and I hope new games coming up will be able to give as much joy as wow have done.

MrHarris88 5 pts

Burning Crusade... the pinnacle of WoW.

xstellardudez 8 pts

the greatest MMO of our times. we will never see anything as inovative as it again

digressions 8 pts

 xstellardudez Haha, that's funny.

CiTizenMaSSaKre 41 pts

 xstellardudez except when the elder scrolls online comes out of course

GrisWold 5 pts

Warcraft brought new mechanics to the genre that's why it got rated so hi. Now SWTOR used some of these mechanics and brought some other stuff. Now that players played WoW for so long they expect everything that WoW brought through expansion and updates as given. So if a different game doesn't have it they just don't like it. In my opinion SWTOR is refreshing, clean, fun and the story so much involving. WoW in the beginning was hard/challenging and the community was great. It lost the challenge so got boring but the community was still fun. It eventually lost the smart mature community at the point i stopped playing. SWTOR if over time loose challenge and community their still the story to make me keep playing as you can take the game as a single player experience. Long live to SWTOR.

SDSkarface 72 pts

how did SWTOR score less than this!??? WTF gamespot?

crackityjonnes 23 pts

 SDSkarface i don't want to live on this planet anymore... because people like you post things like this

xedgorex 5 pts

@varunvikram1 ahajhaahjahjahjajhajh same here!!! im afraid of it

varunvikram1 24 pts

I stay clear of this game, knowing that if i ever pick it up i am never gonna see the light of day again. That says something about the game.

IronHooves 8 pts

I oved this game on release but now it has degenerated so far with the expansions that it is now unplayble

Novusmaximus2 5 pts

how much money did blizzard pay gamespot to give WOW a good review????? any ideas?!!!!!!!!

PushLevel 5 pts

Hey Marines thanks for sponsoring the video but I will never join in on your stupid game of kill the brown people.

pitosga 10 pts

At all he said: exactly. Up to the release of this game, I was hyped up like never before. It was only years later that I got to try it, alas, as not only was I beginner PC owner and internet surfer, I had, in no way, the means for a subscription. That said, when I finally got to play it, right around when Burning Crusade was released - or when it became available on private servers, anyway - it didn't take me long to decide that I didn't approve the game. Well, I say it didn't me long, but it only didn't in terms of the total amount of time I played the game, because it did take me long compared to the average I spend playing games. I played this game far longer than any other, it was the only MMO I truly immersed myself in, and I can safely say more than half my time there was wasted. That's how MMOs go, they suck you in and have you grinding and farming away 80-90% of the time as you, enthralled as you are, allow the illusion of accomplishment to satisfy your craving. And that's why I didn't approve of Blizzard investing in a time-sink that, at the time, I already knew was going to be their central occupation for many years still to come and that Warcraft 4 couldn't be expect. I don't recall if I ever imagined it could take at least 3 expansions and 7 years. Were they to announce a sequel to Warcraft next year, it could easily reach 10 years after the release of WoW before that sequel is presented to us. (continued below)

pitosga 10 pts

Alas, Blizzard hasn't been entirely occupied itself of only WoW and they've certainly delivered with SC2, they surely will with Diablo III soon, and to clarify my first sentence in this wall-of-text of a post, my point is that, while Blizzard disappointed me greatly and for the first time with going for an MMO instead of a well weaved story-driven singleplayer campaign, it still made me very proud - if I can be allowed to say so - making the best MMO ever to milk the gaming audience. As in all industries, many nay-sayers will say otherwise, but they only serve to affirm the place atop the pedestal that WoW has earned for itself. The only true criticism that I agree on is, as I've said, that it's an MMO, with all its inherent downsides. Beyond that, it's a master piece if ever an MMO could be one and it goes to show Blizzard's first-class game development as easily as any of their previous works. Not to sound like a "fan" - I loath that term - but this studio is arguably the best in gaming history. For someone's who's played their games and many, many others, I can say that theirs are invariably the ones that most give the feel of "done just right".

pop-warriorwith 8 pts

one of the best strategic games ever

paulsifer42 51 pts

It's funny, even after having played the game, gotten to level 25, gotten tired of running for 30 real time minutes to get to a quest, realized that you do need friends to complete some things, and realizing that death IS a big deal if someone feels like camping on you, I watch this review and think, "Wow, this game really is a great idea, and I may want to try it again." But then I remember the reasons I stopped, and decide to play something else.

PuppetMaster786 6 pts

@noumanpoke i hope you know these two things, the video and the game, were created in 2004

noumanpoke 5 pts

doesnt look anything new. i still dont know why people like it.

ninn1000 36 pts

I used to play but the thing that really kept me from coming back again was Cataclysm. Azeroth was a totally unique and immensely deep world, I knew that if I had already quit I wasn't going to go back for Cataclysm. I never maxed out but it was a very fun game back in Burning Crusade time. I think I probably would reinstall the game and buy a time card right now if it wasn't for Cataclysm.

Delrothness 21 pts

I hate when people say that ONLY WoW gets meaningless after playing it for a long time, I hate to break it to you, but that's how ALL mmorpgs are if you play them for a long time.

LinkRedfield89 5 pts

I miss these days, back when you had to work for your gear and when raids were epic and somewhat challenging. I hate cataclysm, it sucks, Wrath of the lich king was ok, Burning Crusade was amazing, Cataclysm is a disappointing bore. Blizzard should really make different servers based on each expansion.

Llama345 354 pts

hard to believe it will be 11 years.

-Unreal- 71 pts

@sikimaru Coming from the guy who's a fan of Dragon Ball z and Naruto.

sexyweapons 39 pts

Downloading now and at 41% cant wait till its finished!

ConstantinNC 6 pts

I agree with hghazni at the part that vanilla WoW was the best, but you cannot expect everything to stay the same, WoW today also great.

jonas__5 5 pts

I miss Greg Kasavin, best reviewer of all time.


this guy gives the most boreing reviews. great game though


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sikimaru 6 pts

nerd's get a lifeeeeeee ahhahhahaha

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