Pokemon Black Version 2 Review

Despite being plenty of fun and sporting a few new tweaks, Pokemon Black 2 fails to outshine its predecessors.

The Good

  • Training and battling are as enjoyable as always  
  • Fun optional activities  
  • Plenty of in-game Pokemon to catch spanning all gens.

The Bad

  • An incredibly weak plot, even for Pokemon  
  • Some of the layout changes are for the worse  
  • You've played better versions of this before  
  • An overabundance of low-level Pokemon make the game too easy.

The core Pokemon games are notorious for sticking to a tried, tested, and very familiar formula. After all, it's a formula that works, and that people enjoy, and one thing you can never accuse the main entry Pokemon games of is forgetting their roots. Black 2 is pretty much exactly what you'd expect, then. Given that it's the first numbered sequel in the series, it's even less of a version shift than seen in previous games. It's not exactly the same as its predecessor; there have been a number of tweaks, functionally and aesthetically, and the plot's (sort of) new too. The problem is that, despite the additions, a weak plot, poor pacing, and an overabundance of easily-defeated Pokemon mean it's just not as good as the games that came before it.

Most of the initial changes you notice are far from revolutionary. You start in a large city, rather than a small town. You're given a Pokemon by Black/White's Bianca, rather than by a professor. You're given 10 Pokeballs instead of five. For the Pokemon fan, there are plenty of neat little variations to the tried-and-tested formula, and it's pretty clear that for the most part this is who Black 2 is aimed at: Pokemon fans who want another Gen 5 game really quickly.

Other changes include new areas that weren't accessible in the game's predecessors, including a few new towns and cities, as well as redesigned routes, and a few all-new dungeons. The gyms have all been changed, with a few past gym leaders making way for new challengers (including previous pal Cheren). Unfortunately, with the gym redesign the excellent room-spanning puzzles found in Black/White have been scaled back and replaced with unchallenging puzzles that can be solved with minimal effort. Even the most challenging of the gyms are still incredibly simple compared to their previous counterparts, which is disappointing.

The difficulty curve is off too, and it takes a long time before you reach an area where you can catch any decent Pokemon. It's entirely possible to blitz the first few gyms using just Oshawott, Snivy, or Tepig, something the previous games didn't allow, which encouraged better team building. Then, toward the end of the story, there's a vast section spanning a couple of gyms and a couple of plot-related dungeons in which the levels of your opponents' Pokemon barely increase at all. Unless you're training up loads of Pokemon at once, this means that by the time you face your most fearsome foes, you're almost guaranteed to have a few team members that can wipe the floor with them without breaking a sweat.

It's hard to shake the feeling that Black 2 is simply going through the motions. The plot's a direct continuation of the Team Plasma/N storyline, although rather than expanding on any of the concepts, it retreads them. Team Plasma blathers on about liberating Pokemon again, only this time there's no moral debate whatsoever; you and everyone else know they're plain evil, and it feels like they're simply shouting into the wind. At no point does the plot reach the heights it did in Black/White, and it often feels like a postgame quest strung out over an entire adventure. For those who charged through the originals, there's an odd sense of inconsistency as the characters wonder about the existence of legendary dragon Kyurem, a Pokemon that you very likely already caught in the previous game. You can transfer or trade your Black/White team directly into Black 2 from very early on too, so it's entirely possible to defeat Kyurem with Kyurem, which is amusing in the context of the narrative.

By Ashton Raze

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penpusher 77 pts

Ahh I love pokemon, but I think I'll start ignoring the main series now. Its an unfortunate, but true fact that pokemon has stuck so rigidly to the same old formula for so long now, that its at risk of just becoming stale. For me black/white was when that happened.


The series is need of a serious overhaul. And I mean a real and proper overhaul, not just have pokemon bounce around a bit and call it animation, and then attach a poor plot to it.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts


Oh really? You spewing things like reviewers being incompetent does not count as not being able to take a different opinion?


Oh sure, be demeaning when you run out of arguments - you will only convince those who are already like you anyway.


That said, do ask what Jeff Gerstmann thinks of this game - if he doesn't agree with you, I doubt that you will sing sweet things about him anymore.


In fact, you know South Park for the N-64? He - "proven-objective" Jeff Gerstmann - panned it, whereas you think that the game deserves a number of "10".



What will you say about him now?

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat  He's right, it was a deeply flawed game. I really liked it despite the flaws, and my rating reflected this (note: my rating wasn't based on a review, and holy crap, I must have left that rating last decade some time.) I was giving my opinion. He was reviewing it. You clearly still haven't figured out the difference yet. And no, me calling certain reviewers incompetent doesn't mean I can't take other people's opinions. A review is not an opinion piece, it's a review. Saying things like "it's just not as good as the games that came before it" is an opinion, not a review. It's you that can't stand other people's opinions. I think the quality of reviews on this site sucks. You hate that, and feel the need to impose your point of view upon me. Unfortunately you've failed to make a single relevant point. I've not run out of arguments. I've made one single argument that you're having a massive problem getting your head around.


Also, you shouldn't quote something that nobody has said. It's misleading. I never said that Gerstmann was proven-objective. I said he'd "nailed the art of a truly objective, informed, and non-bias review" based on the fact that he absolutely hated some games that he wrote good reviews for, and could separate his opinion from his assessment of the game.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 Or maybe you just favor Jeff Gerstmann more than any other reviewer. :/


Also, despite what you say, I say that a review is just one big piece of opinion. You like to think that it is more than that though, and for that, you will ever find "faults" with reviews - faults that arise from your inability to consider dissenting opinions.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat You disagree with the English language then, as "review" has a distinct definition.


It's a shame your "rather vivid memory" didn't retain the post you made a month ago, saying "I prefer reviews that are more like product descriptions than opinion pieces myself." I don't think you know what you think. You just pick arguments when the moment seems fit. It's a huge waste of time.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 Exaggerating much? I never "disagreed" with the English language, how ever that can be possible.


I still remember what I said - but I can say that this is my personal opinion, and I won't impose it on others.


You, on the other hand, consider your own opinion on reviews to be "right".


And look who's talking about making convenient statements, you who have certainly made more than a few selective arguments yourself.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat You've already forgotten that you started this? I stated my opinion. You're the one that had a problem with me stating my opinion and told me to keep quiet. And now look at the result - you've been completely embarrassed and owned. Anyone reading this will agree with me - you're a pathetic hypocrite.


"how ever that can be possible" It doesn't take much mental capacity to figure that out. If you say that a word means something other than what it means, you are disagreeing with the English language definition of it. Look up the definition of "review" and then look up the definition of "opinion". See any similarities? No, you don't.


No mention of selective arguments here either. That's you imagining things again. You do that a lot it seems. Barely anyone reads your long-winded, boring game reviews, yet you still post them. I guess you have an imaginary audience too. Or no job and no social life. I'm guessing it's a combination of all three.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 Wow, you rant and flame whenever you run out of arguments, don't you?

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat You're mistaking me destroying you and you running out of responses for me running out of arguments. Try harder next time you pick on someone. You'll need to, because if they're as smart as me they'll make you look foolish with almost no effort.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 You "destroying" me? You use a lot of fanciful words in vain.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat Nothing vain about it. I don't have an overly high opinion of myself. I just have a very low opinion of people like you. You should spend less time on this website and more time doing something productive (getting a job would be a great start.) You've wasted a lot of time writing reviews that nobody reads and people's negative opinions of this site bother you so much that you get all upset and start picking on them for it. The result? You've wasted a lot of time and made a fool of yourself in the process.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 And you think that I would be fazed by all that? It isn't the first time someone said that to me, you know.


Also, you really have a high opinion of yourself - otherwise, you won't be making low jabs at others' activity on the site.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat I don't even expect you to understand what I said, and it's no surprise to me that more than one person has confronted you with similar comments. It's very obvious that you're full of crap, and apparently not just to me.


Weren't you also making jabs at other people's activity on this site?

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts


That's just your opinion and the opinions of those who are like you. Also, I am not a person that is kicking up a fuss over game reviews - can't say the same about you though.


Also, so what I am? I am aware of the irony, and I am not embarrassed one bit.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat  I criticised the game reviews, you criticised me for criticising game reviews. What's worse?


By the way, it's not irony, it's hypocrisy. You know, doing the very thing that you rebuke others for doing.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 You are not criticizing game reviews - you are just whining.


Oh, if it is hypocrisy, don't let anyone catch you doing the same then - if you haven't already.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat Shows just how bad your reading and memory is if you can't remember my perfectly legitimate complaints regarding the reviews and content on this site. You're doing all the whining. It upset you so badly that I said something against your beloved Gamespot that you're still here trying to score whatever points you can against me to make yourself feel better. I see you've searched the comments for other people who don't like the reviews too so that you can try and argue with them about it. It's pathetic. Why don't you go and write one of your own boring reviews instead? I'm sure all 3 of the people that read your reviews would rather you do that then waste your time trying to change my mind.


The last part of your comment doesn't make any sense.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 I don't have bad memory - that's just some convenient jab that you put in, and it is a result of your inability to acknowledge that I don't see things your way.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat ...But I have. Either your memory or reading comprehension has failed you yet again. This comes as no surprise to me though.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 That you are being sanctimonious and resorting to flaming again is not a surprise to me too.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat Nothing sanctimonious about me. No flaming in that post either. You don't know the meaning of the word. If you knew the meaning or hypocrisy, however, we might get somewhere.

N_SixtyFour 5 pts

I know this is unrelated question to this review but since there is so many people posting here, I would like to ask a question.


I'm on the fence on buying 3ds xl, not that i don't like it but worried when i do buy it nintendo might release a new version of 3ds xl just like when i bought the original 3ds :/


What do you guys think?

shafe-man 22 pts

 N_SixtyFour Why would you want an XL if you already have the original? There's literally no difference besides the size of the screen, so unless you're just buying the next thing, a revised 3DS shouldn't matter to you. In other words, if a big screen is that important to you a new 3DS shouldn't matter; if you care enough that you'd buy a third 3DS just because it's newer, skip the XL.

typeRseries 6 pts

 N_SixtyFour The original screen size is a joke. You should trade in your old 3ds for a 3ds xl while it still has good value. I had a vita so I was only gonna get a 3ds if it had a bigger screen and it happened.

riccardo90 21 pts

april fools? this game is amazing, period.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 riccardo90 Yes, you believe that so it is true and anyone else is wrong and/or joking. How typical.  :|

Yomigaeru 121 pts

I'll more than willing to admit that Pokemon games (main titles, at least) are more or less the same game with slightly updated mechanics and/or a few new things. However, I don't hear these things said about titles likes Call of Duty, Madden, or the like from critics.


Let's not beat around the bush: Pokemon and Call of Duty follow a similar approach to sequels, yet only one of them gets critical acclaim year in and year out.

warriorking789 6 pts

 Yomigaeru The critics who haven't been paid by Activision say exactly that. Anyone who doesn't just blindly buy the call of duty games because there is guns and explosions (which I hope is still a large proportion of gamers) see that each game is indeed very derivative of the one that came before it.


However, that's not much of a way to defend the Pokemon franchise. You're basically saying 'well yes Pokemon is the same game recycled over and over yet they keep making money of them, but it's OK because another game series is the same.' If people don't like this lazy way of making games then don't buy Pokemon or Call of duty games, but a crappy game is a crappy game; regardless of whether there is another that is just as crap.

Yomigaeru 121 pts

 warriorking789 Agreed. Pokemon has essentially been the same since day one, and the only reason I tolerate it (ie keep buying the games) is because I find them enjoyable. I imagine it can be said for some Call of Duty loyalists as well.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 Yomigaeru  warriorking789

So you are actually complaining that Call of Duty is getting accolades that Pokémon doesn't? :P

therealneoturk 17 pts

fanboys are ridiculous. he gave a honest review about a game that's pretty much been the same forever cept minor tweaks and changes along the way.. its a cash grab and the same thing was said about madden and every game like it. dishonored got a good review so did borderlands and etc so im not buying this harsh theory.  also just maybe they are sick of companies making garbage like re6 madden and now this game and they are now on notice..hopefully thats the case and forces these companies to think outside the box instead of living in it

blankempathy 25 pts

The only problem I have with this score is that for someone like me who hasn't played Pokemon since blue for gameboy this score breakdown basically breaks down to "not different enough from other games in the series" yet for someone like me that point is moot so how does this score actually tell me anything about the game?

DSkinMasque 159 pts

 blankempathy Fuck this review and get the game. You won't regret it.

lorenzitito 5 pts

Pfffffff don´t make me laugh.Did you play the First Generation?Plus:I am really tired of playing the same game over and over.I gave up when they relased Pokemon Black And White.It is always the same story:Leave your mother in your home alone,catch random pokemons,beat the gyms,Elite Four,Blah blah blah

riotinto876 101 pts

 blankempathy of you haven't played since blue, this game will be nothing like it, this reviewer is clearly not a pokemon fan. Harcore pokemon is great in simulators and online, the singleplayer is for checking out the new pokes, minigames and discover new secrets.

eliebaz 38 pts

i'm not sure whether gamespot has become seriously harsh or whether the games this year just suck

jellyman68 48 pts

 eliebaz I don't think they even play the games long enough to form a proper opinion on them. They seem to just get a general impression of a game and try to be as critical as possible, just to make it sound like they know what they're talking about and to give substance to their reviews. It's why I only use Gamespot for the discussion forums and to check release dates now. For everything else they suck. Even their news section is tainted by the fact that they're more interested in trying to be funny than informative.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68  Or maybe you just don't like to hear what they are saying. :P

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat That's technically true.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 Then I would tell you this - it's a lot easier to just ignore them than try to bash them. Bashing makes you look like an intolerant fanboy/fangirl.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat Only to people who can't read properly, and I'm not at all concerned with them. My comments are directed towards Gamespot and are not in favour of any particular game, so I can't be accused of being a fanboy. I'm criticising Gamespot's poor journalistic standards and the disparity between the reviewer's ratings and the gamer's ratings. They've become very out of touch with the average gamer in recent years and seem to think of themselves more as a comedy and gossip website than a serious gaming information source.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 Oh man, there's that word again - "journalistic". I haven't seen it in two weeks, and there is it again - uttered by yet another gamer who throws words around in vain when reviews don't go his/her way.


Sure, you may not be a fanboy/fangirl - but a gamer that can only see one side of the argument all the same.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat Feel free to enlighten me. What is the other side of this argument?

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 That the reviewer has played the game longer than you think but still forms an opinion that you don't agree with, that's what.


You seem to consider that they haven't played long enough though, even though you weren't there to look over their shoulder. It's a very convenient presumption, isn't it?

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat  Wait, so I can't possibly know how long they've played the game for, but you can?  And if you're on here complaining that I've criticised their opinion, you can't go doing exactly the same thing to me. It makes you a hypocrite.By the way, I didn't disagree with their score on any particular game at all. I disagree with the quality of their reviews and the disparity between the reviews and the average gamer's review. If the chances are that a person playing the game will disagree strongly with the review, the review is absolutely useless to the target audience. The reviews are also filled with useless comments that help nobody and are just there to pad out the content. This is my criticism, not "I don't like the score you gave it." When you're reading through the comments looking to pick arguments with people, at least make sure you've read what they have to say properly.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 I never said that I know how long the reviewer has played the game. I said that you had not considered that the reviewer may have played long "enough".


Oh sure, there's that word - "quality". So many fancy words thrown around to disguise your inability to just take a different opinion.


Oh, I know what I read alright - complaints by stuck-up gamers who believe that anyone else who disagree with them is wrong.


You don't even realize that all this time, you have been complaining against reviews using your own opinions, assumptions and presumptions and not cold, hard facts, do you?

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat ...Again, you can't seem to get past the idea that I'm criticising their opinion of the game. I'm not. And no, you didn't say "you had not considered that the reviewer may have played long "enough", you said "the reviewer has played the game longer than you think". So how come I can't say that but you can? You're just a hypocrite. You can't stand that I have a different opinion than you (even though I don't hold the opinion that you think I do), so you've on here calling me out for disagreeing with someone else's opinion. It's you that can't stand other people holding a different opinion, not me. I really don't know what you hope to achieve by picking arguments with me either. I'm not changing my mind. Feel free to waste more time though. By the way, "quality" is only a fancy word to people lacking a few IQ points. It has a real world meaning that you're clearly struggling to comprehend.

Gelugon_baat 2746 pts

 jellyman68 Okay, so you are not knocking on the review of this game - but you are still knocking on others for having different opinions on games. Nothing essentially different, really.


Oh sure, focus on a mistake that I have made. Well, I would say here that I meant the second statement, and not the first one. Oh dear, do pardon me for a slip of my fingers.


Really, you are going to knock on my IQ? Such an old method of attack. Regardless though, I am still going to paint you as a gamer who can't take a different opinion on games.

jellyman68 48 pts

 Gelugon_baat Finally you're getting somewhere. The next step is to understand that I'm not knocking anyone's opinion on any game. Then you must understand that you're here attacking me because you think I hold a different opinion on something than you do, which makes you just as bad as you think I am (which is what makes you a hypocrite.) Once you've figured all that out, all you need to drop is the poor sarcasm, the completely meaningless, frivolous comments (e.g. "Oh man, there's that word again - "journalistic". I haven't seen it in two weeks, and there is it again - uttered by yet another gamer who throws words around in vain when reviews don't go his/her way"), and find something other than scanning the comments section trying to pick arguments with people to do with your time. It's clear that you think you can make some point against people who disagree with reviews, and you're trying to put this great discovery to use, but you're wasting your time with me and probably with most other people you pick on.

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