JDCR talks about winning Tekken Tag Tournament 2 at MLG Dallas

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Slasher catches up with JDCR to discuss how far the Korean fighting game scene has come.


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Darkmoone1 138 pts

I am really glad I picked Tekken back up years after Tekken 4. Hitting people with powerful punishers hasn't felt this good in other fighters.

whakyZ86 23 pts

That was really exciting. Tekken is truly an amazing series. Imo, the best in the 3d genre

jaykho213 15 pts

Man I'm just disappointed NIN and KNEE from Korea din't participate.

lyhthegreat 7 pts

don't think you need to know many 10 hit combos in ttt2 to win but learning how to sue the ag assault effectively is crucial to winning in this game and damm, koreans play games so competitively that that dominates most of the gaming tournaments.

jonasas2 47 pts

and my brother keeps telling me that i kick his ass on ttt2 by luck cuz i dont know any 10hit combos and only use normal moves and defend everthing else

Mazinmichael 12 pts

 jonasas2 same with me man, idk how some people memorize so many 10 hit combos. I always end up forgetting the normal moves.

vengefulwilberg 72 pts


LOL!  That proves that combos isn't the most important thing you need to win.  That has nothing to do with luck.  And when you see a 10 combo string enough times; then those moves are useless.  Defense is really important in Tekken.  I learned some decent and insane juggles; but my defense isn't always that good.  It helps to really have a good defense.  Right now I am working on better defense.

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