Hotline Miami Launch Trailer

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qewretrytuyiuoi 8 pts

the reason the trailer shows no gameplay is that it will alienate all the "its got bad graphics therefore must be a bad game" fanboy dickheads.

jhonel83 68 pts


 So basically it hides some aspect of the gameplay, right? How would you react if you were one of those "dickheads", bought the game, went home and realised it's nothing like you expected? How are you even expected to buy it based solely on this trailer?

shanethewolf 83 pts

Poor and shameless attempt to copy Drive...they've even used a vocoder in the song to try and make it sound like Kavinsky's Nightcall. lol.


Oh and there seems to be something the gameplay footage for instance or anything related to the game.


Game trailers are getting stupid now.

Epicurus-Reborn 137 pts

my god! this is so much like 'Drive'. If that movie had a video game on the origins of the character, it would be this. 

Epicurus-Reborn 137 pts

oh star league ads. why must you torture me. 

jhonel83 68 pts

i hate studios that do this -here we see a trailer that shows no game footage, not even a hint about what the game is all about. All I saw is an elevator and a tired looking teenager with a bat. The whole vid should be banned imo because it hints more towards murdering everyone at your workplace and raping the secretary (the end part he was dragging a girl) then anything related to "fun" or "pc game"

Epicurus-Reborn 137 pts

 jhonel83 well, that last part you described pretty much sums up the entire game. Except the people you murder aren't co-workers.

Master_Bassist 9 pts

Gave off a vibe very reminiscent of the movie Drive (which I loved) with the ultraviolence and synth 80's style soundtrack.

MJ12-Conspiracy 723 pts

I've never heard of this but the trailer is interesting....

I love the music....

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