Born Free in Assassin's Creed III

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Johnny and Danny take to the American woodlands to live as one with the animals.


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Tsuchikage 357 pts

That bear really hated quick-time events.

thegamerulez1 5 pts

very funny, there should be more shows or videos like this

gamefreak215jd 220 pts

What the hell?!Where are all those glitches which people frequently talked about?

gamefreak215jd 220 pts

You guys should consider on starting a new show that exhibits the funniest and weirdest glitches and bugs.

gamefreak215jd 220 pts

Besides these natives are able to identify different animal footprints.That's how he found the deer.Awesome show though.

Nodashi 170 pts

So, this game is Red Dead: Hidden Blade?

SaudiFury 56 pts

this just hilarious. very much enjoyed watching you guys banter off. :)

JaysonDLloyd 5 pts

Hahaha love the James Hetfield reference

tonet666 18 pts

First bug discovered from GS.(the deer stuck in the bush)

eddiesp 8 pts

That made me crack up- Love it! 

trfritzen 28 pts

you guys are a crack up.  I want more.  =)


Iffy350 75 pts

Its funny how animals in AC3 leave poo around despite the fact that they have no anus. Why do they cut out the part where conner skins the animals. This is an M rated title?

Keivz_basic 16 pts

LOL funny! Awesome job guys!


On a side note, I am one of the few gamers that enjoys QTE's. 

godsend1989 68 pts

Quicktime Events III order now, its like Skyrim quest markers all over again, wtf i`m not 3 years old i can make connections and do simple logics, why games this day threat me like i`m mentally retarded ?

DisturbedFan789 11 pts

 godsend1989 I don't know, but your grammar sure doesn't support your argument.

godsend1989 68 pts

 DisturbedFan789 at least try harder next time

T_Rawk 5 pts

I've never laughed that hard at a video on here before..... great job, Danny and Jonny!

mav_destroyer 538 pts

Today I learned how to be one with nature and make friends with animals by hugging them with a knife...


Great vid! It would be nice to see more like this.


It would be interesting to see a Hannibal game, though I think it will have a difficult time getting past censors/ratings/etc..

heroesfan261 47 pts

Why are English accents so freakin' funny?


TacticaI 124 pts

"Who actually enjoys Quick Time Events?" Good question, who the hell is looking forward to all these QTE in their games? "Dude, did you see the Quick Time Events!? This game is going to be sick bro!!" 

gamefreak215jd 220 pts

 TacticaI Glad that they are well balanced unlike RE6,In which you walk like around  two steps and tadaa a quick time event.

fast2ghl 23 pts

"Show him your gun" hahaha I love this, very funny guys

fast2ghl 23 pts

"Bear Grease...... Bear Grease.... That's like Bear Grylls's cousin!" hahahaha wow Danny awesome.

gotrekfabian 46 pts

I don't know why but watching this was better than actually playing the game. And just to clarify for the trolls out there I really enjoy this game!

Keep 'em coming Johnny and Danny, great vid. ;)

jedd15 8 pts

fuc k these guys are funny


tgwolf 149 pts

...No one is 'free' that is an assassin, your own screaming brutalized conscience will tell you that, over and over and over long after your sanity leaves you behind, though it sure is ironic that the glorified butchers in this game weren't 'born' just sort of spawned, you know, from a certain literary place as it were.

libbi68 10 pts

Ohhh I could listen to British and Irish voices reading comments all day long, quite humorous and enjoyable!

MaKillaGorilla 19 pts

Bear grease? That's like Bear Grylls cousin haha

ricanrolla 5 pts

Hey Hey check this out, its really cool ... BOOM!! haha funny vid

Wawas20 20 pts

that was funny as. more of them type vids please gamespot

dehanus 5 pts

These 2 guys are quit STUPID!!!! BUT STUPID!!!

smghottie 56 pts

Honestly, that's pretty poor game-mechanics. I mean....c'mon. Deer stuck between the character and a tree...killing a pack of wolves with a knife through quick-time events. As a person who spends time in nature, you could develop a much more involved and enjoyable hunting mechanic than this boring trash. There is NO sense of accomplishment for a character when you can kill twenty animals in five minutes. Stupid. I know I'm gonna get dislikes for this comment. Oh well.

Lotus69 11 pts

 smghottie I agree with you but they are limited by development time.  This probably got added in the cycle closer to the end.  Since it's not part of the major game mechanics it won't get the same development time.  Have you tried some of the hunting games out there?  They might give you a much more "realistic" experience.

Scorpion1813 473 pts

 Lotus69  smghottie 

It's the same with the rest of the combat in the game - and that IS a core mechanic. In fact, it's the only mechanic they seem to care about - they seem to want to keep the player in combat constantly.


"There is NO sense of accomplishment for a character when you can kill twenty" guards in less than "five minutes."


Ubisoft will NOT be getting my money for this game.

Ciphas 67 pts

"If worse comes to worse, we could stuff him and...pretend we made friends."


Sounds like something a serial killer would say xD

theteaface 27 pts

Cheers guys, David Attenborough couldn't have done it better.

KD35RW0JH13 53 pts

They should do this for every new (good) game!

hyp3rknight 26 pts

This is funnier because these guys are English

mateyman 158 pts

He should have tried to rope dart the bear lol

pal_080 233 pts

haha what the heck does Connor do to those poor animals?!  It says you harvest a hide and some other thing like a fang... yet when your done there's nothing left but a pile of blood and bones... I guess they felt it would be too much to actually show Connor eating the flesh of little bunnies, so they just imply it?

pal_080 233 pts

... and when you skin animals you don't shank them with the full length of the blade... it's meant to be a delicate process...

godsend1989 68 pts

Press Y to kill the wolf in mid air - fail gameplay

GhostOfSparta4 30 pts

 godsend1989 Yeah, instead of actually fighting the animal they make you perform stupid quicktime events. What's worse is that the animations are always the same. 

WolfBladeKK 71 pts

 GhostOfSparta4  godsend1989

 I agree with you, however... I'm still having tons of fun with this game.

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    • Publisher(s): Ubisoft
    • Genre: Action
    • Release: Oct 30, 2012 (US)
    • ESRB: M