Black Mesa Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critics What's this?

User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 182 Ratings

  • Summary: Black Mesa is a re-envisioning of Valve Software's seminal game Half-Life. You will re-visit the inaugural role of Gordon Freeman and his memorable journey through the Black Mesa Research Facility. Expect detailed environments to explore, a huge cast of characters and experimental weaponry. All-new music, voice acting, choreography and added dialogue give way to a more expansive and immersive experience than ever before. [Valve] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 8
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 8
  3. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Oct 24, 2012
    A superlative remake of one of the most important games ever made. [Dec 2012, p.89]
  2. Oct 13, 2012
    A faithful and extremely professional remake of one of the great classics of the FPS genre. Despite slight niggles, like the marines' aimbot-like behavior, it actually manages to achieve the impossible: Black Mesa is Half-Life, only better. [Oct 2012]
  3. Oct 15, 2012
    And the reason it's so easy to ignore the faults – so easy to shrug off falling off a ladder again – is because there's joy in taking on an entire platoon of troops as a goatee-sporting nerd. There's joy in taking on situations and knowing they aren't scripted half to death. There's joy in scamming your way through a puzzle by pretty much breaking the game.

See all 8 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
  1. Black Mesa is one of the best and most polished mods i have ever played in my life. The mod is a perfect replica of half-life while still adding some new and interesting things such as the npc interaction and the improved ai. This game is DEFINITELY worth playing seeing as the original is still and always will be my favorite single player game of all time. If you haven't played this i would be hesitant to call you a gamer, especially if you're my age... Expand
  2. This game leaves me with mixed feelings. On the one hand its quite polished and is well defined and faithful to Half-life. It free and easy to install so that is nice. The voice acting is really great and gives NPCs far more to say and feels more human. However it has too many annoying quirks. Such as the annoying "jump-crouch" being the solution to everything and the assumption that the player has played the original and remembers all the old solutions to events. If you haven't played the original game you will find this a frustrating affair. Movement is another issue as it feels blocky and old fashioned. Expand
  3. This game could be better, is always lagging, bad frame rate and most important the game is boring, gameplay is repetitive, the story is really uninteresting and uninspired. I was told thi was a great game, it is a great disappointment. Horrible game. Expand

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