Minecraft Xbox 360 World of the Week #10

"Look, a self-harming chicken!"

We've toured many incredible worlds in the course of the Minecraft World of the Week series, but the one most likely to have us leaning back in our armchairs with a glass of nostalgia-brandy is OXM Land - the sprawling settlement constructed by readers of this very website and magazine.

With Minecraft Xbox 360 update 1.8.2 in the open, it was time to revisit and find out what the world's devoted rules had constructed using the new tools. A quick caveat, though - we're not sure how many of the new sights and sounds you'll encounter here have, in fact, been added using Creative Mode. Chances are they were all built in homely old Survival, the way Mother Nature intended.

If you're got a Minecraft world that's worth the attention of the internet, by all means plug it in the comments.


13 comments so far...

  1. Is OXM Land still packed out? I'm not sure if you thought of this, but why not have multiple accounts (OXMLand, OXMLand2, etc)? That way, you'll have multiple servers and you can add even more people. Sure, you need three-or-four Xbox's with 3 or 4 Gold subs, but my God think of the epicness!

    ...okay, so it would be extremely impractical. But still - EPIC!

  2. I have a cool world but unfortunately I don't have any recording equipment! :(

  3. i to think multiple servers would be a good idea

    feel free to check out my world GT- SaorAlba2014

    heres a some of what ive got

    A castle only better
    a bloodpit
    a rubbish farm
    an asda or (adsa as i have named it)
    a Mcdougals (3 guesses)
    a large tower which is like 4 towers connected at the base (interior Incomplete)
    a big boris johnson statue
    a few houses
    a village with a nice big pool
    a sphere
    a square
    a cruise ship (incomplete)
    a queen elizabeth class aircraft carrier (current project)
    a library
    and a trident II nuclear missile (full of tnt with a convenient switch at your disposal)

    i also apparently have signs around the place that other people can see but i cant not sure why but awell

    anyway if you want a gander then feel free

  4. Multiple servers will be christmas come early for me!

    Good to see that OXM land is still going strong, it's a shame i was never able to join :(

  5. Is there any possible way of setting up more severs so I can build on the new world you were talking about in the vidio. Been trying to add OXM Minecraft since the beginning but friendlist always full! :cry:

  6. Chicken duck thing is a chicken because when you cook it it says cooked chicken :D
    Please come and look at my world gt:RJ lemonz

  7. Waiting with baited breath for the american guys comment........................................

  8. He got the hammer.

  9. Means he can't touch this....forum. Hammertime.

  10. Aww I'll miss his ramblings. That's the only reason I came into these comments, to see his post

  11. Aww I'll miss his ramblings. That's the only reason I came into these comments, to see his post

    me to oh well maybe someone else will pop up and replace him :lol:

  12. I have been trawling through as many videos on youtube as I can and I haven't come across a xbox version of minecraft built p.v.p arena as big as mine as of yet, if anybody is interested in joining and taking a look around message me, my G.T. is jobenator92

  13. Aww I'll miss his ramblings. That's the only reason I came into these comments, to see his post

    me to oh well maybe someone else will pop up and replace him :lol:

    And when they do........it's
