
Generally favorable reviews - based on 46 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 222 Ratings

  • Summary: Sleeping Dogs is an open world cop drama set in the vibrant city of Hong Kong. Taking the role of undercover cop Wei Shen, players must take down one of the world's most lethal criminal organizations from the inside. Featuring imaginative combat systems, Sleeping Dogs empowers enables players to perform an array of martial arts moves, singlehandedly taking on numerous opponents. Players perform visceral kicks and combos, vicious counters and a cinematic set of environmental takedowns making use of real-world items from circular saws to phone booths, incinerators to refrigerator doors. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 42 out of 46
  2. Negative: 1 out of 46
  1. Aug 25, 2012
    Going back to the opening question and whether there is anything bad about Sleeping Dogs, there are a few rough edges here and there but absolutely nothing to write home about. The overall experience from start to finish is brilliant and the only disappointment is the wait you'll have until some DLC hopefully comes out. Even if you're currently playing something right now I urge you to stop and go buy this right now!
  2. Aug 14, 2012
    The end result still doesn't have the personality or verve of Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead Redemption, the novelty of Assassin's Creed, or the crazy acrobatics of Just Cause but it's a better action game than any of them. Clearly that's not necessarily a priority for open world games but it's nice to see it can be done all the same.
  3. Aug 14, 2012
    A middling open-world game can get by if it's well paced. The Saboteur and Prototype 2, for instance, weren't necessarily good, but they moved. Really moved. They pulled you forward, thanks in large part to great progression systems. There is no such sense of progression in Sleeping Dogs. You have a few tracks that gradually unlock moves you may never use.

See all 46 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 53 out of 59
  2. Negative: 3 out of 59
  1. Ignore anyone who says this game is bad. I am extremley picky when it comes to games, i recently bought Darksiders 2 and found it boring. This has some new elements, high speed car hijacking is fantastic. Combat is great and the graphics are fine. If you are looking for a great story and something to entertain you until GTA V buy this game. Expand
  2. This is another case of "Been there, done that". This game really doesn't break any barriers or shows anything that another sandbox game hasn't already done. The combat is okay, with a mix of different combat styles, and instant kills and such, and takes a couple of cues from games like Max Payne, but with a poor enemy AI, the combat really doesn't shine at all here! The graphics/environments are okay, and the music is great, and it fits the scene of the game. The story is great so far, but again, we've seen these games, and these kinda stories before, and at this point this isn't anything 'innovative' or new. They had the potential to take it to another level, but they drop the ball, and play it safe like most games do these days. If you're a gamer like myself expecting more, and not the same as GTA, it's not here, but if you're looking for okay sandbox game to get you through today, it's a easy rental Expand
  3. 2
    Absolute garbage, ignore fanboys calling this crap better than other sandboxes. It seems like it was made last gen. The combat sucks, you can literally one shot everyone by throwing them into obstacles. The graphics are subpar, the AI is terrible, the driving also terrible. The AI is so terrible that if you're being chased by a cop the police will drive infront of you and literally stay there driving beside you doing nothing until you stop. Police will only fight you one at a time. Physics in the game is non existent, you hit people with cars they fly over and land flat on the ground the exact same. Don't get me started on the mediocre vehicle damage. You could be driving full speed and hit a car and leave little to no damage to the car. The driving is wonky and arcadey, nothing like GTA you're basicaly going full speed and able to turn sharp corners like that LOL. The dialogue is horrendous, the world is bland, it tries so hard to compete with contemporaries but fails on all measures. This game has done nothing that other sandboxes haven't already done, and better. Save your money and wait for V. Expand

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