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Review: Giana Sisters DS

Tony Ponce, Associate Editor
2:00 PM on 03.07.2011
Review: Giana Sisters DS photo

Oh, snap. Seriously?

A little over a year ago, I played through an import copy of Giana Sisters DS and posted my impressions as part of my Off-Brand Games series. I had assumed that the likelihood of the game releasing Stateside was slim to none. Scratch that -- make it less than zero. We are witnessing a second miracle here.

The first miracle, of course, is that the game was actually developed at all. Giana Sisters DS is a re-imagining of The Great Giana Sisters, a Super Mario Bros. clone released for gaming computers in the 80s and perhaps the most infamous of all gaming copycats. Old Testament Nintendo brought the wrath of The Almighty down upon the original game's publisher, but New Testament Nintendo chose to demonstrate mercy by allowing an update to not only exist but also be a licensed DS title.

This event may pass the world by without a hint of fanfare, but let it be known that history has been made. To celebrate this occasion, I decided to revisit the game and grant it a proper review.

Giana Sisters DS (DS)
Developer: Spellbound / Bitfield
Publisher: Destineer

Released: September 27, 2011
MSRP: $19.99

Because of The Great Giana Sisters' legacy, it is impossible not to draw comparisons between its follow-up and Super Mario Bros., especially in the wake of the two recent New Super Mario Bros. installments. This puts Giana Sisters DS at a great disadvantage right off the bat.

Instead of coins, you collect gems; instead of Goombas, you stomp on owls; and instead of pipes, you descend into wells. The one thing not present in this game is a Giana sister. You only play as Giana, and by collecting a Punk ball, you transform into the fireball-chucking Punk Giana. There is no two-player mode or second playable character. At least Mario games sans Luigi had to good sense to drop the "Bros." from the title.

There are two other power-ups -- bubble gum and soda pop. The former encases you in a giant bubble for air travel, while the later fires a stream of pressurized soda into walls to destroy them. Curiously, activating these moves requires you to tap their icons on the touch screen. The jump and fireball techniques are assigned two face buttons each, and neither the L nor R trigger are ever used. Much like the summoning the reserve item in New Super Mario Bros., there is no logical reason why these functions couldn't be mapped to a physical button. It's another case of unnecessary touch features being shoe-horned where they aren't needed.

In the game's favor, the art style is very vibrant and clean. The soundtrack, while nothing mind-blowing, is very chill and pleasant. The audio team did a great job of recapturing that distinctive Commodore 64 sound -- you know, that "Ode to a Casio" chip sound that defined 80s pop music. The main theme in particular sounds like Tears for Fears. Even the theme of the original had a Journey vibe to it. I think it's pretty boss that this game's audio could basically be the soundtrack to any 80s teen film ever made.

Each of the worlds spans nine levels plus a single bonus level, and all you do is run from one end to the other collecting gems. Obstacles are sparse, and most levels can be completed in less than a minute without letting go of the D-pad. There are six environment types throughout the game, but they are mixed into every world so that no one world has a unified theme. With over eighty levels in total with only the more labyrinthine designs saved for late in the game, tedium sets in quickly.

Aside from reaching the goal, your optional aim in each level is to collect as many blue gems as you can. Collecting 100 gems nets you a 1-up, and you manage to stockpile a healthy reserve in no time at all. It negates any threat the game may throw at you when extra lives are in such overabundance.

In addition, there are red gems strewn about. Collecting all the red gems in a world will unlock that world's bonus stage. You'd expect these gems to be well hidden, but for the most part they are in plain view right along the main path. It's impossible to feel a sense of accomplishment when the carrots are basically force-fed to you. At least the Mario games have tight platforming and clever designs to fall back on.

Whereas the New Super Mario Bros. games feel like natural upgrades to the NES originals, Giana Sisters DS feels too rooted in bare bones retro sensibilities. This game ought to be named Collecting Shit because that's all you ever do. It has more in common with that free Flash game Mission in Snowdriftland than with the spate of enjoyably bizarre platform games available on the Nintendo DS. It plays so disgustingly safe that children who wear reflective clothing and knee pads while sitting on the front lawn at two in the afternoon are more daring in comparison.

I suppose if you were a C64 child, Giana Sisters DS is your homecoming. For everyone else, it's about as average as you can imagine a game could be. It's no mystery why Nintendo no longer feels threatened by this shameless pretender.


5.0 /10
Mediocre: An exercise in apathy, neither Solid nor Liquid. Not exactly bad, but not very good either. Just a bit 'meh,' really. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

For $20 it does look like a decent game to play when your waiting for a better game to come. Might pick it up just so see for myself how much they took from the Super Mario formula.
Relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKkmyMKbPKE
What ever happened to Offbrand Games? It was easily the best and most interesting part of this site.
"Old Testament Nintendo"

@redeemer: I love this track!

It's a shame to revive my most beloved jump&run; that started my gaming career so poorly.
You should try the iPhone version, it has improved graphics and it costs pennies compared to the DS one!
Send in the clones. They should have went with a self aware narrative and played off the fact that the game is a blatant ripoff of SMB.
They should have gone with "Ultra Giana Sisters," because everybody knows that "ultra" is a step above "super."
Funny you should mention Mission in Snowdriftland, I think they have the same composer. I certainly got the C64 vibe from that game.
"blah blah no challenge because lots of lives blah"

I'm sure this game is bad. Most copycats are. But the idea that you need limited lives to make things fun or challenging is bullshit. Galaxy 2 would have been an even better game had it done away with lives entirely, and it too had over-abundant lives. We don't need this antiquated lives/Game Over system. If you mess up you start over. As many times as you want. That's not "easy" that's just good design.
This review seems to be slightly out of line with most other reviews I've read online. Picked this up about a year ago or so through Amazon Germany and had it shipped to Canada fairly cheap (compared to eBay) and thought the game to be pretty entertaining. Bare bones, yes, but it's true to it's retro sensibilities and definitely worth a try if you're looking for a solid platformer.
You're entitled to your opinion, just like the other people, who said this game is great. But you seems to miss the point: this is not Super Mario Bros. It has some similarities, yes, but differences as well. If you expect SMB, play SMB. This game is all about relaxing fun. Collecting every blue gems are fun for the zillionth time too. Levels might be too easy (except some in worlds 7 and 8), but they look splendid, in the later worlds, they look very creative as well. How can you not love the climax built in 7-6 and the successing levels? Also, enemies are fun looking, and have a very cartoonish feel to them.

I think this game has a huge potential, and indeed has some minor disappointments in it. I don't like the way they recycled the old C64 levels, which definately slowed down the pace of this game in worlds 1-5 (they are the weakest levels here), also don't like the frequent use of flower pots (autosave), but that's all, the good heavily outbalances the bad.

My score would be 8.5, which is far far closer to the general opinion.
You're entitled to your opinion, just like the other people, who said this game is great. But you seems to miss the point: this is not Super Mario Bros. It has some similarities, yes, but differences as well. If you expect SMB, play SMB. This game is all about relaxing fun. Collecting every blue gems are fun for the zillionth time too. Levels might be too easy (except some in worlds 7 and 8), but they look splendid, in the later worlds, they look very creative as well. How can you not love the climax built in 7-6 and the successing levels? Also, enemies are fun looking, and have a very cartoonish feel to them.

I think this game has a huge potential, and indeed has some minor disappointments in it. I don't like the way they recycled the old C64 levels, which definately slowed down the pace of this game in worlds 1-5 (they are the weakest levels here), also don't like the frequent use of flower pots (autosave), but that's all, the good heavily outbalances the bad.

My score would be 8.5, which is far far closer to the general opinion.
Uh, sorry for double posting.
This game sound's and play's like an good old amiga game. I like it.
Yeah I can't wait to pick this up but when is the release date!? And how come I can't buy this at Amazon.com? Also, this is $20.00!? The DS is still alive yall!
This game was supposed to come out on February 22, but I've yet to see it on store shelves. It isn't even listed on Destineer's web site. Either it's been delayed or quietly canceled. I should know for sure when my Destineer contact gets back in touch with me.


"...this is not Super Mario Bros."

No, but it really wanted to be. It's a game that was originally developed for computers precisely because Nintendo didn't want to bring Mario over. This remake barely distinguishes itself from the original intent.
I've had this game more or less since it came out here in Australia and I completely disagree with this review. Its a fantastic game with some great level design. THe music is amazing,it looks great, all the animation is fluid.

The game is pure 2d platforming action at its best, I enjoyed this way more then I what little I've played of New Super Mario Bros on the DS. Easily the best tradition platformer I've played on the DS. I'd give it at least a 8/10

I'm so happy that there are folks who enjoyed Off-Brand Games. I'd like to come back to it some day, but I want to shake up the standard format a bit.


You must not have played many DS platformers if this is one of the better ones. It's not a BAD game, just an average one.
I beat the import version ages ago. Needless to say, it's fucking awesome!

5.0? Pfffffft!
I like earthy browns and foresty greens for the most part.

and Xbox 360 would be the platform, assuming I win
@Tony Ponce
The Sonic games, Mega Man Zero and ZX, Rayman Original on DSiWare, Kirby Super Star Ultra, Castle of Magic & Various Spider-Man plus a few mins on New Super Mario Bros (but not enough to really voice an opinion on it). I've played enough platformers on the system to make that call. I'll agree it may not be the best platformer on the system that goes to Henry Hatsworth (or Kirby Canvas Curse if you could really call that a platformer), but for a traditional old school style 2D platformer, Giana Sisters hits the ball out of the park for me.

The game may start a little easy but thats only for the first 3 or 4 worlds but once it kicks into gear in the later levels its simply amazing. I grew up in the 16bit era and I think this game is a perfect call back to some of the greats back then. I can see how some people may find it simple but those people are looking for something that isn't there in the game. Your not going to get any fancy gimmicks like you would in Henry Hatsworth or Kirby Canvas Curse, what your going to get is great amazing platforming action that feels like its been ripped straight out of the 16bit era. Does it bring anything new to the table, hell no but who says you have to, to be a good game.

It's not ripped from the 16-bit era, it's ripped from the 8-bit gaming computer era, yet I've played NES games that were richer and more fulfilling than this update.

And the game doesn't ever get difficult. The only difficulty present is searching for some red gems in a handful of the later levels and running out of time.

But bear in mind that a Destructoid 5.0 is like an IGN or Game Informer 7.0, so scale accordingly.
The game shouldn't be difficult to be great. As I said, it's about relaxing fun. You can pick this up any time, play any random levels from it, just for playing. And collecting all blue crystals in most levels is really fun (follow the money style).

Also, levels like 3-6, 3-10, 4-9, 5-10, 6-2, 6-3, 6-5, x-2, and the entire world 7 and 8 show huge potential in leveldesin too. As I said the recycling way of the original C64 levels in worlds 1-5 what indeed brings some tedium into the gameplay.

I hope for a Wii sequel with further updates. NSMB for the DS wasn't that good compared to the Wii one. Also rank GSDS over NSMBDS any day.
Not the best platformer I've ever played, but it at least feels better than 90% of the platformers that came out on 16-bit consoles in the 90's. Doesn't feel too floaty or slippery (bubsy... ugh). I don't like the lack of any type of "run" button, but it would basically be a Mario game if they included that. I'd say it's worth $20 if you enjoy "get through the level without dying" platformers, but super meat boy this is not. On that note, Super Meat Boy on a portable would probably be the best thing ever and none of you would ever hear from me again.
@Tony Ponce
To be fair Platformers in general didn't evolve much going from the 8bit to 16bit era, they just had a nicer coat of paint on them. This game is easily up there with the likes of Plok, Robocod, Zool, DKC and other similar level platformers. Am I saying its better then say a Mario World or something similar, hell no, but it is a very well made game.

And maybe I just suck at games, but some of those later levels had me trying to give them a few goes, yes its mainly to get all the red gems but thats what they are there for to make the game more of a challenge. Sure you could just not bother with them and storm through the game but then what would be the point of playing a game if your not going to try and get all you can out of it.

I think the levels are well designed, it looks fantastic, it has some great remixes of the original soundtrack and it doesn't have the usual control problems alot of other platformers suffer from such as stiff or floaty jumps or the controls just feeling too loose. I think they did a great job with this game, its not only a great homage to the original but it also stands on its own as a great game.
It was pretty good. But i think it's more for all the little new gamers rather than grown ups.
I enjoyed this game on the c64 and Amiga, but I don't really see the point of it when even the game it copied is now pretty dull.
I'd been following Giana Sisters ever since it was a Dreamcast homebrew game. Sorry to hear it doesn't stand out too much, but I guess the original didn't either. At the time Giana Sisters was well above the quality of other independent Dreamcast games, though.
Disagree pretty heavily with this review. I had a far better time playing this than NSMB. Part of that might be due to the expectations I had coming into both games, but still. The game is more challenging than NSMB too...

It's not among the best ds game in the genre broadly speaking(that would be between Henry Hatsworth, Mega Man ZX Advent and MMZ colletion), but as a basic platformer it outperforms NSMB.
I feel this is a wholly unfair score. The game is one of the best platformers on the DS, with tons of levels, really tight controls and excellent replayability (not to mention great music). I'd give it at least a 7, possibly 8.
I also feel this score is unfair. I would probably give the game somewhere between a 7.9 and an 8.5. How old are you, 20? You seem to lack appreciation for this game. This is an unapologetically old school platformer and it is load of fun. It is also a highly satisfactory follow-up for fans of the original game.

I also do not understand how you can possibly argue that the DS version of New Super Mario Bros. is better than this game. NSMBDS was easier and shorter. And if you want to talk about a game that took a step back in game design, NSMBDS was it. If you put it up against SMB3 or SMW, it's just sad. Of the three new power-ups in that game, only Mini Mario was any good. Giant Mario was a glorified Starman clone, and Koopa Shell Mario was unforgivably boring. On top of that, the game was replete with shortcuts, and you actually had to force it to let you play through all 8 worlds. The fact that they didn't put the cape feather or raccoon leaf in the game is a pretty obvious indicator of how lazy the level design was in NSMBDS. When flight's an option, level designs have to be more intricate. The designers clearly weren't interested in that much work. I don't think I've ever been as disappointed with a platformer as I was with NSMBDS. Wait, that's not true. The Taito DS Revolution series were worse. Way worse. But NSMBDS is still awful.
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