Weekly Photo Contest: Fall Colors!

Weekly Photo Contest: Fall Colors!

It's time to announce this week's photo contest -- fall colors! We're in the heart of the autumn season which means colors, leaves, and more colors. This time of year is responsible for some of the most beautiful photos ever taken, so we want to see what beautiful photos you all are taking with your iPhones.

I, personally, live in an area of the the world (central coast of California) that doesn't really have a fall season, so I'm dying to see all the photos that show me what I'm missing. Help me out iMore iPhoneographers and make me jealous!

Congrats to jwgriffin for winning last week's lens flare photo contest!

The prize: $30 iTunes gift certificate

In addition to a thumbs up from the iMore crew and all of us yelling about how great of a photo star you are, the winner of this week's photography contest will receive a $30 iTunes gift card allowing you to stock up on some of those photography apps you've been dying to buy!

The rules

The rules of entry are very simple. The photo must have been taken with an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch (we'll check the EXIF data of the original file to verify) and any edits must have been done with an iPhone or iPad app. No Photoshop CS6! If you have external lens accessories you are more than welcome to use them. You can submit as many photos as you'd like, but remember, this is a contest, so make sure you submit your best work!


Now, before you run off to take your photo, remember that it's not technical skill alone that will claim this prize. Even if you're not the best photographer (yet!), a great eye and a great subject can still get you the win.

However, a little help can never hurt, so make sure you check out our iPhone photography series for some tips.

How to submit

Submitting your photos is easy. just head over to the iMore Photography Forum and post your photos to the official contest thread. Don't forget to state which apps, if any, you used to edit your photo!

That's it! Now go out and shoot!


Leanna Lofte

App and Photography Editor at iMore. Mother, wife, and math instructor. Follow her on Twitter @llofte and send her apps to consider for review at iosapps@imore.com

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There are 6 comments. Add yours.

pilotnh says:

Sorry, but this contest is about 2-4 weeks too late for the area of the country that has the most spectacular foliage (New England). The first two weeks of October are peak. This week's hurricane took whatever leaves were left off the trees.

flyersfan76 says:

Maybe the pictures do not have to be pictures of leaves ON trees. I am sure falls colors could be seen in many places. Although not ideal Hurricanes are a fall event so maybe it brought some nice ideas to some.

Although I wouldn't mind seeing some pictures of the Taconic State Parkway.

Leanna Lofte says:

I'm sorry :( But the pictures do not have to be taken now. If you took photos when you did have fall colors, you can use those.

philbert81 says:

I live in Texas, so everything is still green. Can we postpone this one for a few weeks? Lol

gunderson says:

Yeah, sorry Lofte. As pilotnh lamented, the leaves here in Pittsburgh(well south of New England) are also gone as of last week, and as I type, we are treated to large snowflakes and a white blanketed ground. I have some nice foliage shots from a few weeks ago on my A57 though if you want to see... :-)

teepeeayy says:

OK, to quote Forest Gump, "I am not a smart man". How do you attach a picture to a forum post?