EA posts $381 million loss

Battlefield publisher in the red after recording $711 million in total revenue; EA Labels boss calls critical reception for Medal of Honor: Warfighter disappointing.

Battlefield and Mass Effect publisher Electronic Arts is seeing red. The company posted a $381 million loss for the three-month period ended September 30. This represents a 12 percent greater loss than the $340 million hit the company took during the same time last year. Total revenue for the period came in at $711 million, down slightly year-on-year from $715 million.

EA CEO John Riccitiello offered deeper color on the losses in a post-earnings conference call. He said the industry is currently in an unsettled period, and alluded to next-generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony helping to spur sales in the time ahead.

"The game sector is in a volatile period of change and transition--awaiting new catalysts for even more rapid growth," Riccitiello said. "Since the San Francisco Giants won the World Series, I’ll use a baseball analogy: EA doesn’t win every inning, but we put a lot of runs on the scoreboard and we expect to finish the season at the top of the standings and to continue to do so for years to come."

Later in the call, EA Labels boss Frank Gibeau shed some light on the recently released Medal of Honor: Warfighter. Gibeau said the critical reception for the game "fell below our expectations." He added that EA will continue to push the game during the holiday season through marketing and other sales execution strategies, including the upcoming map pack tied in to Sony Pictures' new movie Zero Dark Thirty.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He lives in Connecticut, works out of the company's New York City office, and loves extra chunky peanut butter.

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Bleak5170 44 pts

Warfighter "fell below your expectations"?? BULL****!. You knew it was going to be bad because you didn't send out review copies until the day it was in stores. And don't give us that crap about how it was because of the day one patch. A patch has to be certified long before it's released. You could have very easily given the media access to both the game and the patch well before launch. You knew the game was going to suck.

rey2 50 pts

Reads news title.  Happy day. 

xYamatox 54 pts

Here's hoping EA burns in a fire. Let Bioware, Visceral Games and DICE free from their greasy, maggot-like grasp.

pal_080 217 pts

 xYamatox If EA burns to the ground so do those studios, but at least the talent within them can always begin anew!

GamerMani 32 pts

What a freaky it is. just go back to main page there is also a heading  ?FIFA and      Battlefield are EA's most profitable franchises?

NaturalDisplay 55 pts

Maybe its time for a new IP instead of all these yearly rehashes.

cheamo 73 pts

I doubt they've released anything recently that I actually would have bought, but the main reason I don't buy much from EA anymore (even though there are so many good reasons not to) is that I just don't care to start using Origin.

Gater29 51 pts

I skimmed over the part at the end the first time and I just had to laugh when I read it. I can't get over EA's mindset on this one.


"Hey guys, we've spent millions marketing this game, and people aren't buying it."


"I know, let's keep marketing it!"


"Brilliant! That will work for sure!"

Gater29 51 pts

Sorry EA but its not the state of the industry. Gamers are just tired of your BS and are tired of you trying to homogenize every single series in order to "appeal to the masses". Maybe you'll figure this out someday and go back to trying to produce unique and interesting games. If not, I couldn't care less. Plenty of innovative companies out there who are making great games.

pal_080 217 pts

 Gater29 Yea I don't get how they can shrug it off as "industry trends" when Capcom is celebrating a massive +300% profit margin... lol silly EA games.

Cable_mvc2 23 pts

Good, I hope they go bankrupt. EA is the worst gaming company  I've ever seen,

mr_azim 27 pts

The problem with EA is they are SO diverse and expanded..... they don't excel in one type of gaming.  The only gaming genre they do excel in is Sports and that is "by default" because the only other competition is the Sega "K" games.


They're development is spread out too thin...

Danituga 94 pts

It's a meh game... Didn't grab my attention at all

Madgnad 22 pts

Hmm. Not one mention of their crappy service Origin. That's the #1 reason I haven't touched EA games on PC.

adam1808 220 pts

Chris Remo says is all, sings rather.

shivR 13 pts

EA really I like you guys and Battlefield was amazing. I am a Mass Effect fan, a Dragon Age fan, I am a NFS fan, and stuff with you name on it is generally good. However please stop giving Danger Close to opportunity to make Medal of Honor Games. They are bad at it. Give them the next Command and Conquer game.

xand3rro 8 pts

does every bit of news now need a video

Danituga 94 pts

 xand3rro it's more easy to see lol

Mortac83654 9 pts

What disturbs me most about this (among many things) is that they are trying to better MoH not by actually trying to improve upon the game, but rather "through marketing and other sales execution strategies". I mean, I know it's an important part of consumer culture and all that but still, crap wrapped in nice wrapping is still crap.

Gater29 51 pts

 Mortac83654 And people are beginning to see this, hence the lackluster sales EA is reporting. Oh well, its about time EA gets knocked down a peg or two.

ninth7 16 pts

This is going to have a knock on affect with DA3, I can tell; it will be rushed and corners will be cut because of this. /sigh... after the woeful product of DA2, I don't think the franchise will ever reach it's former glory, shame, as I've compled DAO 4 times and have made over 10 characters.

realiamnot 23 pts

 ninth7 After Dragon Age Origins they've just made it simple which sucks. DA2  sucked, so will DA3 probably.

TheWizardMagus 10 pts

Oh crap! John, quick; buy another developer as a shortcut to some quick cash that will inevitably dry up when you start ruining their products!

dapimp10 5 pts

EA is just trying to cash in on succeses like CoD but they just don't know how to make a game that's really good at least in the fps genre ,cause even BF3 will only be rememberd for it's online multiplayer and not its campaign , only call of duty will be rememberd for the total package ,maybe the graphics could be better but gameplay and story is just way too Epic ,So no one will buy Warfighter because there are just too many great shooters out there people are saying that company make games fore greed and money but it was always about that ,EA is Buying all major companies that make games for the fans and diehard gamers like bioware its just one example , EA is the major Baddy in this world

Nissemean 16 pts


Cod memorable.


Even Wolfenstein 3d had a better story.

galeta 32 pts

oh no! this means more gears of war style games from ea. maybe cover system for dragon age 3 and bf4 can save them.

Martyr77 85 pts

This is what you get when you push DLC, Passes, and Multi Player in every game down our throats. I don't feel bad for them at all.

MAXAM999 12 pts

Perfect !

I would love to see Activi$ion-Blizzard loss a tons of millions too , Those company's keep making games these days for greed .

tourgen 12 pts

I find EA's business decisions to include secondary logins into all their games, pay-to-cheat DLC for console games, and general shitting-up of perfectly good franchises like Mass Effect disappointing.  I don't buy their games anymore.  Maybe they'll get the message next quarter.

tightwad34 510 pts

Ruh roh, Is this the beginning of the end, Shaggy? Nah, EA gots way too much $, and we all know why, or maybe all the comments by everyone on this here internet bashing them has opened some eyes. We all can't be wrong, but unfortunately I will still go with the former.

saosebastiao 20 pts

Oh they lost $381 million? No problem, they just need to lauch DLC's for every EA game on the market. Learn from Crapcom!

MrDouglas 213 pts

They lost $381 million over a three-month period?, Wow that's quite a big loss. Have to wonder where they gonna get fresh new money from now that this year's Madden, FIFA, Warfighter etc has been released, The Old Republic is bleeding money and going F2P and BF4 is at least a year away...

eriktkire 146 pts

for a second I was thinking "how is this news?" when I saw the title.


Sounds an awful lot like 12 months ago.  Despite BFBC2 being a success they blamed the 'critical' failure of the MoH reboot... and again, despite BF3, MoH is to blame again.


Why oh why won't every fanboy harass his parents to switch from CoD to MoH!?!  A mystery for the ages huh EA?


If MoH had a chance of stealing that CoD crown, that chance is dead and gone.  You boys blew it, try looking to achieve something else.



dildodildo 52 pts


halo117xbox 50 pts

they should just stick to FIFA And Battlefield. Madden Sucks, MoH Sucks as well! Though I love Mass Effect. i hope they dont rush BF4 i hope they save any new battlefield titles for next gen. If they end up ruining battlefield and make a new one every year like CoD then the series is as good as dead.

DeFiLeDTitan 96 pts

 halo117xbox by dead do you mean really successful? (0")("0)                                                                                                                           <                                                                                                                                 ---

musalala 259 pts

Good...... GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

Chainer323 23 pts

medal of honor would be better if they stopped with the FPS games and did something new.

Midgetmen 8 pts

medal of honor would be better if they went back to world war 2, stop with the modern warfare crap

Master_Turismo 171 pts

Maybe its the fact that you guys are being jackwagons and saying you are going towards digital only.

Terminal_Omega 24 pts

Hey EA, here are some ideas: Do NOT push multiplayer onto IPs that are focused on single-player, regardless of the incentive to put in one-time codes and discourage used copies in the marketplace, do not push out yearly (sometimes bi-annual) rehashes of the same old thing.  This is only good for your short-term bottom-line, not your long-term growth.  And, above all else, INVEST IN NEW INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.  You will continually see your profits dwindle (albeit slowly) with sequel after sequel.  Innovate.  Be creative.

TroyTrojanGamer 23 pts

He blames it on the market and not his annoying company, how classic.  It has more to do with gamers just out right hating EA because of the way they cash cow customers whether it's a sports game, fiction, or shooter.  For once it would be nice to buy a game that does not release with DLC that should already be on the disk.  I just hate how EA ruins perfect games with deadlines and DLC.  I still wonder what Mass Effect could have been had someone like Bethesda made the game.

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