

Flightglobal.com's record-breaking statistics

Average monthly statistics Jan - Dec 2009*


Page Impressions: 6,194,571


Visits: 1,641,673


Unique Users: 990,967


*Hitbox Reporting

Download Flightglobal's Q1 2011 Web & E-Newsletter Analytics Report

This report is designed to provide a selection of the headline figures behind the Flightglobal website and its associated e-newsletters, including a snapshot of latest traffic data and core demographics for our growing online audience.


AOP 2010 Winners Logo


Flightglobal is crowned Business Website of the Year 2010

Flightglobal has won the prestigious title of Business Website of the Year at the AOP’s Digital Publishing Awards 2010.

The judges were impressed with Flightglobal's results in what has been a tough year for its audience: “Flightglobal has shown impressive results across all its KPIs in 2009. The site uses the full spectrum of digital tools, with a special focus on engagement and effective use of social media in a B2B environment.” Read more ...

Flightglobal.com continues to be the number one online site for all things aviation. Averaging over 6 million page views and close to a million unique users a month flightglobal.com remains the unrivalled information source for the aerospace and aviation industry providing advertising solutions that far outweigh our competitors.