Future Wii U Titles Line-up Trailer

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  • Sep 13, 2012
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Check out the what future titles will be available for the Wii U.


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dinslacck 29 pts

interesting.. some of the games are very interesting...

pedram007 12 pts

A lot of it looks like web based flash games...Nintendo plays itself into irrelevancy?

Pavlara 39 pts

wow so this is nintendos entry into the next generation of consoles? looks like they have the 15 and under demographic cornered

I_are_Cake 86 pts

Nothing looks good or interesting except for ZombiU, Tekken Tak Tournament 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Darksiders II, Assassin's Creed III, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, Mass Effect 3, Rayman Legends, Trine 2, & Batman: Arkham City. The Wii U needs more of that and less casual titles.

ccrunner3 5 pts

 I_are_Cake I think that the current list of hardcore titles is enough to bring in more hardcore game developers, after they see the success of release; there are so many game developers that want to develop for the WiiU, but are holding off to see how the current list of hardcore titles will appease the WiiU audience.

I_are_Cake 86 pts

Getting Assassin's Creed III, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Batman: Arkham City - Armored Edition, Battlefield 4, Bayonetta 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Darksiders II, Homefront 2, Injustice: Gods Among Us, Mass Effect 3, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, Sacrilegium, Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online, & ZombiU.

Slade968 38 pts

Looks like Nintendo is doing a good job targeting their core audience. The kids who were younger when the Wii came out in 2006 and are now older and wanna play more mature games. This is a great lineup for any console IF you haven't already played these games on PC/PS3/XBOX360, which most have.


Doesn't do much to draw in older more serious gamers though, kind of disappointing. Who knows, maybe they will get a ton of 3rd party support and there will be a large selection of games to choose from. Then again, it is Nintendo...

svdbygrce02 19 pts

visuals look just meh on everything but mario and rayman.  I am disappoint

nintendians 10 pts

i seen this a couple weeks back when nintendo did this.

Float1011 5 pts

I wasn't excited about Wii U but some of these games seem cool. Doesn't seem nextgen though.

svdbygrce02 19 pts

 Float1011 it isn't next gen..its only nintendo-standard next gen

JunoWalker 36 pts

Is it me or has Nintendo made mostly ports or HD versions of games already out for their 2 newest gaming systems. 3DS got a bunch of N64 ports. Looks like WiiU is getting games like Arkham City, Darksiders 2, and Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge. Only difference in Batman is the new suit that fills a power meter when dealing or taking damage that can be unleash for less damage and more powerful attacks when the meter is full. Same Exact game otherwise. Darksiders 2 is just a port. Why buy it again? Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge is the only version of NG3 to have the dismemberment like the origional 2 Ninja Gaiden games on Xbox/ 360. The new Mario game is like all the other ones, so nothing new. Why is there not a new RPG IP??? If this system does not have HD/ remake versions of classic SNES and N64 games like Secret of Mana and Goldeneye N64 or Perfect Dark then it will fail as all the other games for it are already out or last years holiday games. If not going to make new games for new system then at least take the classics that made Nintendo a giant and remake them with new technology to modernize their controls for dual analog support and redo the textures to look better.

xw1ng 15 pts

 JunoWalker you have a lot to say dont you?

wizardboyus 97 pts

 JunoWalker nj 3 razor's edge also added multiple weapons didn't it? i thought in the original you could only use dragon sword. there's also a whole new character. judging from the trailer of the game, it looks like they even added some new moves and mechanics to the game, might be worth a play on expert difficultly (aka normal difficulty in a regular ninja gaiden game...)

colin__23 6 pts

 JunoWalker Ports, ports ports, so when nintendo get a port is pathetic but when PSmove came out and you got all those ports from Wii game ports that the likes of you said crappy games (because it was not on their console which has better graphics and it was on wii) when those games came out with better graphics and PSmove support from crappy games became good games....and it wasn't pathetic so now nintendo gets a few ports and it is pathetic...great logic.

svdbygrce02 19 pts

 JunoWalker Agreed.  This is exactly what Nintendo needs is new IP.  The magic is diminishing with mario reruns.  The only game that excites me on Wii U is Zelda 2014 due to the scale they are talking about.

mrchubbylove 9 pts

 CivilizedPsycho You can go buy it now for about $28 lol. I guess if you want to wait until Dec. and then pay $60+ just because its for the wiiu then you can do that too. 

samus_my_life 43 pts

where is Metroid Prime Series ???


come on .... i want to see samus back alive again lolz :)

ghebusel 7 pts

Crappy. Only New super mario U and NG razor's edge i want. the rest is BORING

JunoWalker 36 pts

 ghebusel you do realize that NG3 is the same game and it's already out. The only thing they added was more blood and dismemberment.

ghebusel 7 pts

 JunoWalker Dismemberment is a better feature for a finisher. NG3 had no strategy elements, because all previous systems from NG2 are gone. No upgrade system, no items, no magic (ng3 has a rigid ninpo system).....i hope this version will bring back whats missing to be a complete game. This is the reason a want to check this out

wizardboyus 97 pts

 JunoWalker  ghebusel bs they added more than that why u think that?

JunoWalker 36 pts

 wizardboyus  ghebusel watch the trailer again, the twin swords ryu uses are a piece of dlc that you can buy for NG3 right now. Not sure if Ayane is a playable character in this version, but from what I heard she's not playable in NG3. The ninpo system is only one ninpo and it kills everything on screen. From the look of it, it's all the same and the only thing they added was more blood and being able to cut the enemies arms and legs. I played the first few levels of the actual game and the demo. In The demo I was able to use the twin swords, a folding scythe,  and claws that fit on to Ryu's hands and feet, along with the dragon sword. When I then played the actual game, I had all of these weapons as well. I don't c how anything is different, do u??

JunoWalker 36 pts

 wizardboyus  ghebusel ok, my bad. They also added a few levels to play as Ayane and a bow staff that wasn't already released as a piece of dlc. When I played the game, back in May of 2012. If they don't change the combat system around to how it was in Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2/ Black/ Sigma 1 & 2, then most of the problems the game got a 3 for are still present. Even adding Ayane as a playable character is nothing new, she was playable in NG Sigma 2. Also Rachel was playable in NG1 and again in 2. I also remember that the shrine maiden was a playable character in NG Sigma 2.

So all in all... There's nothing warranting a $60 price tag. Especially considering that this game is most likely a port version, with all the existing dlc added in, and then a few extra levels to play as Ayane. All the devs are doing is repackaging what they already made with a few bonus levels, into a new box labled for WiiU with the same price tag it had when it first launched.

Now, if the devs also included all the other playable characters, all the weapons from the other NG games, and made the combat system what it was for Ninja Gaiden 1 & 2/ Black/ Sigma 1 & 2.... Then, I'd be sold.

It is nice that Nintendo is finally getting violent games on their systems again...

Birth00 106 pts

Now that I think about it, it might be the best line-up for the launch of a new platform in the past 10 years it seems. I mean, remember the launch of the PS3? Xbox 360? Those were pathetic. Shit, the PSP still doesn't have more then 5 games that I would consider owning.

JunoWalker 36 pts

 Birth00 So launching a system with last years games makes it the best launch lineup in 10 years... Aside from like 5 games all of the announced titles either last years big games or game from this year already out on XB360 or PS3. By the time this system comes out, these games will be $40 or less, but for the WiiU they'll be $60. This is the worst launch line up if you ask me... Not enough new IP.

Birth00 106 pts


So the criteria for a good launch is new IP? Then sorry, but PS3 and Xbox were even worst off. 5 good games is pretty damn good considering most systems launch with no more then 2 good games.

JunoWalker 36 pts

 Birth00 First off XBox360 had new IP when it launched, Kameo: Elements of Power. PS3 did as well, Resistance. I don't really care how much new IPs there are, but if nothing new ever gets made, then there won't be any new games to play. The industry needs having lots of dev studios and therefore should have smaller production limits to allow more devs. The gaming industry is getting too big for its own good and will kill itself for greed because normal consumers can't afford the high prices of games, anymore. This is also in part due to the bad economy, but mostly it's due to the unnecessarily high game budgets.

Salt101010 5 pts

 JunoWalker  Birth00 You do understand that they didn't show all of the games.

Autony 18 pts

If you're having fun then nothing else should matter.

Zilaan_ 12 pts

For now it looks like the games are all from the current generation, not next gen.

Nintendo should have invested more in making a real next gen looking Mario game and not a 2d platform Mario, even if it's great fun to play.

Game companies have to start developing for the Wii U system, taking advantage of the newer technology or the games will look the same as in PS3 or 360. But at this stage Nintendo should compensate that by making their own games like Zelda, Metroid, Mario Kart, Starfox, F-zero and so on, with next gen graphics quality.

zulwalks 72 pts

 Zilaan_ To me it seems like they are targeting a new audience, people that have shied away from the Wii previously because it had very kiddish games. I think they would release a new Zelda game with next gen graphics but I don't think it would be in time for the release. Next-gen would take some time even the hardware is here.....

Autony 18 pts

 Zilaan_ I thought it was called Super Mario Galaxy.

yang4200 81 pts

I think the only reason people would buy Wii U game is either for exclusive or they dont own any other console.   I think multi plat game will still likely go to ps3 or xbox when it come to choice.

eva02langley 64 pts

So except from Mario and Nintendo games, the same crap as other consoles?

stevenrkorea 34 pts



Difficult to judge the games based on the 12 seconds of time they were given.


The sports games seem a little slow, though.  Same with Assassin's Creed.  Kinda like that feeling you get when you run a game on your PC where you don't quite have the requirements for it.


Maybe it's just me, though.  Either way, good luck to Nintendo.  I hope they are successful and don't go the way of Sega, and in a few years have Mario games showing up on Xbox Live.

rioleo 13 pts

lol you can tell most of the haters here commenting didn't even watch the whole video. XD

Daian 623 pts

This lineup won't attract the core gamers, most core titles are multiplatform we can play on PC/PS3/360. The launch lineup is underwhelming.


And damn, the controller costs as much as a 3DS, it if breaks or need another one you're screwed.

cRaCk-hOr 45 pts

I'm really please Nintendo have released another console and this line up looks great, the original Wii console and controllers had some innovative design ideas and in true Nintendo fashion some of the games for the Wii were most excellent and clever.


However i wont be buying a Wii U at launch, I'll wait at least a few months for a larger selection of games to be released and then perhaps i will look at a  reduced priced console with free accessories too boot?  

Gblazer01 35 pts

Nintendo will always appeal to children and families. The Wii U doesn't exempt them from that. They can throw any "AAA" titles they want in the line-up but hardcore gamers will stay away. It's more of a "try it once, leave it alone later" deal. 

abHS4L88 1833 pts


True hardcore gamers at least recognize Nintendo's consoles. So even if the WiI u has the best games in the upcoming generation, you're still going to stay away just because they also appeal to families? Great logic you got there.

InvalidName13 50 pts

 Gblazer01 you do know those "children" that appeal to the WiiU will grow up wanting to play triple A games. Soooo its good that they have more of those now, because the lines of the hardcore gamer can shift at any time. 

AnimeInMe 6 pts

Really annoyed that Bayonetta is gonna be Wii-U only. Def ain't gonna buy this console for one damn game though.

eva02langley 64 pts

 AnimeInMe Mikami and Miyamoto always shared... visions... not surprised.

rusher25 12 pts

some of the games seems like something you can buy from psn or xbla.. those platformers/side-scrollers..

push88 144 pts

Well then, it looks as though Nintendo has finally caught up.  Too bad in about a year they will be surpassed, yet again. 

radcrab123 79 pts

IDK About CodBLops2 On wii u and Assasian's creed and batman but we shall see

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