Assassin's Creed III breaks Ubisoft's preorder records

Upcoming action title is French publisher's most preordered game ever, doubling reservation rates of Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

Assassin's Creed III ships next week with lofty expectations, but it is already breaking records. Ubisoft announced today that the new stealth-action game is the company's most preordered game in its history, surpassing previous record holder Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

What may have contributed to the uptick in reservations is that Assassin's Creed III will be available on four platforms (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, and Wii U), whereas Revelations shipped for three (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC).

Ubisoft also updated life-to-date sales for the Assassin's Creed series today. The franchise has now sold over 40 million copies worldwide, the company said, though no specificity was provided as to how those sales are distributed among the numerous games in the series.

Assassin's Creed III is due out for Xbox 360 and PS3 on October 30. A Wii U release is slated for November 18 day-and-date with the system and a PC launch will round out the bunch on November 20. For more on Assassin's Creed III, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He lives in Connecticut, works out of the company's New York City office, and loves extra chunky peanut butter.

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theKSMM 348 pts

This story in case anyone still wondered why there are annual releases in this franchise...

essam24 36 pts

Indeed , cuz ubisoft made a masterpiece.

mrsniper83 142 pts

I have been playing this game today, got it far the best in the series

megaspiderweb09 23 pts

 mrsniper83 Really, where and how is that possible?

nurnberg 604 pts

I never liked the AC games because I always found that the main character with his hoodie looked like a dumbass.

Barrakas21 156 pts

you guys never learn...hype bitches 

pacpuf7249 17 pts

Wasn't this story already made about a week after the setting and story of the game were officially released?


drknessfeeds 57 pts

not a big fan of preorder incentives or pushy salesmen at gamestop or best buy, I did however preorder the 500 GB PS3 Assassins Creed bundle. Was going to buy a new one anyway and just couldnt pass on the harddrive space

megaspiderweb09 23 pts

 drknessfeeds Have you seen the Conor Statue, it looks amazing

JamesThePrince 65 pts

I'm glad to say I helped break the sales because I pre-ordered :) 

Person4 5 pts

Not really a shocker. AC games, and at one time Prince of Persia are the only good things to come from Ubisoft. Everything else is so cheap and sleazy. I wouldn't be surprised if 50 pre-orders "smashed" previous records.

GONtheSKYLORD 170 pts

No sh** its breaking records. You only see the trailer on tv every commercial break.  I've even seen the trailer twice back to back before.

werewolfalf 6 pts

I think every is doing pre-orders now because every game that comes out is giving away free items or maps only if you pre-order.  The items are not always the greatest but why not if you know you are going to try the game. 


I lost out on a bunch of free DLC with Boarderlands 2 because I just walked into the store and bought it the day it came out.  Not to mention how the store guy badgered me for not pre-ordering to get the free stuff.

matt_robbo 8 pts

Why is it every time someone writes a comment, others feel the need to argue and write about things completely off topic? I for one am really looking forward to this and don't care what is said, I've preordered months ago

oldschoolvandal 365 pts

Love the series and looking forward to it.


But, let's be honest...Ubisoft is hyping the s**t out of AC3 since it was announced.... in March I, someghing like 8 months of pre ordering. I think it was expected to give a better result than Revelations from the beginning.

TigusVidiks 75 pts

hah! You  want to raise your sales numbers in a franchise with an historical setting? In the gaming world that can't be easy. Unless.... you make it about America! lol, done.

marvel456 32 pts

I hope the game is at least as long as AC2.

werewolfalf 6 pts


 According to the devs they said the game will be 1.5X larger in area and have a longer story. Also PS3 players get an extended story line at launch.

Lordcrabfood 146 pts

Meh, the others bored me to tears, I don't think this will be any different

ACWH 84 pts

 Lordcrabfood Me too, the series got stale with Brotherhood.

NTenseify 43 pts

 ACWH  Lordcrabfood

 I wouldn't even consider Brotherhood and Revelations part of the series

NTenseify 43 pts


 They were obviously rushed and quick cash cows for Ubisoft and offerring nothing major to Desmond's story that part 3 won't be able to follow up on. I picked up on this and passed on these games and GameSpot's story so far special allowed me to unravel Etzio's story anyway

96augment 110 pts

 NTenseify I can't speak for Assassin's Creed: Revelations because I never played it. But I liked Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. True, the story wasn't that great and it didn't add anything to Desmond's story. But it was still fun. The first time I saw Desmond kill Lucy, I was shocked.

NTenseify 43 pts


Why would you engage in activities that bore you? That's messed up man...

Lordcrabfood 146 pts


 In order to find out if you are bored by something, you have to first experience it, fool.

NTenseify 43 pts


 Your comment implied that you will be playing part 3, even though you experienced the other parts and were "bored to tears" by them. Therefore my question is why would you continue to engage in said activities after the first part failed to gain your interest? Sorry I was not more ellaborate and I eagerly await your response......

Lordcrabfood 146 pts


 I implied no such thing, any ambiguity is due to your poor reading comprehension.  My advice is to read what is wriiten and not assume as you just end up looking stupid. 

NTenseify 43 pts


 "I don't think this will be any different" - going back to what you said earlier, how can you "assume" it won't be any different if you have no intention of experiencing it?

Lordcrabfood 146 pts


 That does not mean I intended on playing it and by the way I will not be, the gameplay videos I have seen has shown it will be same old boring gameplay, simply wrapped a little differently.  I have experienced all of these games previously, Ubisoft will not change the game too much as it will alienate its fan base, quite simple really.

Lordcrabfood 146 pts


 Oh, and to follow up on your assume question. It is very easy to assume when precidents have been previously set and actual evidence of the gameplay in question exisits.  It is certainly alot easier to assume in this manner rather then from one line of text.  You can twist and contort my words all you want so they form some vague argumnent, however anyone that knows anything about the AC series knows pretty much what to expect, i.e. mind numbing boredom in my case.  Each installment filled me with instant boredom so I will be passing on this one.  Clear are we?

NTenseify 43 pts


 You're right it's fanbase does want more of the same because they believe the gameplay and story is just that good. I'm sorry to hear you're not one of them but there will be plenty of time for cynicism later when part 5 or 6 comes out and Ubisoft decide try try something new and butcher the series, as is the case with many series like Resident Evil. For now, I think we will just enjoy what we have. I'm not trying to argue, just trying to understand your unique point of view and I think it's pretty clear now, enjoy your other gaming endevours lol

sirscarecrow 15 pts


 yes, the cultural aspect in the game is not meant for the every day video gamer. I suggest you fight your boredom with WOW, COD and such. Good luck to your future video game experiences.

Lordcrabfood 146 pts


 Lol, yeah ok, sorry to hear you like mediocre games, good luck to you.  Oh and the COD comment is so ridiculous, I hate those games more then this, grow up and stop using tired sterotypes, that often have litttle relevance, if any at all.

BetaVulgaris 34 pts

Why are so many people angry about us preordering a game. I played every AC PS3 game and I loved every single one of them so why wouldn't I expect AC3 to be just as good? And why are you guys always trying to make game companies look like evil bloodsuckers? In the end it was my decision to buy their games by spending MY money. So why even care?

jamyskis 327 pts

It still escapes me to this day why people are stupid enough to pay for a game in advance that they haven't even seen, played or read a review of.

TheSnowmanSaint 57 pts

 jamyskis  It still escapes me that people like you exist. Live a little, enjoy things. Not so hard. You just play--see the fun in it and enjoy. Smile once in a bit too is not so bad.

DarthLod 1115 pts

 TheSnowmanSaint  It escapes us all that you cant handle other opinions and love opening your wallet without even know what you get.

TheSnowmanSaint 57 pts

 DarthLod  If you have kept up with the series, then you should know at least story wise what to expect and that is what I am looking forward to. So yeah, I do know what to expect in that sense, a good story.

Doobsac 65 pts

 DarthLod  TheSnowmanSaint You're a native american assassin during the American Revolution and you get to slaughter red coats. What more do you need to know?

Barrakas21 156 pts

 TheSnowmanSaint  jamyskis lol so pre order a game is living a little?lol ridiculous this game was already having pre orders almost a year now and you must be one of the stupid fucks i hope the game sucks for people like you learn once and for all 

96augment 110 pts

 Barrakas21  Why do you care if people want to play this game or not?

Barrakas21 156 pts

 96augment you dont make anysense where did i say that?lol im not gonna take the bate so you can go fuck yourself i am in no mood for trolling. 

96augment 110 pts

 Barrakas21 You said that you want this game to suck. You're also upset for the high amount of preorders this game has. Generally, when someone preorders a game, there's a small chance that they might actually want to play it. From your comment, It seems that you're annoyed that so many people like and want to play this game. So, that's where my comment came from.

jomijohn 6 pts

 jamyskis how can we trust ubi's claim????? may be all this is part of their marketing strategy...

DarthLod 1115 pts

 jamyskis And that's why these greedy developers keep doing the things they do. Because people let it happen and open their wallets wide. I refuse it all.

Doobsac 65 pts

 DarthLod  jamyskis Typical gamespot cry baby crying about every little thing in gaming today. You guys are like a cancer.

ACWH 84 pts

 Doobsac  DarthLod  jamyskis Whereas you are just an idiot. Only a fool pre-orders in  this day and age after all the times consumers have been stung in the past, even an idiot would have more sense than you.

mxerdude 6 pts

 ACWH  Doobsac  DarthLod  jamyskis I've only preordered two games, ever. Those two being Skyrim and AC3. I've had plenty opportunities to pre-order other games, but I didn't because I can usually tell if a game will flop or be successful. People complaining about other's pre-ordering games need to just lay off. Let people do what they want. It's their money so don't tell them how to spend it.  And usually gamestop has specials going on such as 30% more trade-in value towards a pre-order. So why the hell not? Guess I'm just a fool though, hahaha. Who cares.

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GameSpot Fuse
    • Publisher(s): Ubisoft
    • Genre: Action
    • Release: Oct 30, 2012 (US)
    • ESRB: M