Wii U Showcase: New Super Mario Bros U and more! - EB Expo 2012

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Jamie Wilson from Nintendo Australia drops by the GameSpot stage to give a Wii U hardware walkthrough as well as play some 5-player demos of New Super Mario Bros U and Nintendo Land! PLUS, Ubisoft drops in to answer some questions about ZombiU!


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Korgamer84 139 pts

Finally something new. Playstation 3 is great and all, but after awhile it gets kind of old. The controller for example. Its the same old as controller i been playing with for 3 generation. Do i really want to play with the same controller for the 4th generation! I mean it was interesting to see how the graphics evolved since the playstation one. It brought new gameplay to the PS2 and PS3. But was it anymore fun than it was in the SNES. I remember playing MarioRPG and I never felt so much joy and excitement playing a video game. Maybe because It felt new to me and my imagination ran wild and the game came to life. The playstation one was a hit because it was something new. Something innovative. 2D to 3D was huge. So what now?  When games become photorealistic. Will they make games more fun than it is now? Or will it just be eye candy for a little while? I think whether it is Sony/Microsoft, sooner or later, they're going to have to change the way we play. Nintendo just started this trend.

Getbacktogaming 366 pts

Did anyone else notice the constant FREEZING when any of the 4 player gets a mushroom or loses one??? This is exactly the type of reason why I gave up on New Super Mario on Wii and play Rayman Origins instead...

Getbacktogaming 366 pts

Miis in a Mario game? That's a shame...

uglypinkmoose 100 pts

I really wish Nintendo respected old mario power ups a bit more instead of creating new slightly different ones that might as well be an already existing power up from a previous game....That squirrel suit is just like the helicopter mushroom thing in mario bros wii but with the raccoon glide....its just so gimmicky and a half cheeked effort to create new power ups...I really hate it because I respect Nintendo as developers but I can't help but notice these new games and there so called new power ups 

abHS4L88 2043 pts


Not really, the Helicopter mushroom allowed you to fly up high instantly and only slowed your descent, whereas the squirrel is more like the evolution of the cape but with somewhat different abilities. 

uglypinkmoose 100 pts

in Zombieu The way you have to look away from the screen to do little necessary activities like looking through your equipment is pretty awesome....kinda like real life....stuff can sneak up on you while your occupied 

uglypinkmoose 100 pts

pretty excite.... when I heard about the wiimote I was like F this but it actually worked pretty well (ya I know it's not perfect but why would the first motion controller be?) I can't wait to see the fun this thing can offer....

HonorOfGod 263 pts

I fear that the screen on the Wii U remote will look foggy like Onlive and it wont look crisp. We shall see do. Rick roll in the video haha.

abHS4L88 2043 pts


They said that the quality is slightly less than that of a PS Vita and the specs reveal that the resolution is a little worse but at the same time, if you watch the videos, the images are still vibrant and highly detailed.

marcthpro 8 pts

you know the rule and so do i . i will never give you up i and will never let you down  at 4 minute to 6 minute

RomanKingNYC 8 pts

The consoles success will depend on the game library. I hope they learned from the disaster that was Nintendo 3DS, by far the most disappointing release for me personally.


I am very anxious to see how Nintendo ushers is into the next generation. This video showed me nothing new except that the gamepad is hella nice and i can play the games on it in full (which is very cool btw). They have made a very aggressive move by getting their system out before 2013. I think Nintendo is gonna dominate the space for the next year or 2 until Sony and Microsoft release new consoles. But until then, Metroid and Zelda HD please!!! Omg I can't wait for that day!

abHS4L88 2043 pts


But remember what happened with the PS2 and 360? Even though more powerful consoles came out, simply due to the fact that these systems got a good head start, they remained ahead of their more powerful competitors.


@abHS4L88 I don't care about power though really if the games are good. It's all about the games. That's why I loved the early nintedo systems and most recently the Sega dreamcast: incredibly strong launch lineups. Plus I know Nintendo is the best at making games without equal. Plus the new dragon quest is EXCLUSIVE!!! (I think)

abHS4L88 2043 pts


It is exclusive only to Nintendo consoles :D 


But I was making my comment to let you know that there's nothing to worry about with the Wii U being beaten by the next Playstation and XBox, especially if they wait for 2 years, by that time it won't matter really what they come out with because developers will have shifted focus to the Wii U, making it more enticing to gamers who initially weren't convinced. 


@abHS4L88 Nintendo def has the power to change the landscape of gaming again. The tablet controller is exceptionally well made its official. Plus dragon quest!!!!'n

CaptainKrunch10 29 pts

Is there something wrong with me if i think this is another way of wasting money?

abHS4L88 2043 pts


That's a matter of opinion so no. To you it might be a waste of money but to me it looks like a great investment since there are already around 10 games I want (retail and digital) along with Nintendo TVii (since I don't have cable in my room).

cesarexec22 27 pts

 CaptainKrunch10 that depends do you even have money to spend ?

mirswith 7 pts

tablet + tv = lame; just sayin.

cesarexec22 27 pts

 mirswith you do realize that ps and xbox have been using the same damn controller for 10 years already, playing game with those are like watching the paint dry on a wall already. Nintendo stepped up big time with the controller and that will help a ton with gameplay.

zpluffy 91 pts

Everytime, I see Wii, I see Mario. It seems that Nintendo is focusing too much on Mario. Move on. OR atleast put more focus on Zelda. I think they like Mario because it't the easiest to make(Platform games are a lot easier to make than full 3d environment) and get more profit. But that won't happen Nintendo, because people gets tired on things. You have to introduce something more sophisticated than IPAD/TV gameplay. What the hell. Even the graphics are not even that improved. It's WIIUUUUU its the NEXT GENERATION console!!!

Superbiogear132 8 pts

 zpluffy Actually the graphics are improved.You can't realize because your watching on a computer.And the graphics are better than Xbox 360 and PS3. Wii U 1080p, Xbox 360 and PS3 are 720p.

zpluffy 91 pts

 Superbiogear132 I don't need an HD tv to know that it's a cartoon with 720p resolution

abHS4L88 2043 pts

 zpluffy  Superbiogear132 

Frozenbite Studios (the one who made the beautifully crafted and highly detailed Trine 2) stated that their director's cut version would have to be scaled down if they wanted to put it on the PS3/360. Unity Engine CEO stated that the Wii U will be very much capable of producing next generation graphics. Remember, this is just the beginning of the Wii U's life span. If you look at the best looking XBox games, the 360 launch titles barely looked better than those games. The only reason why we saw a huge jump was because most people were used to PS2 graphics (which were undoubtedly the worst of the 3).


Plus we all know a new Zelda is coming, and remember, Skyward Sword is not even a year old and there's usually a 3-4 year break in between each home console entry. Plus Nintendo wants to get a ton of Wii U's out right away, so why not release a proven seller? New Super Mario Bros. Wii was one of the best selling (I think 2nd or 3rd) games on the Wii and that was 3 years ago. 

Sleepyhun1 29 pts

 zpluffy  Superbiogear132 You need a huge ass screen to notice the difference between 720 and 1080.

JoSilver 109 pts

 Sleepyhun1  zpluffy  Superbiogear132 All the better for people with huge ass tvs.

abHS4L88 2043 pts

 Sleepyhun1  zpluffy  Superbiogear132 

I only noticed the difference with our 60" TV (which I still think is too big >.<) and with 1080p looking absolutely crisp on a 60", I still don't see the point or reason why people already want 4k to happen. 


@zpluffy lol the game is beautiful. you'll get your 3d Marios and Zeldas soon enough don't get your panties in a bunch. Learn to appreciate the fine craftsmanship that is a Mario launch title. They don't happen very often.

zpluffy 91 pts

 SNESNOSTALGIA2  zpluffy I like when you said "they don't happen very often." I don't know if that was a joke or you were somehow born yestarday and uberly genius that you can type your own processed opinion and read in the internet 

abHS4L88 2043 pts


How is he joking? The N64 was the last time a brand new Mario title launched with a system. 


I know right! He's just mad that I put him in his place. XD I love how he asked if I was joking when he himself was the one who was wrong. Classic stupidity and a knee jerk reaction if I have ever seen one. it really is rare to get a Mario launch title considering GameCube AND Wii didn't have one and Nintendo has only released like 5 home consoles so that's like 3 Mario launch titles in like 30 years. I would call that rare. So no moron, I wasn't joking.

joshuadj 5 pts

Just one question about New Super mario bros U: Is it online co-op? if so, I'm SOLD!

abHS4L88 2043 pts


No there isn't, but that shouldn't stop you, it still looks like challenging chaotic fun. 


@joshuadj I've been wondering that myself. But Mario multiplayer is always better with real people anyways so I'm sold regardless.

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abHS4L88 2043 pts


Oh how cute, you added a "lolz" to your comment, I see you're stepping up your game. Now try and adding an actual reason to your statement. 

shadowhunter0 423 pts

 abHS4L88  HiImUPSMan don't you just love these haters even though right now I have no plans on getting one mainly because there are no exclusives that has been announced for it that I want it play I can see the potential of the Wii U

abHS4L88 2043 pts


And that's why we tend to get far more enjoyment out of games, because we don't frustrate ourselves over things we don't like (or can't help) and we don't limit ourselves to just one or two companies. 

shadowhunter0 423 pts

 emptycow lol no one here is going to take you seriously because all that you have been doing is bashing the Wii U and praising a console that hasn't even been announced yet

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abHS4L88 2043 pts


Are you serious? No really, are you? Because these games are NOTHING alike except that both are in first person view. I'm not going to bother explaining because to anyone with a brain, there is no comparison between these games.

emptycow 138 pts

 abHS4L88both games are you in  a dark setting with a flash light both games let you scan  your area  both games are more about hand to hand combat  then gun combat  and both have alot of resource management i fail to see  how they are so diffrent from each other even the pacing of zombiu  is a pure copie of condemned...  maybe you dont have a brain dude if anything condemed was deeper then this cookie cutter zombie game zombiu  its just condemned with a mix of left 4 dead nothing more they even have a gameplay video of zombiu that has a sound effect that is a ripoff of a radio sound in condemed lmfao  i dont even think this game even has a real story  thats why they are showing nothing  but the same gameplay over and over  i cant wait to see this game get its 6.0 score so people like you can shut up this game is cute but not anything new 

abHS4L88 2043 pts


Again, making judgments on a product that isn't even out yet. In Condemned, action is a much bigger part of the game whereas ZombiU, you want to avoid killing zombies as much as possible. But okay, let's play this game of yours. I could easily say Condemned is a rip off of Silent Hill beause in that game, it's a dark setting where a flash light is an extremely important item, you can do hand to hand combat along with basic gun play and there's also a lot of resource management. The enemies in Condemned even remind me a bit of Silent Hill monsters, OH THEN IT MUST BE A RIP OFF! 


Don't be hating on ZombiU just because it looks similar to your favorite game, if anything, you should be happy that there's a game coming out that's similar to one you love BUT I guess because it's for Nintendo, your stupid pride would rather trash the game instead of trying it out. 

cesarexec22 27 pts

 emptycow  abHS4L88  your way of thinking is disturbing and just shows how much of a disgrace you are to real gamers, this game looks pretty good graphic wise and gameplay looks real promising as well, stop acting like the company is going to shut down because of some annoying knat that thinks the gameplay is similiar to some other game. How many games out there have similiar gameplay to one another??!

jflkdjs 55 pts

The New Super Mario Bros U's multiplayer mode was actually chaotic :)

jflkdjs 55 pts

WOOOOOOW a shiny blue button XD

cesarexec22 27 pts

I dont know why some of you annoying knats hate on the controller, the last time I checked sony and microsoft still use the same damn controller since back in 2000. Can they be any more creative?? smh . At least nintendo tries and and has gotten very positive feedback unlike all those other contraptions out there lol

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