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Nokia Maps 2.9 for Windows Phone 8

Nokia Maps 2.9 Windows Phone 8

We have heard much about Windows Phone 8 and the coming apps but there is a set of apps which we have only had glimpses of. Today I was able to get a good hands on with Nokia Maps 2.9 running on the Lumia 920.

Some interesting functionality is visible, notably and options to download maps and even update those maps within the app itself. I was very keen to see how things were progressing with maps read on to hear what I found out..

About Screen

About Screen Nokia Maps 2.9..

Nokia Maps on Windows Phone 7.5 has recently introduced the synchronisation options but map performance hasn’t been the best. The Nokia Maps running on the Lumia 920 exhibited excellent performance, very very smooth and lacked the issues with drawing the map that can sometimes be seen in Windows Phone 7 version.

Downloads Nokia Maps

There are those downloads...

Clearly taking full advantage of the underlying “where” platform that Nokia embedded into Windows Phone 8 to enable these features it’s a great example of what we can expect from apps that leverage these abilities. Synchronised favourites combined with offline maps that can also update whilst on Wi-Fi is going to catapult the usefulness of mapping on Windows Phone.

Settings Nokia Maps

Settings Nokia Maps 2.9

In the brief time I had with the device at the launch event the maps experience with the large responsive screen on the Lumia 920 was quite stunning. If this is final software then its looking compelling indeed and I look forward to seeing what else is in store for the Nokia Exclusives.

Excited about the coming improvements to Windows Phone, love your mapping and want to tell us about it? Please let us know in the comments below..


There are 22 comments. Add yours.

sconrad308 says:

Is Nokia Maps coming to all phones or just the Lumia's? 

Residing says:

Yet still not a peep from Microsoft, HTC, or Samsung about Nokia Drive on any of those devices.  I think Nokia spoke too soon - perhaps it won't come until sometime in 2013; or perhaps it's just the Nokia brand - Nokia Maps (instead of Bing Maps) that the other oems are getting.
It's just been really quiet on this front...

Luc4 says:

I heard not Nokia Drive though so no voice turn by turn:-(.

aventador779 says:

Yeah also interested. Wondering if the 8X will get the Nokia maps with the Nokia Turn-By-Turn directions.

Luc4 says:

Engadget WP8 review mentions Nokia maps yes but not turn by turn:-(.

tissotti says:

Nokia Maps is in all.
Though Nokia will retain Nokia Drive +.

a5cent says:

To all those claiming turn-by-turn won't be coming to WP8 handsets:
Microsoft seems to disagree. Today, Microsoft just closed this feature suggestion on windows phone user voice, confirming turn-by-turn will be available in WP8.

wpnewbie says:

Will all phones get offline maps? Or only lumias have offline maps?

Ordeith says:

Is there any truth to the rumor that only Nokia phones will get vocalized turn by turn directions?
That would be one out of the box area WP8 fails to provide that all of its competitors do.  WM6.5 had better turn by turn voice directions than WP7, are they regressing even further with WP8?

Gabik123 says:

Maps is for all platforms but only nokia gets drive, which is their in-house turn by turn system

Ordeith says:

But WP7 maps did a sort of voice turn by turn (tap the screen, anyway).  So far it doesn't look  like WP8 will have even that.
Bing Maps on WM6.5 had all the functionality of the modern Google Maps on Andoid, complete with turn by turn and a sort of cashed offline.  Why didn't MS ever port this one over?

dkp23 says:

Hope maps is better than bing maps...many times, i was directed to the wrong place. 

nicewabbit says:

So you guys got hold of a black AND a white Lumia 920? Nice!

welsbloke says:

I was a bit suprised that the method of updating Nokia Drive for example was to delete the maps and uninstall then reinstall the App. Pretty long winded to say the least so this will be a good improvement in itself.

rich-leeds says:

It looks like this will finally bring Nokia Maps on WP up the standards see on Symbian Belle - that (together with the great camera) is one of the things I miss about my old Nokia N8.  I should say there's lots I don't miss about Symbian too!

Residing says:

@rich-leeds...Lol!  I won't miss my N8 either.  I would like a 'Profile-like' functionality as well as a FM Transmitter on WP8, but I think I can live without them :)

mrdeezus says:

Did you use the Nokia drive app? Can you post a SS of the app in landscape mode during navigation? one thing that stops me from using Drive on my Lumia 900 is the HUD is on the same side as the notificatin pop up and if your on the phone hile navigating you can click on pop up call notification. I hope they moved it to the right side in landscpe mode.

JimmyRespawn says:

offline map, sweet.

Eddie4646 says:

Anyone know what happened to 3D nokia maps? I thought I heard something about that a while back, wondering if that is still going to be implemented.

Question: so are only Nokia Lumia devices getting the turn-by-turn navigation? I've seen in all of the reviews that the HTC 8X hasn't had that capability. I was under the imperssion that all WP8 devices would be getting that in addition to the offline maps and Nokia providing the backend service. Have the changed?