Escape From Mount Stupid - Assassin's Creed

Danny stabs his way through history without the need of a memory machine in Escape From Mount Stupid's history of the Assassin's Creed series.

We do a lot of nostalgia tripping on Escape From Mount Stupid, so it feels right to finish up season three with a look at one of the most influential and promising series in recent video game history.

Assassin's Creed hasn't been around that long, but it's impact on the third-person action genre has been immense. It's provided us with hours of satisfying, immersive gameplay and exposed gamers around the globe to the beauty of the Holy Land, Renaissance Italy and the Ottoman Empire.

There's at least one more chapter in the story coming out on this generation of consoles, but the success of the series means it's likely we'll be playing them on the machines of the future. So before we step into the shoes of Ratonhnhaké:ton, here's one final look back at the stories of Altaïr and Ezio.

Season three was great fun to produce. Thank you to everyone who helped, watched and sent in feedback. Lets do it all again in 2013!

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Danny O'Dwyer
By Danny O'Dwyer, Video Journalist

Danny has been a GameSpot community member since 2005. Since joining the staff as a video journalist in 2011 he has lost touch with most of his friends and family. He looks forward to the day achievement points become legal tender so he can return to Ireland and fix its broken economy.

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GetafixOz 97 pts

Purchased 1 and 2. Played 1 for about 15 hours and couldnt understand the attraction. Figured I must be missing something so I bought 2, same deal. I will buy 3 becasue I still watch these videos and think, damn its a good looking game and seems to be fun. Cant wait to see if 3 can hook me in for longer than the first 2, which was basically not at all.

trihard09 14 pts

Can't wait for next season of What If Machine!

philMcCrevis 123 pts

I played the first one for 5 minutes before quitting.  don't remember why but watching Danny escape form Mt stupid makes me want to pick them up again and try for it.  i like killing men of the clothe...err in games i mean.  yes thats what i meant

kohle36 180 pts

Best show on Gamespot, looking forward to next season. Oh yeah, good on you Danny for calling out AC's 'meta-narrative' for what it is: facepalmingly silly and wholly unnecessary.

slickcross 7 pts

AC2 was my fav. I sill haven't finished revelations. TO BIG OF A GAME

Zeke_Meister 7 pts

 slickcross I didn't think it was that big. It took me around 2-3 days of inconsistent gameplay.

RuthlessRich 64 pts

I can't get enough Assassin's Creed, and I love the overarching story. I'm working on my own summary of the series that I plan to put on youtube soon

RuthlessRich 64 pts

"I look like an assassin..."


Yes, dear.

galacticobob 17 pts

danny's such a good presenter, he's so handsome and brave

Garbage943 5 pts

I loved them up until Revelations.  I simply couldn't bring myself to finish it.  

wwlettsome 209 pts

 Garbage943 I think the series peaked with ACII, Brotherhood was really good and Revelations was a disappointment. Felt like they cut the game in half and ran out of ideas to even fill up that much of a game. Hope that the change of scenery and new hero gives the series a return to greatness but I'm not holding my breath.

jsmoke03 186 pts

i loved the series but i'm feeling a bit of franchise strain. as much as i'm looking forward to ac3, i can wait til it gets super cheap before a purchase


Gonefishing95 83 pts

See i thought that Revelations kicked Brotherhoods ass, it was a breath of fresh air even if they did drag Ezio on forever

Rhizon15 5 pts

 Gonefishing95 I thought the same. I felt as if Bro'hood could have had a better storyline. Don't get me wrong, the game was somewhat fun, and the story made sense. But Revel. had a much more satisfying story that tied in so much so cleanly. And Desmond still intrigues me as a character as well. Hope he isn't understated in this final game.

N4o7A 41 pts


Hastur 12 pts

I loved the first Assassin's Creed, possibly the best game of this generation. But I was so disappointed in it's dumbed down sequel, that I gave up on the franchise.

00Joseph00 154 pts

 Hastur Play Mass Effect 1-3 and then talk about disappointment from Assassin's Creed.

Gonefishing95 83 pts

 00Joseph00  Hastur You cant even understand how much i love this comment.

Vince21C 86 pts



Nahhh some things a better left in history, lets not bring up ME3 or the like

Hastur 12 pts

 00Joseph00 Sure, there are similarities in the evolution of both IP's. As their sequels were tuned for a mass market appeal. But the quality of Mass Effect was more consistent imo.

Vince21C 86 pts

 Hastur  lol now you're just drowning in manure now, even if you manage to get out you'll still smell like a pile of sh!t haha

GreySeven 194 pts

Most overt assassins ever.


123yms 8 pts

Can someone please tell me which game the background soundtrack is from? I want to pick it up on Amazon

hastati4 144 pts

 123yms Assassin's Creed II, probably.

Gonefishing95 83 pts

 hastati4  123yms 2, Brotherhood and Revelations. :) Youtube the sound track

Stabba_The_Kutt 41 pts

I don't think that Revelations was really much better or worse than Brotherhood. I don't know why everybody makes such a big deal about that episode. I mean granted, it isn't worth $60, but if Brotherhood and Revelations came packaged together for that price, you'd have yourself a game.

02050muh 167 pts

 Stabba_The_Kutt i thought everybody got revelation+AC 1 for $60

Stabba_The_Kutt 41 pts

Danny, you probably shouldn't wear that hood anymore. I think its obvious what it makes you look like... ;)

dannyodwyer 557 pts

 Stabba_The_Kutt Mental patient? Clan member? Sperm?

00Joseph00 154 pts

 dannyodwyer  Stabba_The_Kutt A sax sleve?

sethbouldin 51 pts

 00Joseph00  dannyodwyer  Stabba_The_Kutt So close...


I think there's a joke about filatio in there though.

andrewwittmaier 402 pts

Oh please, oh please, oh please make a new season of Secret Code!  I LOOOOOOOOVE that show!  


Great season btw.  

1dyingbraincell 5 pts

I'm probably not the first person to point this out but half the footage of Altair was actually Ezio.


Also hope 3 (and Liberation) can get the series back on track after Revelations.

hastati4 144 pts

Revelations was a major step backwards for the series. The entire thing felt like filler to me, a stupid excuse to make a game so they could expand on their multiplayer. Which was very expanded and very much better than Brotherhood's, don't get me wrong... but the single player of Revelations felt like a slap in the face, followed by a kick in the balls. The very definition of why it can be bad to release yearly installments of a game.


When it's so story heavy, yearly installments basically force the writers to come up with random crap to occupy the main characters while they put together something more valuable. 


I fully expect AC3 to turn the series back around, and get it back to the sheer awesomeness that it once was. They've been developing it for three years, since AC2, and I like what I've seen so far. If it's another disappointment like Revelations was, I'll be pretty crushed. Assassin's Creed has been one of my favorite series of games to play in recent years. I'd hate to see it continue on the path Revelations put it on. 

Stabba_The_Kutt 41 pts

I know what you mean about the yearly releases and quasi/pseudo-sequels. But honestly, tower defense parts aside (which you don't HAVE to play them all), was Revelations really that bad? I thought it had some pretty epic parts. I also thought the desmond's journey parts were pretty interesting.

hastati4 144 pts

 Stabba_The_Kutt Bad? No. A major step back for the series? Yes. As a sequel, it was subpar. It made no new meaningful advancements in the series, failed in many of the new things it tried to add, and even removed some elements of the gameplay (horses, for one). The Desmond's journey sequences were clunky as hell, and yes, it was moderately interesting to explore his backstory, but again, it added essentially nothing to the whole. 


The game shook the faith of a lot of gamers who had been steadfast fans of the series, and has made them wary of AC3 being released this year. Can you imagine the excitement for AC3, and what it would be like, if Revelations had never happened? 


I enjoyed Revelations, yes. I thought certain missions were a blast. It gave some (possibly unnecessary) closure to Altair's and Ezio's storylines, and was moderately fun along the way. Speaking in terms of the series, though, it has little value to me. I felt tired by the end of the game, rather than absolutely dying to play the next installments, as I had been after each of the first three games.

wwlettsome 209 pts

 hastati4  Stabba_The_Kutt You've summed up Revelations very well, especially how the single player felt like it was much smaller and less interesting then AC2 and Brotherhood. I also agree that I'm waiting on AC3 with a healthy dose of skepticism. I'm expecting another botched single player game with an over emphasis on multi-player. Great for the multi-player fans but sucks for those of us who really enjoyed AC2 and Brotherhood.

airshocker 118 pts

I promise, when there's an episode that doesn't portray the journalist as a egotistical moron, I will watch it.

eyesandsmiles 16 pts

 airshocker in what sense? and how would you know if you didn't watch. this comment doesn't make sense.

00Joseph00 154 pts

 eyesandsmiles  airshocker The comment makes sense if OP is an egotistical...


jer_1 184 pts

Have to say that now after watching this Ass Creed III looks pretty bad. Unless it really does well there's little chance I'm gonna pick it up. That said I have only played the first and I remember how stupid the whole animus crap was.


 A lame story can really ruin a decent game sometimes.

Ezio_2009 41 pts

 jer_1 So, you didn't even play II or Brotherhood? Your ignnorance knows no bound, good sir.

Jedo 29 pts

Had found out that Templars were the main enemy = permanent ban against the game.

Tzunoy 38 pts

Epic Danny face with that cape on his head and that look on his face hahahahhh!!!!

GunEye 114 pts

lol good job fully spoilling us Danny.

Anyway, this hoody looks way cooler , and is actually wearable daily (if you are a true AC fan):

part 01:50 - 2:50


And btw, good point about "you never get a real satisfactory conclusion because of the annoying series-factor. Imo each game individually should have a full, fulfilling and satisfying finale.

Also AC2 looks way worse than the first.. too quircky visuals.


SibirskiyTigr 26 pts

If Danny didnt say that What if Machine is turning back on, I would have probably came back next year for more Escape From Mount Stupid.

GameYakuza 84 pts

dammit, EFMS is just like any other UK show: awesome, and way too short.

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