Assassin's Creed III - Exploring the Assassins

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  • Oct 29, 2012
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Assassin's Creed III lead game designer Steve Masters talks us through the three assassins featured in the franchise so far, and just what they've brought to the fight.


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SavoyPrime 271 pts

Looking forward to playing as Connor. As of now, I got to say that Ezio is my favorite. Dude was a smooth playa lol

Cptj10 7 pts

Because of Altair Assassin's lived otherwise they would have been wiped out long time ago.

ggmboyz 20 pts

Give Ezio or Altair exact same tools as Connor has. They can even match Connor especially Altair. Look at his skills. He can do those things with only 3 equipments, Hidden blade, sword at throwing knife. IMAGINE if all the tools of Connor, is with Altair, Altair would own anyone.

xavvor1 71 pts

Altair the most badass assasin hands down

noigel 26 pts

So, basically we've gone from Assassin's Creed to Brawler's Creed 3... ffffffantastic...


I wonder, has anyone though about how Desmond is? Or the main protagonist of the story, and therefore the story itself, are not important anymore?


Next year we will see a new Ubisoft game called "Brawler's Creed: Dissapointment" and the following year the last game of the series (or maybe not): "Brawler's Creed: Deception" wich is what the Assassin's Creed series has become since AC2...

ShadowOfKratos 191 pts

Lol, my comment was removed for using the word spoiler. I didn't even spoil anything though... Because I never affirmed anything that IS, only what ISN'T.


Guess I learned my lesson. No more using the word "spoiler" even on spoiler alerts.

xsonicchaos's comment is what you can call a spoiler.... Yet it's still down there.  :/


Is this post going to be deleted now for using the word again?

ShadowOfKratos 191 pts

Lol, now it's been un-deleted and it's back there... What's up?

I'm glad though.

Warsilver 64 pts

I wonder how vast the world will be? I'm skeptical that 18th C America is as beautiful as 15th C Italy...

allaroundplayer 7 pts

I love Assassin's Creed. <3

I don't say? :D

buccomatic 1703 pts

guys there's still time to pre-order assassin's creed III and get the the ron burgundy edition bonus content, it features a secret unlocked weapon. the weapon is a passion that burns deep within connor's soul like a  "flaaaming golden tomahawk."

g1rldraco7 311 pts

Connor is the Achilles of the Assassin's!! I love him so much!! <3

Panda-Pat 73 pts

They honestly should make a live action trailer like AC:B ... that did the trick for me .... 

Rippletonz 97 pts

Ezio and Altair are great in their own right, but I have a feeling Connor is going to be my favorite.  The setting is the most interesting and relevant (to me) so far.  I love his attitude, his history, and his mixture of european and native weaponry, I love the idea of an AC game in an organic environment.  Same thing as when Metal Gear Solid finally took it out of the corridors and into the jungle with MGS3.  I lost my shit when they finally gave Snake a combat knife and let him climb trees or fade into some tall grass.  No matter what, I have a good feeling about this game.  It seems to be the ideal progression for the series. 

RubMyDucky 40 pts

If I had to buy only one game this holiday, it would be Assassin's Creed III.

punz_ 10 pts

Why do all the assassins have scars on their lips?

Seriasor 8 pts


 Because thats like they're signature scar. Its all in the bloodline of the scar. Desmond = Bar fight; Altair = Fight; Ezio.. = a pebble

BetaVulgaris 33 pts

For you guys mocking the pc version. I played all AC games on ps3 and AC, AC2 and AC:R on PC and let me tell you that the games fit both platforms perfectly. The PC version doesn't feel like a bad console-translation at all. No reason to make such claims..

CRAPCOM1926 64 pts

EZio Auditore Da Firenzze >>>>Altair Any day.

baszzer 27 pts

altair was a stereotype.. ezio was not..

altair was purely one-dimensional spouting consistent moods all the time..

ezio  was far mor complex in character, carefree from the start turning overly serious as the game progressed, carrying it all throughout the sequels..


bottomline.. ezio was far more interesting.

rhymesmatter 177 pts

 baszzer Yet Altair was far cooler than Ezio could ever be.Revelations was a very bad and slightly different imagination of who was Altair. The way he was presented in AC 1 was so amazing, so sleek...I honestly think that Neither Ezio , nor Connor could look that cool when they assassinate their targets even when they use like TONS of new gadgets , weapons and contraptions.It's not about evolution, It's about character and what you say about Altair barely represents the that specific character.

baszzer 27 pts

 rhymesmatter yeah.. altair was actually the coolest among them cept for connor who we haven't got the chance to get our hands on yet, though we cannot still deny the fact that sometimes he was just boring.. not to mention he is mainly a one-sided character.. However, I probably had the best feeling as an assassin with altair. Never had that vibe with ezio though his character was actually more interesting.

gamefreak215jd 164 pts

 baszzer  rhymesmatter Altair was kind of badass but still very cocky.Ezio was the man you could always rely on and was fun and crazy when compared to Altair who was kinda boring.

Jmaster211 30 pts


Well, the series evolved. If Altair was created in the second game, he would be more dynamic. The first game was an experiment gone right, and for the time he was dynamic, just more subtle and less relate-able than Ezio.

highlanderjimd 55 pts

the gamepay IS different in PC since the game is far FAR smoother therefore more controllable and enjoyable. AC games have always been letdown by the consoles lack of power, running around rome at horrible frames per second totally ruined ac:b for me. Nabbed it off a steam sale last year and played thru the whole lot again. What a difference not only having the superior graphics but SMOOTHE gameplay makes. as well as the usual advantages like no hideously long loading times, Console gamers are really quite deluded these days when they say I want gameplay! when they clearly purchased the console in the first place due to falling for the "MAX TECHNO SKILLZ GRAFFIX!!!" they were advertised as back in the day. 300quid gets you a worthy gaming PC these days. Digital Foundry prooved this with their review system. Never understood ppl wanting to sit 10ft away from the screen either, you miss SO much that way but I guess it hides all the hideous textures that slight bit on consoles :P

charlesdao 138 pts

 highlanderjimd fanboy attack!

Slade968 53 pts

 charlesdao  highlanderjimd and yet 100% correct.

samedizombie 21 pts

I'll be soooo glad when this game is released 'cos I am soooo sick about hearing about it.

Rippletonz 97 pts

 samedizombie Good thing you took the time to comment on a video for it then, huh? 

sk8oridie44 33 pts

Before AC 2 was released, I didn't like Ezio. i just didn't feel like I would like the way they presented Ezio thinking Altair sounds more of a bad ass. It changed after playing AC 2 to death and I started liking Ezio. Not as good as Altair, but not bad either. He was like-able. 


After watching this, I am having the same doubts about Connor and hope to be proved wrong yet again! :) 

highlanderjimd 55 pts

 sk8oridie44 me too mate. I have a feeling its not gonna be the same this time round tho :(

Rippletonz 97 pts

 highlanderjimd  sk8oridie44 What are you worried about?  Connor is an awesome character with a volatile background and even more volatile potential.  With him stuck in the middle of the Revolutionary War, I really don't see how things could go wrong. 

bonander 63 pts

What, no Aveline?  LOL.  They're killing me with the lack of Liberation info.  I'm starting to think it's going to suck, and they don't want us to know that.  Though my hope is that they just put all their ad money towards AC3.

DjKofee 20 pts

 bonander Don't know if gonna sucks, neither I have a Vita, but gotta agree! The info on Liberation is very little!

GunEye 115 pts

And in AC IV we will have a future assassin, who wields plasma hidden blade and smartphones.

Slade968 53 pts

 GunEye Master Chief is the future assassin. The templar's have assimilated the covenant.

charlesdao 138 pts

 Slade968  GunEye and created "halo" a recycled franchise

Goriza 48 pts

i hope there are the Vi training like AC Brotherhood so i can kill many templars rsrsr


Love it, I can really dig into the brawler style of fighting Connor brings, I hope it's more of and offense and you can initiate fights rather than in the other where it's more or less countering.

Gummiballen 10 pts

 Danituga Unless you're on PC :(

gufberg 202 pts

 Gummiballen  Danituga Danituga relax in the knowledge that we wont have to put up with 2005 graphics ;) 

omenjamlord 66 pts

 gufberg  Gummiballen  Danituga you PC fanboys and your lust for graphics not gameplay. 

xsonicchaos 358 pts

 omenjamlord Oh, right, the PC version will look better but will have a different and awful gameplay style.

whalesex 46 pts

 xsonicchaos  omenjamlord I was about to say the same thing...

omenjamlord 66 pts

 xsonicchaos Just making the observation that some PC players just brag about their graphics etc. I never mentioned "different" gameplay. Sure no point in starting an argument, happy gaming

xsonicchaos 358 pts

 omenjamlord You say "lust for graphics not gameplay" and I say lust for both. U mad?

omenjamlord 66 pts

 xsonicchaos I say go for it! Each to their own. Im more into story and gameplay than graphics. That just me. 

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GameSpot Fuse
    • Publisher(s): Ubisoft
    • Genre: Action
    • Release: Oct 30, 2012 (US)
    • ESRB: M