Halo 4 - Gameplay Launch Trailer

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  • Oct 24, 2012
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This trailer highlights the new Promethean enemy and storyline for the return of the Master Chief in Halo 4.


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tizmond 112 pts

Oh great, another "Season Pass". Think I'll just wait til it's in the bargain bin after Xmas, so I can play the story. Looking forward to playing the SP campaign though. Hopefully with a new enemy it'll refresh the series a bit. I used to enjoy the Halo MP, but the cash-cow that is DLC maps every month has really put me off. But people will be stupid enough to pay for it, so developers will keep churning out these Season Passes.

AmirLegend23 16 pts

The hero looked like a rider motocycle.

CrimsonCorp 92 pts

Dat Voice....

The Didact's voice is also chilling. I recognize that VA from somewhere I think.


Gamer1055 6 pts

 CrimsonCorp Its Keith Szarabajka. He is the voice actor of Harbinger in Mass Effect.

PitchBlack999 7 pts

Game completed... 343 has done a brilliant job... lacked the original halo BGM but then still... kickass halo experience

Anstark 46 pts

Ya baby cant wait to play as Chief again :D

ZeoV9 5 pts

only a few more days ..... CANT WAIT

JamesThePrince 59 pts

If i was an xbox 360 and Halo 4 was inserted in me I'd be one happy mother*cker :) 

brantkings 8 pts

there was so much gameplay I could almost play the trailer itself...

thingta42 127 pts

60$ for the game. 15$ a month for the online. 15$ per mapack (which you have to buy else the game the won't allow you to play on half of the game types. So lets say, you pay 60 dollars for the game, then add the 15$ a month. And then say they release four map packs at 15$ over the space of 12 months Overall thats 300$ in about 12 months just to get the most benifits from the game. And people are dumb enough to spend  300$ just to play a game.


Ugh, i pass. I only bought reach for the singleplayer story. So i'll wait another two years and pick this one up for 20 bucks pre-own from gamestop Now i know why i switched from playing my xbox to my PS3.

xxYetterxx 57 pts

 thingta42 Xbox live is 60$ a year.  Thats 5 dollars a month.  

Mack7mle 14 pts

 xxYetterxx  thingta42 you can get a year of xbox live for under $40 quite often

thingta42 127 pts


 It's 15$ a month. times that by 12


AceCometh 33 pts

 thingta42  xxYetterxx

 Buying the 1 year XBL subscription lowers the price considerably. It's just like buying in bulk: the more you buy, the less it will cost per item. In this case, the item in question is 1 month of XBL.

cronos809 27 pts

 thingta42  and the map packs are 10 dollars a piece or 25 for all 3


jayjay444 245 pts

 thingta42 your not paying membership for just 1 game its for ALL games on xbl so stop trolling and its no where near 300$ i think u need to go back to school kid. 

mateyman 148 pts

 thingta42 You did the math wrong. 60 bucks for game, 50 bucks for 12 months (buy amazon) 25 dollars for dlc pass. $135.


You put the dollar sign on the wrong side by the way.

fedetaco 47 pts

 mateyman  thingta42 $ 135 for a videogame!!! O.O......Now I understand why some people have modded 360...they get the game for free and just spend the money Online........I played halo 3 and Reach...They are good games, but I'll wait for a price drop, or second hand.....:/

mateyman 148 pts

 fedetaco  thingta42 well, most people already are paying for Xbox Gold so it's more 85 bucks. Plus, DLC is DLC which means you don't have to buy it  (I don't) so . . . 60 bucks for a video game. Yeah. That's normal.

I do tend to buy the games after a price drop so I'm with you there. I just am really excited for Halo 4. My only day one release purchase this year.

ItsJoeMama 10 pts

 thingta42 Cool.. Don't get it. Doesn't take away from us.

DraedenEntell 5 pts

 thingta42 1) its not $15, its $10, 2) you can buy a year for $60, 3) the map packs are usually $10 and are bought because the game i s loved as does well, that is why the map packs even get released, paying the money to play a game isn't dumb, gaming is a luxury anyway, its not cheap regardless of what you do

Supabul 106 pts

 thingta42 What is this LOL and it even got 2 like's

nds1306 5 pts

@thingta42 you sound so stupid... It's $60 for the game, $60 for 12 months of live, and 2000 ms points for the map DLC season... Which is $20... Where does that add up to $300!? Moron...

Ferg1213 57 pts

 thingta42 I'd rather pay for a better online than not pay and have a shitty online (PS3)

djpetitte 318 pts

it is bs that this doesnt release on pc right off the bat, but I'll go ahead and get it on xbox but I know lots of people who would be buying this on PC. considering when Halo ce came out, that age group have been fans since the beggining are damn near in there 30's. a lot of those people are definitely playing on PC  and love halo. I'm around that age and every single one of my friends I game with play pc. I have halo ce and halo2 on pc and they are great with the mouse and keyboard.

RPG_Fan_I_Am 164 pts

 djpetitte Not everyone was old when it came out... i was 11 at the time. only 22 now.

RPG_Fan_I_Am 164 pts

Gameplay trailer.... It was 1:10 long and only 0:05 of it was gameplay....

wavelength121 154 pts

Um... aren't the Forerunners supposed to be human?


Or is Bungie/343 just choosing to ignore that whole Guilty Spark plot that made up the majority of the original trilogy?

goku2000 7 pts


 It was never stated that the Forerunners were human, aside from what Guilty Spark had said at the end of Halo 3 as a result of rampancy.

Veldon56 5 pts

 wavelength121 They're not Forerunners, in fact Forerunners and Humans were at war with each other. Humans are just "Reclaimers" and are thought to have been created by the same species that came before both of them.

owens777 10 pts

forerunners really dont understand who theyre dealing with...

jayjay444 245 pts

suddenly i'm even more hyped for this game!!!!!

djpetitte 318 pts

the game play that was in the trailer looked epic

ItsJoeMama 10 pts

Trailer could have been a little better.

SqueakierShip87 12 pts

If they were fallen...that makes them pathetic...beacuse they can fall agian...(why are they so powerful now).

MW2ismygame 510 pts

 SqueakierShip87 By that logic what was the roman empire ?

RPG_Fan_I_Am 164 pts

 MW2ismygame  SqueakierShip87 A famous noodle shop franchise in Japan.

jayjay444 245 pts


 Empire's never last forever, look at all the empire's in history, the Roman empire, the Brittish empire, the persan empire, etc etc they never last,  one day they will fall just like the forunners in halo. and we have still to play the game so how do u know there pathetic? wait untill the game is out before u coment on the game's story.

SqueakierShip87 12 pts

@jayjay444 @jayjay444 When i said pathetic i meant they never came in the halo saga until now why??? Obviously,they had a huge weakness that got discriminated and all that needs to be done now is for that weakness to be found used against them... Now,if that weakness would be the "flood" for example that makes for a good story.

jayjay444 245 pts

 SqueakierShip87  jayjay444  jayjay444 The thing is though the Promethean's are mentioned in previous halo games so its not something new, they have always been in the story just that now the halo franchise has to decided to exspand on that story further.  

20096 28 pts

0:39 what the heck is that?

Enexs 10 pts

 20096 the mantis you mean??


abhusi 6 pts

IS Halo 4 going down the Mass effect road ?

Fate of the galaxy .

Sheppard = master chief

reapers = fore runners(ancient guardians of all that exists)


Owner34 34 pts

 abhusi You forgot to mention the part where the series gets ruined

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