Fallout: New Vegas Video Review

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  • Oct 20, 2010
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Kevin VanOrd battles bugs and a broken New Vegas wasteland in this video review for Fallout: New Vegas.


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ghost688 40 pts

It's like putt bollocks in a bulldog.

pokecharm 233 pts

has anyone replayed this games since the fixes came out?  I'm curious if the game play has improved since this review a bit.

MrV4 6 pts


Yeah I have. There have been a lot of bug fixes and updates but I think its helped the game tremendously. I've put about 185 hours into it, DLC included, and I def thought it was worth it even though you'll run into glitches still here and there. Btw I have the PS3 version if that sounds surprising

Barrakas21 139 pts

funny i finish the game 3 times and i didnt see any bugs lol misleading review game is great equally or better than fallout 3

pokecharm 233 pts

 Barrakas21 they released a lot of bugs to fix the game since the time Kevin played this, I think.

jordan119 13 pts

This review is so fair concidering the Broken state that the game was released in.  I remember playing it and being hit with constant quest bugs ,XP glitches and the game would always freeze until they got round to patching it.  


Got the ultimate Edition about a month ago and now that everything is working how it should its easily better than Fallout 3 and does improve on it in every way.

ck10304 62 pts

so basically the bugs are the only thing wrong with this game, in other words at this point in time when the bugs have been fixed, the game is on par with fallout 3, no?

jomipira 80 pts

7,5? It's too harsh! For me it's a 9, but I'm playing it all this time later, and the bugs are mostly gone...

jordan119 13 pts


score is being generous , when it first came out there so many XP glitches and quest bugs , was an embarressement should of been a 4 . With the patches the game easyily surpasses fallout 3 in my opinion and jumps up to 9

Warsilver 58 pts

 jomipira The bugs it came out with were so ridiculously frustrating, you would have given it a 6 before... so I guess it evens out.

elmerfud43 13 pts

I didn't mean to put the S at the end of my sentence.

darkcomedian 132 pts

The references to the original Fallout games were great.

QOSMSTR 260 pts

How can he say this game is worse than Fallout 3? Its better in almost every way.

DeltaScremer 18 pts

 QOSMSTR i agree: more weapon variety and items, more followers, and obviously just more thought was put into it. this game was built up off of Fallout 3, and it delivered. he doesn't seem to be recognizing the good in the game.

chig007 5 pts

 DeltaScremer  QOSMSTR Agreed. Also, the game is a direct sequel to Fallout 2, with quite a bit of references to both Fallout 1 and 2. I especially loved actually meeting Marcus, as he was one of my favourite followers in Fallout 2. I actually sat down and played both Fallout 1 and 2 again after playing New Vegas.

Jmaster211 30 pts

I agree with the score, because it was not nearly as good as fallout 3. But a lot of the bugs have been patched.

Wensea10 72 pts

9.5/10 rating since there is several missions to undertake.


i played both and they both are great F3 had great points but i like that FNV feels more free to do anything you want and lvling up is easier than in F3 in my opinion

williebazerka 243 pts

Who cares if you think F3 is better or not than FNV.It's not like you can't play both.

Wings_008 9 pts

fair review but he shouldn't have repeatedly compared it to fallout 3, he should compare to the general fallout series, the one that were made by the same people (kinda?) who did NV

dark_harpy 8 pts

I'm probably one of few, but I enjoyed F:NV much more than F3. F3 was shallower in every way, from story and characters to skill system. The only props I'll give it over NV is DC, as it certainly looked more impressive, but so much of the game was spend into underground tunnels that I'm not sure it really counts. As far as bugs go, both games were full of them, although luckily, I didn't run into any game-breaking ones.

Renoo27 89 pts

@jameshorsy: Lol, I've only been playing for just over an hour and already ran in to a pretty major bug that prevented me from finishing a quest. So I think Kevin VanOrd does have a point. I do like what I've seen so far, and I get the feeling it's going to be a fantastic game, but I also expect to run in to many more bugs.

avatarIVN 60 pts

I have encountered feelings with Fallout: NV I like it but at the same time I hate it

ADDADAC 40 pts

I love that feeling you get when you first start games like this, when yo can go anywhere but you have no idea what's out there. I love it

sknight175216 139 pts

I've modded the mess out of my pc version of Fallout 3 as much as I kind of feel like getting NV I feel like I still have so much to do with Fallout 3. I don't even have any of the dlc and I've spent hours upon hours of playing.

Kakashi1234565 5 pts

In my opinion NV is better than 3 more many reasons. First of all the story is MUCH better now don't get me wrong I liked the Fallout 3 story but it was predictable and you only got to really make one big choice and that was SPOILER if you poisoned all the water or not where as in New Vegas you get to choose what you want to do and who you want to side with (mostly because you can kill anyone where as in 3 you could only knock some people unconscious). Also I know this doesn't relate to everybody by I didn't have that many bugs in New Vegas and I actually had more in Fallout 3. Finally I find the environment much more interesting and funner to explore sure it may not be as big as Fallout 3 but it is jam packed with A TON of more stuff like a bunch of interesting characters and quests. So in my opinion I believe that NV is better than 3.

456456ph 5 pts

great free world but bugs are annoying and shooting in vats is awkward

jameshorsy 5 pts

this guy can jump in a ditch. i love this game to death.

TheMrBlackfloyd 5 pts

Fallout 3 better story ? tastes... it's a fault to compare a sandbox like fallout series for next gen consolles. if we say that fallout 3 got an objective (finding your father) then we must also say that this main objective (the main quest i mean) can be finished in really few hours of gaming.. the other sensations are only from the news of the game at that time it was released.. actually i've found new vegas even better that f3... not because this or that motivation . but bethesda has done the best thing ever in "NOT CHANGING THE GAME" actually my vote is 9 , because finally they do something improved related to the factions. the exotic environment give a really memorable jump to the past to the people here that played previous fallout games... and @Vulgnor you are right. but who will admit that? :) of course gamespot like the other big review sites got interest... want to have a objective review... search something smaller. maybe on youtube greetings and sorry for english but it's really early arh arh

Sgthombre 792 pts

@Vulgnor Don't know what game you were playing, but Fallout 3 has a much better better story. You're motivations are much more clear, as you're going after your father rather than just running around looking for the guy that shot you.

jordan119 13 pts

 Sgthombre  Vulgnor

 You shape a War an Decide the fate of the whole of wasteland i think thats a pritty good story / Motivation. I would agree that fallout 3 had a more meaningfull story but your gripe seems stupid because you said that you didn't like that you were "running around looking for the guy who shot you" but on fallout 3 you are running round the wasteland looking for the guy who abandoned you , which is pritty much the same thing ?

Vulgnor 5 pts

Whats the matter Kevin? Was gamespot not paid enough to give this game a better review? Fallout 3 has a better story then New Vegas? Okay...I hope you're paid more next time so you don't have to effin lie to us....

drays15 5 pts

I luckily picked up the game a month ago when the massive patch came out so i only ran into a couple of minor glitches. New Vegas is a great game but Fallout 3 is a better game. New Vegas may have outcomes and weapons and stuff but in Falloout 3 the graphics are dripping with atmosphere and the story is more personable. There both great games so buy what ever you can't go wrong with either one.

gaffer-93 5 pts

i didnt have live when i played through this game and i have to say, even the unpatched version never crashed or glitched. the only glitch i came accross was when the great kahn boss you fight near the end would spawn in the sky and get stuck, but that only made it easy to kill him... so no 'game breaking' glitches on my end. this was by far the best game i've played all year.

eLLiptiX 6 pts

I picked up both the PC and 360 versions mainly one for graphics and the other for achievements.. I would have picked up the ps3 version too but I was worried since FO 3 was rated lower on ps3 last time.. Honestly I love playing New Vegas.. I had a much more enjoyable time with this one than I did in 3. Maybe it was the extra variety in weapons?.. Companions?.. a helluva lot more missions?.. i dunno call me crazy i guess

Servannus 5 pts

I don't have Live, so was unable to get the patches or whatever was released to "fix" it, and my game has never crashed or bugged out in any major way :/ the worst that has happened was a small glitch when I had to drop and re-equip a gun :)

Blitzkrieg63 10 pts

New Vegas was pretty good. I never really minded the freezing until it froze right as I was about to kill the d bag Legate on hardcore... I guess it can't handle 20 flaming guys running at me with chainsaws.

Trinitarian 58 pts

This is, without a doubt, the worst review of any vidoe game in the history of gaming. Every game shippes out with some bugges and they get fixed, no biggie. This game is one of the best RPGs ive ever played on the xbox when playing in hardcore mode. In the roleplaying department this game is head over heels better than fallout 3, However, FO3 would had beat this game if it had all the new features as this does. But what i love is the real challenge and roleplay there is in this game. In hardcore mode fights and travels are more complex and require stratgy and planning. Ive never liked the editor guy here and his reviews. they are never that good or in-depth. The review he did here should get him fired... This game is an Easy 9

stealth6spy 136 pts

I've played both this game and Fallout 3 for 100+ hours, and i have to say, I think fallout 3 was better. This is still great however I just think I had more fun playing Fallout 3. Like take for example the side missions. In 3, every single one was memorable and made you make a choice, but in this one some are just boring. My opinion.

siris90 5 pts

i got it for 20 bucks also looks good but can't go wrong with 20 bucks

Swedenik 50 pts

Just got it NEW for 20 canadian dollars! Special promotion at blockbuster :)

buldog300 5 pts

I think new vegas had more humanity in it than Fallout 3. You gamble with people, see the rebuilding of an economy and government, and everyone has a story. Fallout 3 was great, but I'd pick New Vegas if I had to choose. Also, how is New Vegas more buggy than Fallout 3? I lost an entire campaign after 30 hours of play in Fallout 3 because the characters for the main quest wouldn't move.

Richifg 5 pts

[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]

sonichunter99 14 pts

Buggy? if you owned the PS3 Fo3 this is considered super smooth

thehorror2 5 pts

I don't agree with his definition of better game. A lot of the rest of what he said was true, but Fo3 a better game than this? I can't accept that. Fo3's main quest was an abbreviated train wreck of railroading, aggravating NPCs, and stupid situations. Fun? Yes. Illogical? MIND-NUMBINGLY SO. New Vegas is less stable, yes, but it has everything that made Fo3 great, and much more besides. Like choices that really matter in the course of the game.

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Fallout: New Vegas

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