Modern Warfare 2 map removed after Muslim complaints - Destructoid
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Modern Warfare 2 map removed after Muslim complaints

Jim Sterling, Reviews Editor
11:30 AM on 10.08.2012
Modern Warfare 2 map removed after Muslim complaints photo

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has removed a map from its servers after Muslim gamers complained (in fairness, quite politely) of offense. The problem lies in two paintings hung in a bathroom in the Favela map, containing the phrase, "Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty."

The map won't be gone forever, it's just been removed as a temporary issue until the publisher can patch out the offending image. 

"We apologize to anyone who found this image offensive," Activision told Kotaku"Please be assured we were unaware of this issue and that there was no intent to offend. We are working as quickly as possible to remove this image and any other similar ones we may find from our various game libraries."

The chief concern among all almighty deities is whether or not their names are mentioned in the virtual bathrooms of three-year-old games. Now at least one of the 10,000 Gods in existence can sleep a little easier knowing that the universe's most pressing problem has been addressed. Horus remains worried. 

In any case, not sure why this is a problem. My name is written on MANY toilet walls, in real-life -- and it's led to a fair few religious experiences. 

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Whatever happened to freedom of speech?
Lol. Religion. People still believe in that stuff?
@Epic-Kx That's not the issue here. It's not even relevant.

I can see the cause for upset and it's a perfectly legitimate complaint to have. The map - which isn't a terribly good one anyway - has been taken down and is having a couple of textures replaced to remove the offence. I don't see why anybody would mind this happening.
yeah, i can see why it's offensive. allah is ugly, and hates beauty.
Here I sit broken hearted, prayed to Allah but only farted.
Sounds more like a praise to me.
Eh, create mass market products, get mass market problems.


It's alive and well, this story is as good an example of free speech as any other.
Eh, create mass market products, get mass market problems.


It's alive and well, this story is as good an example of free speech as any other.
I don't get it. Isn't that a positive thing to say? Guess it's because of the game it's in.
Religious people my reasoning will never fully comprehend their logic.
ridiculous pampering.
Lovely, but make me think why nobody complained when the Demi-Fiend defeat Lucifer and then lead the armies of Hell to dethrone God using such charming figures like Metatron, Satan, Gabriel, etc...
You know what else is offensive? Hundreds, if not thousands, of Muslims burning American flags based on a YouTube video made by one completely stupid individual, or based on the actions of some religious nut.

But let's forget about that, because a picture frame in a bathroom in a video game has a quote from your prophet on it.

Sure, those are extremist Muslims doing those things, but if they're going to lump all of the United States into one group based on the actions of a single person, I may as well do the same.
Oh, Muslims complaining. Par for the course. 2012 and people still believe in fairy tales.
lets all bend down and pull down our pants for every religion in the world. if i was in charge of acti id tell them "get over it, its a game."
Well, that's nice of them to remove that if it offended people. I'd like to know more about why it was offensive, though. Is it something to do with quoting the prophet? I know depicting him is offensive and idolatry and all that, but not sure where this fits in.
Careful downplaying the sacred right the Muslims have to make the world bend over backwards to accomadate their hockum bullshit Jim... Wouldn't want to get any innocent people totally removed from the contraversy brutally murdered now would we?

Because let's not fuck around here folks, the reason this is being listened to and swiftly dealt with in an incredibly vigorous manner, is because nobody wants to do ANYTHING that MIGHT slightly piss off the most violent and bloodthirsty demographic in the fucking world. Religion of peace my arse.

I hate having to sound like some racist fucknut to get across my point, but so be it.
I think it's high time we abandon our barbaric iron age rituals and superstitions, or at the very least stop catering to those who refuse to do so.
It was offensive because it was above a toilet. Honestly though, fuck these people and fuck bending to their will. Even on the Internet people have to lump all religion into an article exclusively about Muslims because they are scared, don't want anyone's feelings hurt, don't want to offend anyone in the world.
Kinda odd that they complain about something so specific when the modern warfare series consists almost entirely of shooting muslims in the head

That has nothing to do with this at all. "You think this is bad, don't forget that other completely unrelated thing that's way worse, ya'll!"

@Tin Man

" is because nobody wants to do ANYTHING that MIGHT slightly piss off the most violent and bloodthirsty demographic in the fucking world. "

Making that kind of sweeping generalization doesn't make you sound racist, it just makes you racist.
@Tin Man
"nobody wants to do ANYTHING that MIGHT slightly piss off the most violent and bloodthirsty demographic in the fucking world. "
What, middle America?

bam-dum-tsssh ohyessonIwenttherelololololol
I find the fact that they release the same game at full price every year offensive. Will they prevent Modern Warfare 4, or whatever is next from releasing until they fix the problem, and actually make a new, better looking, great game?
Hmm if they're so offended ..maybe the shouldn't f^%#ing play the game and let those of us who couldn't give a rats a$$ enjoy it.
Everyhing is fucking offensive these days, you can hardly open your mouth without hurting someone's precious little feelings.
Whoever gets "offended" over that kind of stuff is an utter idiot and should be treated as such.
Man, I really feel sorry for those Muslims who don't care about this stuff and would just like to keep to themselves and practice their interpretation of the religion in peace.
"You know what else is offensive? Hundreds, if not thousands, of Muslims burning American flags based on a YouTube video made by one completely stupid individual, or based on the actions of some religious nut."

Actually, what is really offensive is American soldiers burning to death hundreds, if not thousands of Muslims every year. The YouTube video (and various video games where you can shoot Muslims in the head) just add insult to injury.
@Alan Argentina - I think we can settle this like mature gentlemen. I just need to go fetch you a spoon and you can eat my ass.

I hope you got a giggle out of reading that, because honestly I got one writing it... But in all seriousness go fuck yourself. When these people issue death threats for cartoons, kill people over films, kill people over books, issue Fatwahs and so on and so on, I'm not being racist just for seeing what's there.
Lord Jimmothy, I don't know how we still let you walk the earth you will bring much joy to us as a martyr of your own religion the religion of William Dafoeingsism.
@AceFibble - The problem is no other religion in the world would make a big fuss over such a small thing. It is time for Islam to grow up and joined the rest of the civilized world.

Muslims complained about Zelda: OOT's Fire Temple's music.
Later Little Big Planet got delayed for similar "issues."
Now a Modern Warfare 2 map.

If it were Christianity, Buddism, Judism, Shinto or any other religion that springs to mind, no one would bat an eyelash or furrow their eyebrows over it. Muslims make it a point to, it seems, and they need to grow up. The world does not have time to attend to each temper tantrum or even polite grievances.

The hijab thing that women's FIFA adopted was fine and civil. Fine so long as they don't force women of other faiths and nationalities to wear it. Fine for Muslim women.

So far its been EA of all companies that hasn't backed down. And I hate EA, but at least they stood up for speech.
Modern Warfare 2 came out, what, 3 years ago? Why are people just now complaining about this?
@Tin Man

No, you're being racist for painting a huge swath of the worlds population as bloodthirsty animals. That makes you a racist, regardless of how you feel you can defend your obvious racism.

I don't understand why you're passionate enough about that tired racist tripe to defend it, but not passionate enough to own up to what it means.
Why the fuck do we listen to complaining muslims? Seriously. I'm an athiest, and find religion as a concept laughable, but media has poked fun at EVERY SINGLE OTHER RELIGION except for the fucking muslims, because they aren't a xenophobic people... oh wait.
Fucking LBP had to get recalled because a SONG mentioned Allah.
Unbelieveably stupid.
Hah, muslims, what a joke. The map sucks anyway but how much of a backwater middle eastern hick do you have to be to be THIS late to the game and make all your fellows look as dumb as you.

@Mr Glass

I don't think American soldiers are burning that many Muslims. Shooting, perhaps, and blowing up with grenades, but that is less burning and more penetrative trauma.

If you're referring to missiles being dropped on people's heads by drones, well, yes there is some burning in these instances. But by all accounts one is more or less vaporize when a tomahawk comes by for a visit. Any burning is well after the dying has already been done, generally speaking.

I'm not damning or condoning one way of killing a person over another. However, the use of flamethrowers or similar devices -- outside of napalm -- has not been used by the US military since the late 70s, and even napalm sees very, very limited usage. So the point I'm trying to drive at here is how are thousands of Muslims getting en flambe, exactly?
"Praise Allah, now we will be blowing up everything including ourselves for great justice!" -typical muslim guy
Muslims crying and companies scrambling to capitulate to their every unreasonable demand out of fear? Now there is something you don't hear every day.
@ Alan

When did Islam become a race again? I always thought it was belief-based, not genetic.
Well, Activision could have ignored them if they wanted to. They didn't. Stupidity often requires accomplices.
The thing that gets me is the threat, remove these offering things or face the consequences.

Like what the fuck, these lunatics are gonna go out and murder people because of a quote in a shitty 3 year old game?

Generic term, though I'd place my money on that fella talking specifically about Middle Eastern muslims. Bigot would be a better term to use though.

Bigoted. I mean, I thought the ridiculously bigoted anti-woman comments sections were bad, but this one might take the Dtoid bigotry cake. It's Fox Nation comments section up in here.
Well this was fun.
Don't know what's better, the atheists who are really proud of being atheists or the folks who think every Muslim is a suicide bomber. Being the Oprah of human garbage that I am I'm giving all of you truck balls.


Such a weird thing to get offended about in my opinion. At least they asked politely, so no harm no foul. There is nothing wrong with a group expressing their views in a polite manner. Also, they didn't have to remove it.. (but obviously I am aware that if they didn't, a shitstorm would have blown in.)

People and their problems.
This Allah dumb stuff gets more respect than any religion Ive seen.
I'm offended by this. I demand that the map be put back.
I know I love me some truck balls.
I need to find one of those businesses where you pay someone to allow you to smash everything in a room with a baseball bat.

The amount of frustration shit like this causes me is in the defcon 2 area. Why do people get upset over the small, trivial shit like this?

Furthermore, speaking of defcon, if I had access to the nation's nukes, I'd prolly just bomb areas heavily saturated with human beings anyway. Nihilism FTW.

Fuck Romney and Obama, Tekbunny for president.

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