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Review: Aliens: Infestation

Jim Sterling, Reviews Editor
2:00 PM on 10.12.2011
Review: Aliens: Infestation photo

Videogames owe a lot to Aliens. The movie classic gave us the archetypal space marine, then pitted them against a nest full of drooling Xenomorphs, the titular Aliens that have served as a blueprint for so many videogame enemies.

It seems poetic, then, that Aliens has finally reclaimed the gameplay it inspired. Both Contra and Metroid have liberally stolen from 20 Century Fox's franchise over the years, and I can think of few things more fitting than to see the developer of Contra 4 producing an Aliens game with a retro Metroid flavor.

Aliens: Infestation is the game I've wanted for years. I am not disappointed by the result.

Aliens: Infestation (Nintendo DS)
Developer: WayForward Technologies
Publisher: SEGA
Released: October 11, 2011
MSRP: $29.99

Set on Lv-426 in the aftermath of Aliens, Infestation puts players in control of four marines as they search the remnants of the Sulaco and uncover yet another shadowy plot by the sinister Weyland-Yutani corporation. While each Marine has his or her own distinct personality and dialog, do not get too attached to them -- they likely won't survive to see the end of the game.

Aliens: Infestation is a game about loss, taking the depressing spirit of the Aliens movies to heart and presenting a game where anybody can die ... and probably will. There are 19 Marines to discover and collect throughout the game, and when one of them gets killed off, they stay killed. Players have a chance to rescue fallen comrades from Xenomorph nests, but if the escape attempt fails, they're never coming back.

To ensure that players feel the dismal sting of death, WayForward Technologies has made Aliens: Infestation a damn tough game. Taking an old-school scrolling shooter approach, players investigate the Sulaco and wider areas of LV-426, facing some incredibly stiff resistance along the way. Health bars are not huge, a stamina gauge limits the ability to run or dodge, and bugs are very tough to put down.

This difficulty can sometimes border on the unreasonable, especially when facing fast-moving monkey-bugs that deal damage by touch alone or when Xenomorphs suddenly jump at you from several feet away. Sometimes, enemies are strategically placed below elevators and ladders so that taking a hit is inescapable. When the game wants to hurt you, it will hurt you no matter what. While this keeps the game incredibly tense, it can become annoying when every hit you take knocks you down, the dodge roll is ineffectual, and Xenos can close the gap between themselves and you without recourse.

Despite these grievances, however, Aliens: Infestation is an incredibly intense shooter experience, one that makes the Xenomorphs genuinely threatening for the first time in years. Not only are the regular Alien Warriors deadly, the various boss creatures lying in wait are utterly brutal, more than capable of taking out an entire squad of Marines if players aren't careful. Memories of Castlevania are evoked when players are down to a sliver of health and desperately trying to get back to a save point in order to find sanctuary, knowing that failure truly puts something on the line.

As noted, Aliens: Infestation borrows heavily from Metroid. Backtracking is a big part of the experience, as some areas are closed off until players return later with new equipment. Sealed doors need to be opened with welding equipment, bug resin needs to be burned away with flamethrowers, and broken steam pipes need to be closed off with wrenches. The backtracking can get a little overindulgent, especially when players are only given a vague clue of where to go, but it's otherwise a very good take on classic gameplay.

There is a range of iconic weaponry to discover throughout the game, from the unforgettable pulse rifle to shotguns, flamethrowers, and smart guns. While the flamethrower is disappointingly weak, the smart gun is a beautiful weapon that becomes crucial as soon as it's discovered. Each gun can be upgraded three times by items hidden throughout the game, improving their ability to dish out death. Unfortunately, only one main weapon can be carried at a time, which I find inconvenient, especially when you need the useless flamethrower to burn open doors. I'd like for at least two weapons to be equippable alongside the emergency pistol.

Another disappointing element to the game is the lack of rewards for exploration. There are many hidden air vents leading to secret areas, but very few of these areas contain anything useful. While health pickups and ammo drops are welcome, these things are replenished in save rooms, meaning that running out of essentials isn't a huge issue. Also, if you already have four marines, any new ones discovered refuse to join your party and stay where they are, meaning that discovering them can be rather pointless. With only weapon upgrades on offer as tangible, lasting rewards, it often feels like a waste of time to explore, especially when you fight your way through an infested air vent only to discover an insultingly empty dead end.

These disappointments aside, Infestation is the most satisfying Aliens experience in years. From its retro visuals (including some great Xeno animation) to the authentic sound effects and fittingly subdued music, this is a game with a lot of respect for the franchise that fans ought to adore. The slow pace and knowledge that Xenos can creep from scenery or burst from grates in the floor lead to a surprisingly thrilling experience, something that's very hard to successfully achieve on a handheld system yet looks effortless in the hands of WayForward.

Of particular note is the cast of Marines. As previously mentioned, each one has a distinct personality, original dialog, and stylized character portrait complete with gritty comic book aesthetic. Every Marine has a defining pose in save rooms, and quite a few of them are genuinely funny, affable personalities. Losing a favorite character is painful, especially when they've been with the player a long time. I just wish less likable ones could be swapped out for freshly discovered recruits when the squad is full.

Aliens: Infestation could stand to offer a lot more rewards in respect for the risks players take, but ultimately this is a game that makes Xenomorphs intimidating once again and provides a stiff challenge with lasting consequences for failure. Packed with references to the Aliens movies, including Power Loader battles and an intense APC escape scene, this is a game made by fans with the fans in mind. After recent disappointments from the Aliens franchise, Infestation brings it all home and makes for a thoroughly captivating adventure.


8.5 /10
Great: Impressive efforts with a few noticeable problems holding it back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth your time and cash. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

where's the review score o_O
but the game sounds good tho!
Excellent, sounds like just what I've been waiting for! I have this pre-ordered and payed off, I just have to pick it up today, I can't wait!
It's pretty clear when people don't even bother to read the review itself when mere seconds after the post goes up, people are flipping their shit over the lack of a score at the bottom.

Chill dudes, Jim probably forgot to check a box or something.
Review tag was missing for some reason. Added. Score should appear in a second. Why not read the text while you wait? :-)
This game is so hardcore that teh "aliens" killed the score!!! O_o
wow a 1/10 thats pretty dirty jim
Oh, and the score is 8.5 for the mobile folk. (A permafix is coming for that issue).
Good to hear, I fucking love aliens. They're the most badass enemies ever.
Sounds fun. And someone about it reminds me of alien 3 on snes - which was also, hard and feature healthy bits of exploration and backtracking.
Such a fun game!
Why the fuck do you review nearly everything?
Sounds like an 8 since I actually read the review.

I have been very interested in the game since Metroid Fusion is my favorite GBA game. I'm not sure how much I would enjoy this since the slim rewards for exploration does hurt my interest, and the fact that I know almost nothing of the Aliens franchise. Still worth getting?
@Uber Epic Elite

"Jim Sterling
Reviews Editor"
"Why the fuck do you review nearly everything?"

Because it is my job.

brb, going to movie theater to ask why they show all the movies.
@Uber Epic Elite

Because he's the reviews editor you total numpty. Also, I clicked on this review as it went up, read the whole thing, only to find every comment below it was people bitching about there being no review score. READ THE FUCKING REVIEW YOU LAZY PRICKS! Took me less than 5 mins, a number barely gives you any information about the game.

As for the game itself, I got it a couple of weeks back because it released earlier in Europe. Totally agree its a fun game, but the lack of things to unlock and reasons to explore really made the game feel alot shallower than I thought it would. The Marines that constantly refuse to go with you because you don't have a spare space in your squad just irritate me, seems like a lazy game mechanic to me. You find a character to unlock and then they just stand there....

@Uber Epic Elite

I'm trying to figure out why my asshole excretes all the poo.
Fully aware of his title and I do have a deep man-love for Mr. Sterling, it just seems that every single game I consider buying it's his horrid face on the review.
are you guys serious? the review is not that long. i read it -_-
I also do not own a DS anymore so i was doing it FOR THE PEOPLE /TotallyZorro

So go read a review on another site, if you're so dependent on other people's opinions to justify how you spend your money.
I'm vaguely interested, but I'm completely over the retro thing. I lived through the NES and SNES days, I don't want to revisit them. New technology should bring something new to the table. I also HATE games that equate difficulty with fun. It's not the challenge, but the reward that makes a game worthwhile or not. Dark Souls nails it, Demons Souls failed (yeah, I said it) and Super Meat Boy was just terrible.

I'm waiting patiently for developers to wake up and start making real games again instead of rehashing the same retro/difficult/OMGITSJUSTLIKEMYFAVORITEGAMEWHENIWAS2 crap. I love the old Metroid games, but the key buzzword there is OLD. Nothing wrong with sidescrollers, but when this looks like Alien 3 on SNES with a better setting, I can't get too enthusiastic.
I'm just saying that more assholes should excrete some of this poo. I'm tired of seeing the same asshole excreting the poo every damn time.
I was waiting for your review before buying the game. And now that you've given it only an 8.5 I will not buy the game. Why are you hating on Aliens and the Nintendo DS, Jim? I bet you would have scored it better if it was based off Alien Resurrection, huh?

(Now here, in the real world, SOLD!)

I'm the only guy who is actually full-time expected to play and write reviews. I have a team of guys to cover stuff (and you'll notice we have reviews from different people almost every day) but due to my time, resources and job description I get a lot of the big stuff. I've got a dev kit and a schedule that permits me to get pretty much every game finished and written up before embargo breaks.

That's why this is the thing.
How dare you max scoville if I ever meet you I will give you 8.5 points of a sword, you jive string bean funk jizz red gorilla.
This sounds like a really intense game at times with having to weld open doors and the fact that they're on you in no time. Sounds very Dead Space to me which I like but always dreaded cause I knew I was gonna get totally fucked up and killed alot.
Got it last night and it is every bit as fucking awesome as I hoped it would be. Of course, it just makes me crave a new DS Castlevania goddamn it. They used to do these all the time! What happen??? a nice 2D Metroid too?? WTF?!?! Those things are solid gold!!
This is the first time I've been truly jealous of DS owners :(

He just wants you to change your face, that's all.

Also, this was an Aliens DS game that Jim has been talking about for months, did you REALLY think someone other than Jim would review it?
Yes, yes I done derped on near JimmyX proportions.

@ TheNephilym That was actually funny. Cheers to Jim for not ripping me to shreds also.
@redeemer I don't buy shit games, I buy the good ones then I decide what's great. Who the fuck would run about buying random full price games to see if they're good? Rich morons, that's who.
This is the Aliens game I've been waiting for since 3. Sooo damn awesome for fans. Tons of Easter eggs.
I really hope this does well. We could use more cool Alien games.
I would probably love this game if I had a DS.
This game is really brilliant. Only a hour or two in but wow, such fun.
I saw the word Metroid. I'm buying this today.
Mr Sterling, you might have just convinced me to buy this game.
PS: fuck you
I wish I had a DS but cant justify it for just this game. I hope Col Marines pans out.
god damn handhelds. and DS no less. think how awesome a game like this would be on psn or xbla. would prob sell more too. better sprites, still 2d and all. better controls. ugh i would so buy this if it wasnt a portable game.

damn it.

I believe you're the only person without a DS. Time to pony up on a DSlite my friend and catch up on everything you've been missing.
So stoked for this!
Bought this the other day. Jim, could not agree with you more sir, this is sheer brilliance. With the 3DS out, let's hope this sells as it bloody deserves too. Like Jim said "This is made by fans with the fans in mind"

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