The Call: Prologue + BTS Soundtrack - Destructoid Community Blog by Nihil
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I started gaming in kindergarten, when the most advanced piece of hardware I could get my hands on was a black plastic handle and an orange button attached to a brick. I used it to blow up little squares on a black and white television screen. A couple years later, I was molested by the girl next door after beating her copy of The Legend of Zelda. I have mixed feelings about the experience.

Unfortunately, over the years, my ability to maintain a passion for games has waned (as in being able to play through them start-to-finish). This is due to various reasons and issues that would be too emo to get into at this juncture. But suffice to say, though my passion has waned, my interest in them has not, as evidenced by my being here.

Nihil (or Nils) is the pseudonym I currently use for writing and gaming on the internet. I came across the Destructoid website by searching for information on Way of the Samurai 3. Tubatic pretty much has the most comprehensive coverage on it I've seen anywhere. And for that, and the other thing, I thank him.

It's a good game, btw.

Now here I am, typing for what's probably been more than an hour, trying to make myself shiny for you silly, sexy robots. So please, for fuck's sake, love me.

Or not. You know. Whatever.

You Sick People
Epinephrine Postscript
...To Be Dark
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-ISMS... with Me: Random and possibly entertaining musings on video games and various bullshit...
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12:54 PM on 10.27.2012   //   Nihil

I have lived a very cursed life. Those unfortunate to have met me can well attest. Yet it is by no means an understatement when I say this - It has all lead me to these last dark days. But who I am is irrelevent in the grand scheme of the events I expose within these pages. What I write here will either simply be further damning evidence of Mankind's folly,

Or the point of origin for Our demise.
October 24, 1942

I hear it clearer now: it is Its name. The unholy Thing has a name.

No doubt, it was from exposure to the gateway and the influence of those vile beings I've come to call Dark Ones. Its name hums violently inside of my head constantly now. I must force myself through the pain to remember.

I was once part of a team of people who studied and hunted the occult workings of this world. I came to trust them with my life when we fought against sinister men and the evil, otherworldly forces that plague our reality. After months of tracking members of a previously unknown society, dedicated to some obviously unscrupulous cause, I took it upon myself to initiate contact with them as a curious, lost soul. Although they were stringently opposed at first, my persistence and fervent attitude finally moved them to relent, and they inducted me as a neophyte into their order.

My team was unaware of my actions, as I did not mention how I bided my time outside of our usual work, in concern of their safety. The prospect of their involvement interrupting the progress of my case was also one I wasn't willing to entertain. One of the conditions for joining the order was that I could not contact anyone from my previous life. Thusly, I settled to only inform my comrades when absolutely necessary. Well, that time has undoubtedly come.

This small town of [///////////], out in the boonies of [///////////] County, is now full of furiously paranoid and distraught people, being terrorized from within by the more cunning members of the order, who hide in plain sight during the day. I've heard townsfolk whisper of public lynchings eventually being a resort, just to have some measure of comfort. I certainly hold no blame towards them in that regard.

I lived here some time before being introduced to an indomitable sort of leader within the order. I immediately felt a dark strangeness about him, and so I used the mental techniques, taught to me over the years by my acquaintances versed in the psychic and paranormal, to steel my thoughts. To my nigh overwhelming terror, I most definitely saved myself in doing so. In every instance we talked, I felt his insidious presence inside my mind, probing for doubt; for any alterior designs that would hinder their work here. They're very close to their nefarious goals and will destroy the minds of any acolytes whose murderous convictions falter.

Lo, I am one of them. In order to keep their trust, in order to uncover and decapitate the head of this hideous and utterly inhuman beast, I have practiced with them their bloody cerominies on the townspeople, without hesitation. Kidnapping or helping sacrificed innocents, not even for Its satiation. It won't be content. Not until It's able to consume us all, and it may soon will.

Two nights ago, I beheld a maddening sight that no lesser willed man, righteous or not, could live with after. I say this, because my mind is still my own for the time being, and I may very well bear witness to even worse before my soul and spirit leave this body. But I only dare not reveal the event here, even after professing my previously mentioned crimes against these poor people. To have my cohorts, or any other seeker of justice reading this, know that I idled and did nothing to prevent it; they would hold me to account for the unforgiveable. It would crush me, even in death, for them to cast me down with the rest of the mad men that we imprisoned and smited together, in what feels like eons past. My only attempt in selfish, feeble atonement for this will be drawing my team here to finish what I started, and recording the events leading to their success.

The event, that I wish not to disclose, started an unearthly chain reaction in the very science of the open air before me. Visually concieved, it was as if the natural fabric of that open space tried futiley to maintain itself, until simply melting away into God knows where. The area was replaced by an anomalous rift, and it was then that I felt It. The ancient and incredible darkness beyond: Nierolythalulzalhapewpewpew.

I don't know how close they are to unleashing It on this hapless world, but the time to act is now. The proof is here. And it must be destroyed.

I've already sent letters about the direness of the situation to my team, heavily encrypted for the instance of interception. Last night, I killed one of the cultist bastards. I lead him astray, alone, and I sliced his neck open. I can't say that I did not derive savage pleasure from it, but my horrible ruse is now over. I did this in the hopes of making them deviate, if only barely, from their nightly progressions. The Dark Ones will know he is dead and they will be coming for me.

I am now in hiding within the confines of this forsaken town, only barely staving off further deterioration of my own consciousness.

I will not leave til the absolute conclusion of this hopeless war wholly reveals itself unto me.

omnia aut nihil fraternus

I usually need appropriate music to help me iron out awesome ideas. Here's a few tracks that I used for this one:

Silent Hill 3 - Rain Of Brass Petals
Resident Evil 3 - Free From Fear
Undying - Main Theme / Extended Version
Random Music & Ambient Soundscapes. Awesome if you like listening to less bombastic scores.

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