
Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critics What's this?

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Mixed or average reviews- based on 14 Ratings

  • Summary: One day, the world was enveloped by a mysterious blinding light. The destruction it caused was terrible, even as the light itself was sublime in its beauty, and it made those who witnessed the awesome display think of the unrestrained rage and fury of the divine. The central continent, from where the light is believed to have originated from, went silent, while at the same time demons began to spread throughout the world like a plague. Amongst the survivors of the catastrophe, that fateful day became known as the "Day of Light." Sometime after the events of the Day of Light, a young man by the name of Weiss, who had lost all memory of himself, encounters an enigmatic woman named Eva, who introduces herself as an Agent of the Divine. It is from her that Weiss learns that he has committed the grievous sin of deicide, and that in order for him to atone for his crime he is to become the "Vessel" in which the power of the divinity he had slaughtered will be stored. For it will be that power that will be used to resurrect the one whose life he stole. For those who betray the divine will pay for their sins in the space which separates salvation and damnation, as will their progeny... Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 6
  2. Negative: 2 out of 6
  1. Aug 28, 2012
    If you have shunned Idea Factory RPGs in the past and/or found the previous Agarest War titles a chore to play, this one's marked improvement may sway you slightly. I recommend at least giving Record of Agarest War 2 a rental because it shows that Idea Factory has the potential to create good stuff.
  2. Agarest 2 is a competent strategy RPG with satisfying gameplay, but there are better ones out there that we'd be less ashamed to share with our friends. [Sept 2012, p.,86]
  3. Oct 2, 2012
    What interesting ideas are here end up lost beneath a tidal wave of bad ones. [Issue#223, p.87]

See all 6 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 1
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 1
  3. Negative: 0 out of 1
  1. DefinItely for the hardcore niche. If you enjoyed gameplay in titles such as Xenogears this game is for you. The story leaves some to be desired but the addicting gameplay in terms of control layout makes for a type of JRPG that hasn't been seen in a while. Turn based with button designated moves like triangle for upwards attacks, X for downwards, Square for Paralyze and Circle for ranged it keeps the turned based mechanic feeling fluent and fun through a somewhat recognizable outing. I give it a 9 based on the re-introduction of what made old-school niche RPG's fun and the fearless attempt at completely changing a gameplay layout from its prior successor. Although a lot different from Agarest 1 and Zero in terms of gameplay it makes for my personal most enjoyable entry into the series and could see this adaptation of mechanics extending its lifespan of the Record of Agarest War series to become one of the most favored in the genre in a long time in the niche market to come. Expand