
Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critics What's this?

User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 47 Ratings

  • Summary: Take your school to victory with a former Heisman Trophy winner on your team with NCAA Football 13. With one of ten former Heismans on your roster, see if you have the confidence and poise to utilize his legendary skill set to capture the Heisman Trophy—this time for your school. Experience the game like never before with an all-new passing game in which players track and fight for the ball, and feel the excitement of gameday as ESPN Studio Updates bring the game to life in a dynamic football environment. Throw down the gauntlet and lead your team to glory with NCAA Football 13. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Aug 21, 2012
    All in all, NCAA Football 13 marks a really enjoyable entry in EA's long-running franchise, and it shows that EA Tiburon still has what it takes to make a fun, exciting football game for fans.
  2. Jul 6, 2012
    NCAA 13 doesn't take the kind of giant leap forward that will be noticed by the masses, but it's an installment that will be built upon and which we will look back at as a key moment in the franchise's larger history.
  3. Jul 26, 2012
    The improved passing game is the real star here and the other small improvements help sell the overall experience. Heisman is an enjoyable addition, but creates balance problems.

See all 20 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 23
  2. Negative: 7 out of 23
  1. I think it deserves a strong 8 but like everyone else im trying to counter the zeros that this game clearly doesn't deserve. The Heisman mode is fun and adds a lot of depth and replay value. the game itself is good but not much better than last years version. Passing game has improved presentation still sucks but overall the Heisman mode alone will have me happy for months to come. We won't see a real leap in the series until we get a new system and that's how it's always been, we are used to shorter cycles between consoles and unfortunately sports has peaked on these systems. Expand
  2. dz9
    Another yearly installment of EA's collegiate pig skin has been released, will it finally be innovated... at all? Let's start with the good.. EA has made minor but still significant improvements to the gameplay in NCAA Football 13. They have made the footing of your quarterback important, they have added hundreds of new animations to both sides of the ball, they have added a slow motion feature to the new Heisman mode and Campus Legend, they have made receivers become highlighted when they make a break on their route, and most importantly.. with these changes... they have made the gameplay much more intuitive and free flowing. A much welcomed improvement. But what about the career modes... you know... the modes that are suppose to keep you playing for hours upon hours?? Well.. this is where this game "drops the ball (pun intended)." Campus legend is the same as it has been since its introduction to the series but while maintaining the broken bland upgrade system as the '12 installment. Dynasty is exactly the same as previous installments and the new Heisman mode is essentially Campus legend but with some interviews to break up the action. In the End: The true-to-the-game football simulations fans have been screaming for is still not here. The new ESPN presentation like the "studio updates" are more annoying than authentic and the commentary is actually more broken than ever, having large chunks of silent gameplay. While standard online and quick games may be fun for a while, the career modes that substantiate the game are a copy-paste from previous installments. As soon as you hit 'new game,' you already feel like you have beaten it before. If you have any of the current gen NCAA Football titles.. you will be perfectly content with just downloading the demo for this one. Expand
  3. 3
    This is not just the worst game I've seen in the series in many years, it is the absolute worst sports game I have ever owned. Constant interruptions kill the flow of the game (Rece Davis, unnecessary replays, etc.). The announcers are dry and lack any color whatsoever. Game-play issues abound. Also, the game periodically switches to scripted outcomes. Boring. During these games you might as well Supersim, your presence is not really necessary. I'm sure someone thought this was a great idea ("I smell another EA classic!"). I am deeply disappointed by this game. I know EA can create a vastly superior product to this. The question is, will they ever try? Expand

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