71 out of 100

Mixed or average reviews - based on 21 Critics

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. Jun 26, 2012
    Beenox has done the impossible. The Amazing Spider-Man is a return to the days when I enjoyed web-slinging through New York City. They've made a story worth enjoying, and wrapped it in a game worth playing.
  2. 82
    Whether it is tackling the single player chapters, collecting comic book pages throughout the city, or breaking up crimes, the amount of variety and replay value in the game is endless. The Amazing Spider-Man is not an amazing game, it but is a very good game that Spidey fans will absolutely want to pick-up this summer.
  3. 80
    Copying so much from Batman Arkham City that it almost feels like stealing. But when the end result delivers, then I can´t really complain much. Despite a few flat textures the game delivers: nice animations, good voice acting, great writing and a nice way to continue after the trip to the cinema. Word of caution: this adventure continues the movie's plot, so go watch the movie first, then beat the hell out of all the bad guys in this fun sandbox.
  4. Jun 26, 2012
    Beenox's previous Spider-Man titles were pedestrian at best, but The Amazing Spider-Man is a stellar installment that gives me hope for future games.
  5. Jun 26, 2012
    The Amazing Spider-Man is supposedly about 30 hours in length, but honestly, if you're dedicated, you can wrap it up in twelve, complete with new suit collecting (because your old one takes significant damage – a huge plus) and side missions. But that's not too shabby considering the replay value.
  6. Jun 26, 2012
    The best Spider-Man adventure in years isn't quite what it should've been. Developer Beenox actually crams too much into the package, cluttering what could've been a landmark tale for Marvel's wall-crawler.
  7. 75
    For the most part, TASM merely refines the formula of prior open-world superhero games with better graphics.
  8. Jun 28, 2012
    This Spider-man isn't that amazing, but he saves the day anyway. His adventure goes the distance with enough ingenuity sprinkled into the sustained action to distract more often than he disappoints. Even with the kindergarten controls, you'll want to see the story to its conclusion.
  9. Jun 28, 2012
    The stumbling block with most superhero games is understanding and harnessing that essential bit of magic that imparts the feeling of living in the hero's tights and Beenox has somersaulted right over that hurdle effortlessly. If the studio gets another crack at the Webslinger, here's hoping it manages to maintain that feeling for an entire game.
  10. Jun 26, 2012
    The game spends too much time in drab drains and boring science facilities, where its best assets are sidelined in favor of easy combat scenarios. But when developer Beenox gives Spidey room to soar, you get caught up in the pure elation of swinging through a spirited city, where helicopters hover overhead and well-wishers call out to you in the streets.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 86 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 26
  2. Negative: 3 out of 26
  1. 9
    I think we can resume the game with one word that summarize everything: AMAZING!!! The web swinging mechanic might be a little bit simplistic but overall the game is exactly what I was looking for. Nice Story plot too. I'm not a Marvel fanboy but I did really enjoyed my experience so far. Thanks Beenox. Keep the good work coming! **I keep reading something I have to clearify here: Alot of people think that once the Main Story is over, there is nothing else to do as some people were saying Manhattan become empty as you finish the story. I can state that it is far from being true. Completing the main story represent about 30% of the game. Once you finish the game, there are side-missions/petty crimes and collectibles to collect throughout Manhattan. One of my favorite collectible so far are the "Comic book pages" which the player can collect in order to build complete old school Spider-Man comic books!!** Once again, good job Beenox!! I can't wait to see your next ASM title!! A must have!! Full Review »
  2. Simply AMAZING...nothing about this game got annoying. Collecting comic books and then reading them was a brilliant treat for those of us who like collecting. The graphix are as lose to next Gen as I've seen this cycle. Having both linear and open world aspects really makes the game feel whole. It is a must buy for me. WARNING!!!!! '' renting this game will cause an intense need to purchase it '' Full Review »
  3. 9
    This game is pretty much everything I was hoping for, as someone who has just been waiting for a Spider-Man 2-like game. The open world, fun side missions, and cool story are all there. Once again, I can spend a good hour simply swinging around the city and going parkour crazy and it's tons of fun. The story is actually really well done, I wasn't expecting such a gripping tale from a movie spin-off game. The little petty crimes and side missions are fun, and are a good time waster between missions. I absolutely LOVE the little details that the designers threw into the game like how when you're on the street all the people talk to you and a lot of them take out their phones and snap a picture. Really makes the whole experience a lot more fun and Spider-Man-like. Web swinging I think is actually just as good as Spider-Man 2. Yes, on one hand the webs don't hit the buildings themselves and kind of just go to the air which is a downside. But on the other hand, they do this in a way that keeps it realistic and not really noticeable. You can't web swing in a place where there are no buildings around you, and if you're higher than all the buildings, then the web swing won't work. They made the web swinging realistic in a way, but not to a point where it takes away any enjoyment and it really makes you feel like Spider-Man. (In Spider-Man 2, every once and awhile you'd get that awkward smack-into-a-wall or can't get any momentum going because of the web placement...In The Amazing Spider-Man, the web swinging makes it so you never hit those stall points and makes you feel more like Spider-Man). My only complaint is that the fighting isn't quite as fun and complicated as Spider-Man 2. You pretty much use a few buttons (X to strike, Y to counter, B to shoot webs, RB to use the environment and web strike people from far away). I liked how in Spider-Man 2 you could do crazy stuff like web up enemies to light poles and stuff. But even though the fighting isn't quite as good as S2, it's still overall very satisfactory. I never get sick of beating up baddies and the animations are so well done and it never gets boring to watch Spidey whip out so many different acrobatic take-downs. Overall, I love this game and think it is the worthy successor to Spider-Man 2. 9/10. Full Review »