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  • Summary: A brutal team sport unfolding in a parallel fantasy world based on Warhammer and American football, Blood Bowl invites gamers to form a team of players from races including: Orcs, Elves, Humans, Dwarfs and many other fantasy creatures, and launch themselves into battle in the bloodiest of arenas. This strategy sports game combines a fine balance of tactics and bone crunching action! The game offers two game modes. The first, which is fully real time, offers spectacular gameplay with intense battles between blocking linemen and daring displays of agility of players leaping and dodging through opponents tackle zones, while powerful spells and dirty trick special plays are unleashed across the field. All this creates a highly charged atmosphere. Of course, since it is sometimes difficult to keep an eye on the entire field at once, the game's interface offers different tactical and strategic setups, while the AI is responsible for managing the players on the field. The second game mode, an actual turn-based game, is a treat for players of the original board game because it is an exact replica of Games Workshop's tabletop masterpiece. The original rules have been faithfully reproduced, and it contains all of the devices, strategies, play and rhythm of the original game. [Focus Home Interactive] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 6
  2. Negative: 3 out of 6
  1. Althought from a technical point it's not the best Blood Bowl videogame, from the playable one is, hands down, the best portable version.
  2. A thoroughly unexciting experience. [Nov 2009, p.98]
  3. The DS version also uses a 2D isometric view and to be honest isn’t the most pleasing on the eye.
  4. One for the sin bin. [Dec 2009, p.71]
  5. Not even the presentation of Blood Bowl, which is fairly good in the other versions of the game, can save the DS version from certain doom.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 3 out of 3
  1. Chopsblah
    Jan 28, 2010
    1 is for bringing back fleeting happy memories of playing the boardgame 20 years ago. A dreadful user interface, poorly thought through isometric view which obscures squares on the board and invites errors, and the game breaking bugs referred to by others make this the worst and most disappointing ds game i have ever played. Expand
  2. Azoxystrobin
    Oct 29, 2009
    This game should put shame on the company that made it. It is so full of bugs and glitches it should not have been released. It could have been good, tiny screen and tiny sprites wouldn't be so bad, if it would at least play right. A concrete example: in the board game interceptions are hard, usually needing a '6' well in the DS game it's automatic, even trolls intercept every time. Expand
  3. Anonymous
    Dec 27, 2009
    Riddled with game breaking bugs, inconsistent with the official LRB5, and no word from the publisher when they will re-release the game in a non-beta form; this title is best avoided like the plague. Expand