21Sep 2012

Unleash the Owls! Let's get freaky with Kinect Nat Geo TV

Video: learning about animals via the magic of disco

Sometimes, we like to publish mind-expanding stuff about Matters of Import - heartfelt, insightful, dashingly written articles like these features on male fantasies, games testing, videogame health concerns and the future of XBLA. Most times, though, we're quite happy making complete fools of ourselves, preferably on video.

On that note, Kinect Nat Geo TV released earlier this week. It's one of the first "2 Way TV" games, designed to teach players about wildlife via the cosily familiar medium of a DVD episode. But given a little... flamboyance and just the right music, it's also a recipe for the biggest bestial rave since Noah forgot to put the whisky away. Enjoy.

Read our Kinect Nat Geo TV review for more.


1 comments so far...

  1. Do I even want to know who it was dancing like that?

    And I'm a little worried that Nat Geo, one of the most respected wildlife educational organisations in the world, is apparently teaching kids that nature is like a big game of Street Fighter 2: Owl Edition.