Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes - Extended Gameplay Trailer

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  • Sep 1, 2012
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Shown during Kojima's PAX Prime 2012 panel, it's the first gameplay video of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes.


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HerbalVideogame 5 pts

Its hard to believe the 360 would be able to handle this game... but hey, at least I will be keeping my carbon footprint low an be getting the version that requires only one disc.  

ben33646 5 pts

 HerbalVideogame Did you know that the 360 version of the mgs game will not be sold in Japan, Konami has restricted it.

Gankstar_VX84 19 pts

i've always been pc/sony, and i [ersonally feel it#s a crime against gamers to keep any metal gear exsclusive, but i feel the same about gears also xD

BANNER7 5 pts

Well im glad that another MGS is coming out, i thought 4 would be the last lol, i do think that its to many PS fanboys moaning about keeping it exclusive. Its common sense why keep it on the PS when they can earn loads more money if they also brought it out on Xbox and PC, thats business for you. 

claudio7777 5 pts

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Hydra270 5 pts

dont give a rats a22 if its only one new ps since i like this game since i was 11 years old and played mgs on 2001 and mgs2 on 2002 :P if its only on new PS i will get it to play it screw new box since i have only handfull games i like to play.

nino-richi 5 pts

It's and excellent that would be on xbox to...

kohle36 180 pts

For a minute there I almost thought it said 'gameplay' trailer.

...and then I remembered that this is Hideo Kojima we're talking about

kakashi552 13 pts

this series reminds me so much of GITS

kratospete 9 pts

 for some reason i think is gonna be best played on ps3....

ben33646 5 pts

 kratospete Did you know that the current "Demo" and "Trailer's" we are see now, are all run on a powerful pc?

suplax 319 pts

Next game we will be playing with Snake skeleton.....

solidsnakehd 39 pts

battle between zero and big boss.

proceeder 21 pts

Yessssss! Finally, another reason to play games.

RFT-23 17 pts

I dont want this to be in XBox but since there a logo of Xbox at the end makes me a little sad. Not that i hate Xbox or anything, i just want this game to be exclusive for PS3.    Huh..........

TopGunnas 53 pts

 RFT-23 the game is on xbox aswell, deal with it, another stolen exclusive sorry ps3 fanboy

Hoski0999 69 pts

 TopGunnas  RFT-23 You do realize that Sony has more exclusives right? check the numbers, he wasn't being a fan boy, its just Sony has been MGS's main stay for a long time, so I agree its sad to see a 360 logo with it. I own a 360 and love halo and gears of war, but also own a PS3 and love Killzone and God of War... so... you deal with it. You sound more like a fan boy to be honest.

williebazerka 243 pts

 Hoski0999  Wishing a game only stays on a console absolutely makes him sound like a fanboy to be honest.

LE5LO 94 pts

 TopGunnas  RFT-23 to keep up with the standards it just means it's more than likely going to be another two discs affair for non-PS3 owners. Makes me very happy to own both. @TopGunnas - You don't own a PS3 right? Bad luck :/ I'm sick of the Blu-ray capacity makes Xbox outdated out-dated / but DX runs better on M.S platform arguement. Multi-cells too hard to utilize. Live costs, PSN free, Just STFU idiot!!! Both clearly have their advantages and both companies should be working together to make the best of this industry. Turn off your Xbox blinkers, save up and buy a PS3, then you won't have to bitch at people who make a valid point out of your jealousy.

kratospete 9 pts

 TopGunnas  RFT-23  lucky bitch

proceeder 21 pts

I'm more worried than sad. I wonder if Microsoft's console has tiedKojima's hands in making the graphics sharp and crispy. As far as I know, Xbox might be able to handle shades and shadows, but when it comes to polygons and pixels, IT SUCKS!

David_Boreanaz 42 pts


 Actually Xbox 360 is better than PS3 in almost every way, better GPU, more streamlined processing due to less cores and better contrast and lighting effects. The only thing PS3 wins out on is calculations per cycle since it has more cores in it's CPU giving it a slight edge on advanced AI calculations. And while the PS3 can produce higher quality graphics using the Cell to handle some of the GPU load it takes far longer to program games that way.

proceeder 21 pts

@David_Boreanaz So does PS3 handle better graphics? You,ve got me confused. All I know is I've never seen games like "God of War 3", "Uncharted 3", & last but by no means the least, "MGS 4" on Xbox 360 (with as many polygons). Apart from that, I honestly don't care what platform it's on. Even if Kojima does better on wii I'll buy it; just to see Snake in action once more. Metal Gear (featuring snake) is the only reason I bought a PS2, PSP 3000, PS3 and a PS Vita.

David_Boreanaz 42 pts

 proceeder  David_Boreanaz

 Most of the games you mentioned are not very taxing on hardware. You have to remember polygons are a thing of the past, it's all about bump mapping, normal mapping, and how well the games are streamed when you play them. Some games due look better than others on PS3 over Xbox 360 (Battlfield 3 for example) but thats mostly due to added HD storage space on the Blu-Ray disc, While games like Gears of War 3 use compression methods to combat the limited space and still look gorgeous. Xbox still can be pushed more (look at Halo 4 videos and drool) and same goes with PS3. I have Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii, and while PS3 does impress me with it's graphics sometimes I do realize the tricks they used to achieve them (faked draw distances, skyboxes hiding poly's in the background, etc.) but I respect the amount of polish their AAA titles have. Both systems are phenomenal even this far into their life cycle so I don't think MGS coming to Xbox 360 will hold the graphics back at all as long as they know how to program for both systems properly.

Hoski0999 69 pts

 David_Boreanaz  proceeder You do make good points David, however, for the 360 to handle this game, it will take multiple discs which is a pain in my opinion. Kojima had to cut stuff out of MGS4 because he ran out of room on a blu-ray disc.  Kojima is not stupid though, he will make the games gorgeous and play very well.  I'm not down playing the 360 (which yea bf3 looks horrible on it and it even looks bad on PS3 compared to PC) but the fact that their disc storage is soo small is very cumbersome and has lead some developers to oped into making conent that should have been on the disc into DLC.  Many other factors go into this as well, but thats one of them.  Lost Planet 2 is an example of that, when they couldn't fit it all onto one disc they made it into DLC for both PS3 and 360.  Course this is also the company that hid characters on the disc for SF x Tekken to be bought later lol.  I agree with your points, but the hardware needs a storage system that can help it shine, and 360 lacks big time in that department.

David_Boreanaz 42 pts

 Hoski0999  proceeder

 Like I said before there are ways around the storage issue, the Xbox 360 was designed to be able to decompress files very VERY quickly, making it easy to compress super high res textures and have the hardware (with minimal effort mind you) decompress it when you need it. It's how Skyrim has a super tiny install file and games like Halo Reach and Witcher 2 look good while still fitting on 1 disc. And while it will most likely have to be on multiple discs (something I have no issue with) honestly they should be able to fit everything on 2 DVD 9's, and maybe it will encourage Kojima to trim the fat on his friggin' cut scenes. SERIOUSLY AN HOUR AND A HALF LONG CUTSCENE FOR MGS4!!! It legit made me late for work just watching it all.

LE5LO 94 pts

 David_Boreanaz  Hoski0999  proceeder @David_Boreanaz I'm the last person you could call a fanboy as I own a Wii, 360, PS3 and just about every other console known to man...but Dave - "better contrast" - GAMMA analysis shows Xbox games are way off the curve. Enjoy the nerd fight and you're "better" contrast David_Boreanaz. I'm out of here!!! ;)



alsatian86 15 pts

 David_Boreanaz  Hoski0999  proceeder Witcher 2 had 2 discs...  Xbox360 was behind the times the moment it was released. I own both, never had a problem with my PS3, had it for 6 years now about. Went through 2 Xbox's in that same time period... No HD as high as PS3, and no Blu-Ray, and they charge you for everything (need to get internet adapters-no built in wifi, pay for the internet on it, etc.) There is no comparison, there is no argument, Sony has been the innovator and highest quality producer of electronics for over 3 decades now. Playstation uber allis

diablonn 164 pts

 RFT-23 Your statement really does not make any sense. if you got a PS3 buy then buy the game for your system and be quiet . It's honestly a smart move by Kojima, more money in his pocket truth be told. Extremely looking forward to this, system irregardless.

RFT-23 17 pts

 diablonn Yes you are right about the profit part. However the reason i said that was because MGS franchise (1,2,3 and 4) was mainly a Playstation game. After MGS4, things changed and they started making HD editions of 2, 3 and PW for Xbox. I have been playing MGS since the beginning in PS , so that is why i really wanted MGS series in PS only. However bcz of this, i think its now very profitable for Kojima Productions (like u said). They deserve to get some more money and credit. So in the end, its all for the best.   

l0kmun 5 pts what was the point of snake climbing up the entire cliff stealthily and sneak into the base if at the end of the day you just send a helicopter in there.  And no one in the base can see the helicopter??  Open world is great in theory but I can imagine it being buggy as hell.

RFT-23 17 pts

 l0kmun  Kojima said he didnt have much time to show how summoning a helicopter can be used tactically. He just showed us that we can actually do that in the game. Its a demo. Not a finished product. 

Hoski0999 69 pts

 RFT-23  l0kmun What RFT-23 said, it the real game youre prob spotted by that point, this is a tech demo to show off the games features and it didn't have enough time to get out into safety to call the chopper in.  He even says in the demo that your heli can get shot down if youre not careful.  He did this with MGS4 as well when he demoed it.  It will all work out you'll see.


Ghost-Eye 6 pts

Can't wait for this, don't think they need to make a movie with the length of the cut scenes tho lol Plus in the trailer his eye patch is on the left on but in the picture his eye patch is on the right eye and if it's a follow up what happend to that robot eye patch thingy? 

Hoski0999 69 pts

 Ghost-Eye This is Big Boss not Solid Snake.  This is a prequel to even MGS1.  If you ever played MGS3 you play as Big Boss (aka Naked Snake) in which his story continues through MGS: Portable Ops, MGS: Peace Walker, and this will take place right after Peace Walker.

phenom23454 11 pts

 Ghost-Eye i could understand that but what about the tech snake is using, looks pretty high tech for what i believe to be between the 70's to early 90's

Hoski0999 69 pts

 phenom23454  Ghost-Eye True but this is how Kojima runs his games usually.  Metal Gear games are fictional tales that stick to the time period with different twists away from the norm.  You see that in Metal gear games a lot.

dah_master 34 pts

Ugh... I should really get started on the MGS series...

Hoski0999 69 pts

 dah_master I agree 1 million percent haha.  However, judging your avatar, you have picked an outstanding series in the RPG genre.

Madball357 158 pts

If you want to see 'gameplay', skip to 10 minutes.

Hoski0999 69 pts

 Madball357 Technically though this is all gameplay in a sense.  Kojima uses the game engine for all of his cut scenes.  But yes if you want to see the player controled portion 10 minutes.

Madball357 158 pts


Sorry, but cinematic cutscenes aren't gameplay in any 'sense'. They're just that: cutscenes.

Hoski0999 69 pts

 Madball357 It uses the in game engine, which is exactly how the game will look and feel durring gameplay.  I said in a sense it is all gameplay, because it is all in real time, not rendered cutscene.  think outside the box a little.

Madball357 158 pts


Cinematics are non-interactive form of media regardless if they are done with the game's engine or pre rendered, and have nothing to do with gameplay. It's not a matter of thinking outside the box, it's actually a matter of seeing things for what they are.


You can learn absolutely nothing of gameplay from a cutscene because they aren't interactive.


Gameplay does not equal graphics.

Hoski0999 69 pts

 Madball357 Normal cutscenes are pre-render and do not use the game engine, this is EXACTLY what the game looks like meaning this is REAL TIME within the game. Stop being so one minded and look at the argument. YES IT IS A CUT SCENE AND NOT PLAYER CONTROLLED I GET THAT, but this still shows off what the game will look like during GAMEPLAY!! Does it make even a little sense now? no? probably not.........


Lei_11 65 pts

Open world may just be the thing the MGS series needs. Think back to MGS2, it had circular type worlds in which you could revisit each part (almost) whenever you wanted to, but that also meant it had secrets, details and choices stashed everywhere making it the game with the richest gameplay. Now imagine this open world taking it way further! Kojima may just have the formula to make this game the best one of the series!

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Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes

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