Halo 4: A Hero Awakens

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See all the work that goes into capturing the actor performances for Halo 4's dramatic story.


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Lorik9 20 pts

Personally I prefer Chief as a quiet, absolute, almost "hand-of-god" character, but I would like to see exploration of his human side.  I just hope that this focus is shown more through Cortana, as she does essentially represent Chiefs conscious

why9090909090 11 pts

Well my 360 just broke and I got a new job. I've been saving for a brand new xbox and am going to get halo 4 come black friday ;)

usermikey 9 pts

Looking forward to playing through the story on this one.

7rooper 21 pts

So we can finally see Master chief's face!!!

PurePropaganda 20 pts

halo got old after #3 , 2 was the best by FAR.


Vitex2003 33 pts

I prefer more ralisgtic games :)

RBwd 14 pts

 Vitex2003 never heard of a ralisgtic game haha

SalahDinThe2nD 19 pts

 RBwd  Vitex2003  I think he mean , Realistic  first person shooter instead of SC-Fi FPS .

buccomatic 1777 pts

halo is a worn out and nerdy franchise.



Hey_Jay 311 pts

 buccomatic Worn out? Maybe. Unknowable until the game comes out and is actually played. Nerdy? Every gaming franchise is a nerdy franchise. If you're really using nerdy as an insult, you are certainly in the wrong kind of company. The gaming community is inherently nerdy. We are all nerds. In the context of gamers, 'nerdy' is much more complimentary than insulting, unless it were coming from some jock troll.

generaljw 32 pts


"Halo has a story to get invested in? Damn I must have missed in when I blinked, in between walking down the same corridors and killing enemies for 10 whole hours per game."


I say again, I've read the books. The Halo universe is much bigger than the games you have played. If you have no time for Halo then the books aren't for you but for anyone who likes the story, I would very much recommend them.


I really wish you guys would listen sometimes, we waste so much time with people just not listening.


The only games I own are Halo titles, MGS, GTA, GOW, Crysis, Supreme Commander and Command & Conquer titles.


If you like just 1 of those games, then accept that we have something in common and stop highlighting our differences.


And lastly, for all you guys who take this sooooo seriously, stop masturbating and playing Video games and actually live life a bit more.

Games are for fun, not for arguing about.

MooncalfReviews 557 pts

You're typing about 5 times as much as me and you tell ME to stop masturbating and arguing about? LOL!!


As for the books thing, yeah Space Invaders also had an AMAZING book to go with the story. So they decided to leave out the entire story from the game and just have it in a book. ;)


Dude, if I have to look elsewhere for the story other than the game itself, then the GAME doesn't have a story.

generaljw 32 pts


 Well in an ideal world, games would have a fully fledged story in them and MGS is the only game out of the games that I've played that tells you all you need to know. The long cutscenes are a blessing for me but some its tedious so you can't make everyone happy.


Anyway, it's a given that books are normally better than their film or video game adaptations and Halo itself could only allude to the detail which the books go into otherwise it would need to be like MGS lol.



danielcliment 82 pts

I haven't play Halo for a very long time, what I miss the most on this game and I just dont understand why they pull it off is "ROCKET RACE" that was the most fun and frantic game mode, I laughed so hard every time you passed some else at 100 miles an hour ans hear them yelling "GO BACK GO BACK" "SHOOT HIM"....that was fun!!! CO OP at his best! :) if they decide to bring it back, I'm buying the game today....

jayjay444 290 pts

 danielcliment rocket race was in halo reach for a while but they change the game modes all the time they probs will have it as a  game mode at some point in halo 4, also griftball was fun and thats back in halo 4:)

danielcliment 82 pts

 jayjay444 never heard of griftball, but sounds fun! I have to admit I lost interest in halo after Reach,  I feel it didn't evolve game wise, graphically is pretty good! I wish other games had that amazing theater mode!!!

MooncalfReviews 557 pts

They wait for the 4th game (technically like 6th? 7th) to make a "dramatic" story?



jayjay444 290 pts

 MooncalfReviews dont know where u were when i was playing halo all of them are "dramatic" this one is more "dramatic" i think u should go play your dull story of resistance. 

SalahDinThe2nD 19 pts

 jayjay444  MooncalfReviews   Do not insult Resistance , it has it is moment , and i believe it has more potiential to have a dramtic story

Matrix_guy 5 pts

Single player looks... ok but im afraid multiplayer is gonna be similar to CoD


nameaprice 136 pts

How many times have we seen online videos like these and then the game sucks? Not saying it will be the case with this game, so cool your jets fan boys, but you get what im saying right? Dev. can talk as much as they want about how they're trying to achieve something but in the end the game will be the deciding factor.

evilweav 101 pts

 nameaprice Brink had a ton of these videos. So did demon's forge. All PR fluff, but still fun to watch.

nameaprice 136 pts

 evilweav yea true... im hungry... i think ill make a sandwich

TrueGB 571 pts

 nameaprice Yeah, Bungie was pretty bad with the hype to actual gameplay thing, and I doubt 343 is any different. In some cases, Bungie outright lied (remember the videos showing the options for Firefight? Did we even get 1/100 of those options? Those options were for Bungie and Bungie only). Halo 4 will be like all the others, nothing more. That's not a bad thing, mind you.

goufzero20 13 pts

My only concern that might be 12 hours and less with it all being about multiplayers. I liked halo but seems each game got shorter after first one exception of reach which seemed longer than 2, 3 and ddst.

jasonzilla11 68 pts

 goufzero20 ODST was really short. I was surprised to play ODST after Halo 3 and finish it in less than a few days. The main games in the series seem a lot longer, but I think Halo 3 just had better pacing than the other two games, which is why it seemed shorter. But I could be wrong, I haven't played it in a while.


But yeah, 343 better not turn Halo into another FPS with a short singleplayer and an over complicated multiplayer. 

TopGunnas 58 pts

the holy halo. come on november hurry up

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