Halo 4 DLC pass detailed

$25 War Games Map Pass offers nine competitive multiplayer maps to be released between December and April; included with $100 limited edition.

Gamers wishing to pick up Halo 4 and all its add-on map packs will end up spending at least $85 to do so. Microsoft today announced the Halo 4 War Games Map Pass, a $25 offering that gets players nine maps in total that will be released between December 2012 and April 2013.

The map packs will retail for about $10 each as standalone downloads, meaning those who purchase the pass will save about 15 percent. In addition, players who purchase the Map Pass will receive two in-game helmets ("Scanner" and "Strider") and an in-game emblem ("Falcon").

The War Games Map Pass is included with the $100 Halo 4 Limited Edition.

The first map pack due out for Halo 4 is titled Crimson. It will launch in December and includes the Wreckage, Harvest, and Shatter maps. Following in February 2013 will be the Majestic map pack, which adds the Landfall, Monolith, and Skyline environments to the mix. Rounding out the offerings will be the Castle map pack in April 2013. It adds the Daybreak, Outcast, and Perdition maps.

Halo 4's $25 DLC pass is one of the least expensive such offerings. Max Payne 3, Gears of War 3, Forza 4, and Borderlands 2 each made $30 passes available to users. On the highest end of the spectrum are Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Forza Horizon, which will both have $50 DLC passes.

Halo 4 is due exclusively for Xbox 360 on November 6 worldwide. The game is a direct sequel to 2007's Halo 3 and is the first numbered entry in the series developed outside of Bungie Studios. It is the first installment in the Reclaimer Trilogy, which will span Halo 5 and Halo 6.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He lives in Connecticut, works out of the company's New York City office, and loves extra chunky peanut butter.

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DarthLod 1006 pts

What alot of you simply don't see is that this is leading into developers charging and doing as they please because you open your wallets wide and LET them. We thought day one DLC and stupid Map Packs was bad, as well as other nickle and dime DLC crap. So, now we have Seasons Passes becoming the NEXT rip off tactic. All because you let them. That's why people are upset. Was 60 dollars somehow NOT ENOUGH already for the game??? No one put's their foot down and say's ENOUGH! I for one do. I refuse to buy this garbage. I wait for GOTY or Ultimate editions and don't give them piles of money.

Q-abs 42 pts

 DarthLod digital high-five bro :)

Cruisemissile 400 pts

 DarthLod If anything ive noticed is that maps are getting more and more expensive over the years first with cod it was $15 for a map pack now its $25 with this game.

HaK-ForgoTT3n 20 pts

 DarthLod 100% correct. I'm 20 years old with 6 grand of spending money in my bank account and still ain't dumb enough to not only buy a game for $60 fucking dollars, but to then go pay an additional $25 for a map pack?...Yea right. I'll just wait it out until the game drops to $30 and probably won't even buy their rip off map packs. Hopefully theres a sale on black friday.

Martyr77 82 pts

I still can't get over the fact people pay money on top of what they paid for the game for MAPS.

cephas90 162 pts

Only DLC pass I've ever bought has been BL2 and so far, it's been worth it.  Map packs are a joke.

firstfist 20 pts

Nope, sorry.  I don't even buy games at launch if they have this stupid pass.  I'll wait till the price drops on any game that announces a season pass before the game is launched.

Besides, charging for a multiplayer map isn't all that bad, but what they are charging for them is.  If they weren't so pricey, more people would buy them, then more people would play them, then more people would buy them.  One or two dollars a map would more than cover the cost of developing them.  800+ points for a map pack is a joke.

Vodoo 607 pts

 firstfist $2 is good but $3 is asking to much? And that's full price btw.

gobluebuckeye 8 pts


Some people hate this, but when it comes to games I know I am going to play the heck out of, they are a good idea. If it only saves me 33% thats fine because I am going buy all the dlc's anyways. For games I play only on a limited basis, then obviously buying a season pass would be ridiculous, especially since I only buy the DLC's to games I really enjoy. Halo 4 is going to be one of those games, but I got the limited edition so its all good.  

EPaul 301 pts

So this Season DLC pass thing has become standard now

sleepnsurf 105 pts

Remember Vietnam from BFBC2, unbalanced and empty all for $20 bux.

AlabamaFan92 29 pts

 sleepnsurf it was $15. it wan't unbalanced. it wasn't empty. so much wrong with your statement lol

gobluebuckeye 8 pts

 sleepnsurf The Vietnam pack and maps were amazing. The only thing that sucked about it was the lack of people playing it.

sleepnsurf 105 pts

TIL.. Do not buy map pack because the servers are empty. Stick with vanilla

frunklindoodle 59 pts

Cha Ching!  Cha Ching!  That's the sound of your wallet taking a dump on Microsoft games and services.  

GamerMani 32 pts

343 just want to make money like Halo?s predecessor Bungie

_Silent_Jay_ 30 pts

 GamerMani And?  It's kind of the point of being in business.

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erix43 124 pts



Get the f**k out of here you loser, no one wants your shit links. Kill yourself. 

Atheosis 177 pts

Are they going to be big maps for Dominion?  Because that's the only mode I'm likely to ever play.

Gojomez 26 pts

Eh, at least they are selling it as a solid map pack for 25 bucks. Thats half the price as those money guzzlers over at Inifinity ward and EA.

Daian 682 pts

 Gojomez lol, u're delusional, CoD map packs are 15$ for 5 maps aka 3$/map which means 9 maps would be 27$ which is not much of a difference from 25$.


Not only that but this is a season pass bs which means it has a small discount which means that sold separately they probably average at the same price as CoD maps. So lol at your "half the price" comment.


PS. Don't get the wrong idea, I hate both equally,lol, map packs are ripoffs.

oo7superdave 23 pts

 Daian  Gojomez 

5 maps??? are you including spec-ops and zombies in there cause i would like to know when COD ever gave 5 multiplayer maps per map pack other wise the $15 / 3 per map isn't  exactly true

irwin88 58 pts

maybe they should call it "HALO 4 Premium" :P

collingtonuk 36 pts

I'll pass, they will be empty maps most after the first couple of weeks. People seem to be more interested in the achievements that go with them than the maps themselves. I must have played some of the Reach DLC maps once ever.

tightwad34 481 pts

Shouldn't it be a rule that if you get the limited editions or collectors editions of games that all DLC and any other add-on comes with that purchase?

NeoJ4K3 22 pts

 Ayfauri I agree and disagree

Gojomez 26 pts

 Ayfauri Ok, then you make em. Because 343 sure as hell dont work for free.

hydrobeast 24 pts


I have to disagree with you there. I think that its ok that they are charging. Only because they are giving us those weekly level thing for free. Thought im not sure what the week episode thing is about or either or not it'll be good

PrpleTrtleBuBum 154 pts

What's weird is just the imbalance. The game has campaign, multiplayer with 10 maps, forge, theathre, spartan ops intro and all the assets for $60. Then the DLC of 9 maps is $25, half of the full game if bought seperatedly.


So are they selling the game dirt cheap or are they asking a ridicilous price for the maps? By logic the 10 maps of the original game alone should cost $30 while campaign is the most effortive section with the voice actors, AI programmers and cinematic designers.


If you could buy a single map (or any DLC was relative to the game) for $1-2 I doubt there would be much complaining.

Hellhound30x 200 pts

I think I'll pass on the DLC for Halo 4 multi player maps. WHY? I've bought all the DLC for Halo 3, Halo Reach, and you know what I've come to find out? People play on them for the first couple months, and then you're stuck playing default maps....and ONCE and a GREAT WHILE you might find a team that has all the maps. Its a waste of money if you ask me. Then if you think about it, 90 percent of the maps aren't even as good as the default maps... so yeah, so PASSING on this.

DBZ19 8 pts

 Hellhound30x personally not a halo fan, but your totally correct. ive bought maps for other FPS shooters and hardly anyone has them so its just a huge waste of time.

Sigil-otaku 128 pts

 Hellhound30x I haven't bought too many maps recently but wasn't there a feature so you could specifically play with the new maps? I remember that being on reach if I remember right and it allowed you to stick with the maps only DLC available.

The-Neon-Seal 255 pts

 Hellhound30x I agree, the maps that came with reach were WAY better than the dlc.

shibbyl0w5 6 pts

hey guys just wondering if u all no what DLC stands for? because it does not stand for free content ok. if you dont want to buy it then dont simple as that. :)

GH05T-666 124 pts

I hate DLC passes coz you never no if u will get your moneys worth.

This one seems okay but the call of duty elite was so terrible it has scared me off DLC passes of good!

Vodoo 607 pts

Halo is a franchise that could easily charge $50 for this dlc pass, like CoD, but they're not. Even individually the map pack are $10, compared to CoD & Battlefields $15 packs. 

I also think that this will be the best Halo game since Halo 2, simply because Bungie isn't in the picture anymore. Bungie was stagnating Halo and had no fresh ideas. 343 has already improved the overall look of the game by making it look much more realistic, whereas Bungie made it look cartoony. 

Halo has fresh blood pumping through it. Halo will once again reign supreme like the days of old   ;>}

Falru 340 pts

 Vodoo Or it will suck, you never know until you actually play the thing.

RikusTwilight 24 pts

 Falru  Vodoo

 I played it at Eurogamer. It's awesome

Vodoo 607 pts

 Falru Halo is probably the one franchise I don't need to play to know if it's good or not. I've played every Halo game and they never change the core gameplay mechanics because that's the foundation Halo is built on. I'm only referring to single player btw. I haven't played much multiplayer since Halo 2 because it just didn't stack up. Hopefully this games' multiplayer is also a return to greatness.

TrueGB 547 pts

Halo maps haven't been worth the money since Halo 2 when they would become free so everyone could play the same maps together. In Halo 3 they tried to bar you from playing certaing game types if you didn't have the DLC maps. Result: nobody played those game types. In Reach they had a couple DLC specific game types or they would match you to other players with those maps. Result: nobody played those game types and those matches were rare. I felt ripped off when I bought the maps for Halo 3. I didn't feel like I missed anything by not buying them for Reach.

They need to be free. Not because I want to save money or because I believe DLC is wrong or because I don't think 343 deserves the money, but because there is no real value in something when only a very small number of people can make use of it. They're better off selling armor permutations. I don't mind using the default armor. Heck, this system is working great for Mass Effect 3.

xl0Wolf0lx 6 pts

 TrueGB  Mass Effect 3 is giving us free multi-player DLC for fucking up the ending of the game. Thanks for reminding me of that I had almost buried it :(

HaK-ForgoTT3n 20 pts

 TrueGB I agree 100%. I remember when ODST came out with the new maps included and bungie literally said "the maps will not come out on the marketplace" What do you know...3 or 4 months later the maps release on the market place. It was just a scheme to get people to buy shitty ass ODST. I was one of the dumb ones for buying it, because I couldn't play MLG playlist without the new maps. I will never make a dumb mistake like that again after that. At least the price of ODST wasn't too bad after I traded in my halo3 for store credit.

wafflekings 20 pts

id be more surprised to see a popular game not rip off their customers, hell even mario is getting in on this

CosmicJosh 14 pts

I wish that 343 had charged for Spartan Ops, simply because I think that it would fit better as DLC. But hey, it's their choice, just like everyone gets to choose whether or not they want to buy it.

Phoenix-Ho-Yoku 17 pts

yea let the idiots rush for this craps then ppl wonder why devs keep pushing dlc's

MJ12-Conspiracy 713 pts

I'm seriously not getting this, between the game being a hard drive killer and this crap it's not worth getting not matter how thought provoking, mind blowing, amazing etc it is.....

the biggest truth is every Halo game I've played it was more the single player portion and not so much the multiplayer so a game like this isn't worth it for me.

Master_Turismo 158 pts

In a way you're better off buying the Standard Game and the Pass because you'll end up saving a good $10. That is if you're not into Limited Editions. Considering the price of the DLC its not too bad compared to Forza Horizon and Call of Duty Black Ops II.



msfan1289 199 pts

 Master_Turismo nothing is better off. doesnt matter if you sae $1 or a trillion dollars, DLC is DLC. and charging people for this crap is just stupid, and anyone who buys it is stupid too.

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