Far Cry 3 - Hoyt the Tyrant Trailer

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Meet Hoyt, the depraved mastermind behind the insanity and atrocities of the island.


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grgcucu 40 pts

"Sorry, you may not access this content."? Wait... Is it my fault or gamespot just went full r****

tightwad34 475 pts

This game is really shaping up to be a solid addition to the library. I don't know why it's not as wanted as it should be. Maybe it's the timing of the release, but it's the only AAA game coming in Dec. as far as I can tell. I know most of us will be engaged in other games by then, but you can try and get it for X-Mas, no?

Rovelius 507 pts

This kind of project doesn't fund itself, you know !

salarjj 5 pts

say hello to my little friend!!!!!

tightwad34 475 pts


 Um, what? That's not original at all.

Zensword 23 pts

Can't wait for the awesomeness on Dec 4!!!

JamesThePrince 46 pts

Do i need to play the other's to get this game cause I 'm intrigued by this game ;D 

tightwad34 475 pts


The only time you really need to do that is if it's a series with a complex storyline and you really care about stories in games. I for one don't play games for the stories. They are just a bonus in my opinion.

gamingfrendly 482 pts

he have a scar face thing about him

ztron370 129 pts

I will introduce Hoyt to my Rocket launcher.

Leopard_Gr 7 pts

I can't wait for this game!!!

Nice music for explosions...btw!


ricocs 23 pts

why am i addicted to this game and i haven't even played it yet

BetaVulgaris 31 pts

 ricocs You've probably been exposed to passive gaming, lawl.

GamerOuTLaWz 443 pts

anyway this game always looks more n more awesome its unbelievable. deff the next title Im getting

GamerOuTLaWz 443 pts

my maryjuana plants  are the same size!!!

Psycold 496 pts

 GamerOuTLaWz Now you just gotta learn to spell Marijuana!

burnteyeball 29 pts

hoyt reminds me of the joker plus I was hoping to see body parts fly in the rice patties just like rambo...

renatogsms 8 pts

GOTY? I mean, Mass Effect 3 was ok, Max Payne 3 was awesome (not quite as much as The Fall of Max Payne, however) and  Assassin's Creed seems will be a nice asset to my collection (it looks just very repetitive) but, this... well it's seems it'll be just an astounding mind blower (and I didn't really enjoy Far Cry 2 that much; the first one was great however). 

TedSheckler 74 pts

 HonorOfGod Umm... That's not how you spell "epic."

HonorOfGod 199 pts

 TedSheckler oh! ok let me try again .. let see.. Ewww!

snaketus 156 pts

Can't wait to play this. I'm dissapointed of co-op mode tho. Me and my brother looked forward to it. Well maybe we have to do our co-op stuff in somewhere else.

AmirLegend23 16 pts

 snaketus Play CoD black ops 2 co-op on zombie mode xD

Csongli 10 pts

 snaketus Borderlans 2 is the best for co-op :)

GamerOuTLaWz 443 pts

 snaketus  isnt there a co-op where you play 4 other survivors??

HonorOfGod 199 pts

 AkhilAnilkumar Drone stop using that freaking word FFS.

shingui5 248 pts

 HonorOfGod  AkhilAnilkumar what?

he likes a game so he's automatically a drone?


get over yourself.

HonorOfGod 199 pts

 shingui5  AkhilAnilkumar The word... stay on topic.

AkhilAnilkumar 23 pts

Can this game get anymore epic


DITHRICH 190 pts

oh i am going to enjoy killing him and yelling "BLITZKRIEG!" 

FroMcJoe 46 pts

Da*n Rambo and Apocalypse Now in the same trailer. TOO DOWN!

UniversalCypher 39 pts

this game looks so extraordinarily ambitious - im beginning to wonder if its even real anymore. my impulse buyer side is telling me to pre-order it - along with a new gaming rig......decisions, decisions...

jagcivtec 198 pts

Highly anticipated.  Nice scene from RAMBO (hostages running in to mined rice fields)

dwhitek 33 pts

love these trailers,  but at the same time i find they are spoilers... finding out character i want to be surprised about. you might say don't watch it then... BUT I CANT. this game looks toooooooo effin good !!!!!

dwhitek 33 pts

lets see more sandbox game play instead


bumpies 16 pts

 dwhitek I agree! and yet at the other end of the spectrum I want more info on GTA 5. Arrrgg first world problems huh

dwhitek 33 pts

 bumpies lol yah GTA V looks amazing. but i wish we'd see some gameplay. I'm glad planes are back :)

buccomatic 1638 pts

every time i watch one of these farcry 3 video's i dislike the game more and more.

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