Halo 4 Scanned Launch Trailer

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Master Chief's mind is violated by a powerful new enemy, who in searching for Chief's weaknesses, finds the source of his strength.


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super_voltron 42 pts

I'm a ps3 fan but Halo is one the 360 classics I enjoy playing its one of the reasons why i have a 360

117hunder 5 pts

Great trailer for a great game!! check out my personal tribute to the Halo saga that i've uploaded to my channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSiNUNG92eI

H4num4n 39 pts

 cheese00701 As long as Halo stays true to it's great gameplay(great story, physics, vehicles, great A.I., non scripted battles, huge Levels) i don't care:D

theviveka 5 pts

Love Master Chief suit. Trailer can expand into a movie like " The First Master Chief ".

i found HALO 4 GOOGLE CHROME THEME. hope you all like this. http://www.chromeposter.com/games/halo-4-google-chrome-theme/

rapestorm 5 pts

If he was black I wouldn't play halo anymore. It would make sense though since he can jump real high

Getbacktogaming 338 pts

@rapestorm You had to post a comment like THAT twice, really? Give us a break!

rapestorm 5 pts

If He was black I wouldn't play halo anymore. It would make sense though since he can jump real high

billlabowski 364 pts

This is better than what that Forward Unto Dawn is turning out to be.

moorefeus 6 pts


uglypinkmoose 89 pts

 FlyingAce1016 Yes...but there's more to it than that

kratos-vs-cloud 5 pts

The scene at 2:00. doesn't it looks like Ghost Riders look into my eyes kinda scene.


Theone0018 5 pts

Played and completed it. All I can say is 343 made a great game. *No spoilers*

Getbacktogaming 338 pts

@Theone0018 ...hmmm and how did you have access to it?

Theone0018 5 pts

 Getbacktogaming  Like nearly every Halo game, it leaked early. I was fortunate enough to play it 

Getbacktogaming 338 pts

@Theone0018 ...right I was hoping for something better like "I had access to a review copy" but whatever I refuse to hack my Xbox so I'll just wait. Good to know it's great though... Better than Reach or Halo 3?

JamesThePrince 28 pts

I don;t own an xbox 360.Never played Halo in my life but I GUARANTEE YOU Halo 4 will dominate COD Black Ops II at the end of the year.Love the trailer.If someone can help me out and explain what Halo is lol. It seem's really cool. thanks guys ;) 

CivilizedPsycho 92 pts


 Play the Halo 1 first!  It was re-released and re-mastered for the 360.  You definitely want to pick it up!

cellbuster 23 pts

 JamesThePrince If you never played halo, then you don't know that as great of a game it is, no one would ever say that it's as easy to pick up or accessible as a call of duty game. And for that reason alone, it will never take CoD off its pedestal.  A quick synopsis of halo, 26th century, discovery of slipspace drive has made humans really busy moving around in space.  They discover a largely theologically driven race that adopted technology from a much MUCH more advanced race.  That more advanced race is the adversary in Halo 4

CivilizedPsycho 92 pts


But seriously, how have you not played Halo?  That must have been a heavy rock!

CivilizedPsycho 92 pts

So when Master Chief is a little kid, he is white.  But when he grows up, he is black?  Wtf?  They should've left out the live-action portion of the video, the end of it was badass though!  And another thing...if Promethean Knights are part of an alien race, why do they have a human skull for a face?


I sure hope there are answers in the game.

Supabul 102 pts

 CivilizedPsycho Where in the video did Master Chief change into a black man, I didn't see it

DoomSky 45 pts

 CivilizedPsycho During the whole Spartan Training bit its mostly first person through chiefs eyes the other dude is just someone else in the program.

twistedkid77 23 pts

 CivilizedPsycho The Prometheans are the "Forerunners" of humanity. This is hinted at in other games, which is why in Halo 3, the covenant needed a human to access Foreunner technology because it was built for them.

AwsomeZ101 6 pts

 twistedkid77  CivilizedPsycho

 no the forerunners, are creations or inheritants of the didacts like humanity. which is why in some way we both evolved quickly until welost the war in the begining. we are like cousins that hate each other.

AwsomeZ101 6 pts

 twistedkid77  CivilizedPsycho

 actually, i think he words didact, im not sure since the prometheans leader is called didact

HossamMathers 14 pts



i wish i could play it :(

Getbacktogaming 338 pts

@HossamMathers Why can't you? If you don't already own an Xbox just wait for Black Friday where I'm pretty sure the 4 GB version will sell for 100 USD

Kendojin 7 pts

With the way they do market Halo I swear they should've made a movie already if only they didn't lose funding for it! And all because the director only made short films...until he got his big break with District 9 that is.

MXVIII 150 pts

 Kendojin  Yeah unfortunately after his big break with District 9 he Didnt want to do Halo anymore. Sucks, but that shit happens.

joedan38 33 pts

 MXVIII  Kendojin It got canceled but I heard that someone else has picked up the idea and will therefore make a Halo movie. But they do have a Halo tv series thats well made its called "halo forward unto dawn" and you can just find on youtube in HD.

whackyq 17 pts

not sure if anyone read the book or not but, SPOILERS


Is that Halsey on the beach? It made it look like his mom but John is suppose to be an orphan right?


Just a little bit confused

Frost259 68 pts


 He still lived with his parents untill he was eight or something, then replaced with a clone. So on the beach it's more than likely his birth mother.

MXVIII 150 pts

 whackyq It shows him being replaced by a clone right there in the trailer XD

Spartan070 5 pts

 whackyq Yes that's Doc Halsey, also Frost259 he was 6 when Keyes and Halsey snatched him.

bmart970 95 pts

Why are they using real people in their trailers? It makes it seem like a movie, but its a video game.

killa32130 121 pts

This isn't the first time Halo used live action cutscenes.

bmart970 95 pts

 killa32130 Still though, almost every trailer is nearly entirely composed of real people, and then there's this Forward Unto Dawn thing....

kierwinyoung 45 pts

WHOA! Master Chief is badass when he fought those Promethean Knights. and the child part, kinda reminds me of Halo legends.

skullomania2 50 pts

I"m still trying to figure out what ate that poor beetle :)

MXVIII 150 pts

 skullomania2 Trapdoor Spider

ilantis 398 pts

Okay, I know this has few or nothing to do with the trailer, but how comes Master Chief never takes his armor off during all of the games ? Since there are no cutscenes you play as him basically from the start to the end. Does he even needs to eat, drink or take a dump from time to time ?

HookedonPhonicx 11 pts

 ilantis He does it during the loading screen

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