The Story So Far Part 5 of 5 - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

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  • Oct 19, 2012
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Desmond tracks down the present location of the apple and gets taken under it's control. To prepare for Assassin's Creed 3, we've put together major cut-scenes and gameplay from all of the previous entries in the series to catch you up with the story


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truckingpete 31 pts

The ending was another WTF moment. But still not as good as AC2 or AC1. Still made me want to play AC:R though!

Swanogt19 23 pts

I remember finishing Brotherhood and going "WTF"

g1rldraco7 286 pts

I was not expecting that. Lucy was on the enemy team the whole time.

saint311 12 pts

Did i miss the page that has all 5 episodes on 1 page like for AC1 and AC2?

Jan_Meja_Heir 41 pts moderator

 saint311 You mean this page?

All episodes are on the right side, click the older episodes link to get to AC1.


There were also the original feature pages if that's what you're looking for

Fowsed 113 pts

the ending of this game was a bid dissapointment. But the biggest letdown was Revelations ending,... I wanted to kill someone. One doesn't simply turn a franchise into a mainstream aliens did it conspiracy. THe AC1 story was the prime  > AC2>ACB>ACR

Andrecosta13 31 pts

 Fowsed Brotherhood and Revelations aren't supposed to be groundbreaking Assassin's games...they are just building up the story so we can have an EPIC AC3! The story is actually don't have to be so critic just because the gameplay was the same!

shadow6323 8 pts


 You obviously didn't pay much attention to story of AC 1 that you consider "Prime" then.The ones who came before are not Aliens, nor humans, they were on Earth well before humanity, and they created humanity. This is explained in both AC 1 and AC 2. The Franchise was not turned into an "Aliens did it" scenario.


Perhaps you should go play them again and pay more attention to the actual story this time.

TheAlmightyCow 22 pts

 Fowsed This is just too bad to even be true :I How could you not pay attention to the amazingly written story? It's not all about killing. It goes MUCH, MUUCH deeper. If you would do some research you would know that this isn't just some stories, some of it is actually both myths and legends.

Doomguard3 95 pts

 Fowsed So what part of the AC1 ending wasnt "alien" to you? It was "alien" right from the start.

Bhemont 83 pts

Do these games even have stories?  I mean, with the two endings in both previous games I felt really turned off and will most likely ignore this one.  

TheAlmightyCow 22 pts

 Bhemont You have no idea what you're missing out on...

rudyv30 35 pts

Thanks again for the umpteenth time. Couldn't finish this one or revelations, good to know what the story is before the 3rd. You guys should consider a channel of just game cutscenes. I can watch these for hours!

jcopp72 74 pts

still loving these, I havnt played Brotherhood or Revelations so this is good story telling for me.

Fowsed 113 pts

 jcopp72 you haven't missed anything important, sadly

DarkSeraphim666 14 pts

 Fowsed  jcopp72 *SPOILERS* yea im not sure watching lucy die and then finding out (in the revelations lost archive DLC) that she was a templar the whole time, is "nothing important"

svenjl 44 pts

@DarkSeraphim666 @Fowsed @jcopp72 And this is precisely why DLC absolutely stinks to high heaven. Should be in the game at release.

Bumblebee1138 194 pts

Did you even bother to pay any attention to those games. They gave biggest revelations of the whole franchise and you say nothing important happen?

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